Entering main square (campo) of Gheto Novo (1516). Gheto Novo is surrounded by Gheto Vecchio (1541).
 Bridge to the Gheto Novo (foreground) on an islet the oldest part of the Jewish Ghetto (Ghetto Ebreo)
 Campo de Gheto Novo (Jewish Guetto) GT1L1894
 Favela da Rocinha Rocinha Gheto
 graphic gheto
 rocinha gheto
 Campo del Gheto Novo
 Scuola Spagnola (left) at the Campielle de le Scuole in the Gheto Vecchio
 Scola Tedesca (top floor, left) & Museo Ebraico (right). In Gheto Novo. Oldest synagogue, 1520's, in Ghetto. (Ashkenazic)
 Sign for oldest part of the Jewish Ghetto, Gheto Novo (1516). Synagogues in the Ghetto are relatively inconspicuous.