Nov 19-23, 2010 - Saint Paul, MN
by Brooks Rownd
|  Historical Rubber Duck Museum
by Jeff B.
|  Mallard and Wood Ducks ~ Apr 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 21st
by Donna Race
|  Ducks and Grebes
by Wong Tsu Shi
|  Mallard and Wood Ducks ~ Apr 6th, 7th, 8th - 2006
by Donna Race
 Wood Ducks
by lejun
|  Rubber Duck Race 2009 at Stadtwald in Krefeld
by phsan
|  Redhead Ducks, Red-headed Ducks or Red-headed Pochards
by Gerry Gantt Nature & Scenic Photography
|  mergansers go free
by Cindy
|  Mallard Ducks, Snapper, Tadpoles ~ May 19-June 8
by Donna Race