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similar to - tel aviv - haifa - jerusalem - yaffa - israel - akko - old jaffa - acre - ashdod - caesarea
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jaffa Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 71
Tel Aviv - Jaffa
Tel Aviv - Jaffa
by Denise J T Lee
by Sai Fai
Jaffa Cake, The Ginger Pud
Jaffa Cake, The Ginger Pud
by Doug Cruden
Tel Aviv Jaffa
Tel Aviv Jaffa
by Dudy Tuchfeld
by fredy ross
Jaffa Harbor
Jaffa Harbor
by Shlomi
Jaffa  march 2006
Jaffa march 2006
by Eldan Meidan
Old Jaffa, Ajami & the beach
Old Jaffa, Ajami & the beach
by Danny Yanai
Old  Commercial  Center ( In Ha'Atsmaut Rd. - ex Kings Rd.- & Jaffa Rd.)
Old Commercial Center ( In Ha'Atsmaut Rd. - ex Kings Rd.- & Jaffa Rd.)
by Jurisam
Tel Aviv -Jaffa  2004-2005-2006
Tel Aviv -Jaffa 2004-2005-2006
by Tommy Junger

jaffa Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 1612
Man selling pomegranate juice near the Mediterranean Sea in Jaffa. Fisherman & entrance to old Jaffa port in the background.
Minaret of the Al Bahr Mosque in Jaffa Mediterranean Sea and skyline of Tel Aviv are in the background.
Fisherman along the Mediterranean Sea in Jaffa. The entrance to the Jaffa port is in the background.
Andromeda’s Rock off the coast of Jaffa: Greek mythology where Andromeda was sacrificed to a sea monster to appease Poseidon.
Hassan Bek Mosque & minaret Jaffa. Built by Turks, 1916. Tied to Israeli Palestinian conflict site of many conflicts
Two men playing chess close to the Mediterranean Sea in Jaffa. Part of Jaffa’s old city wall is in the background.
Judy, Moshe and Orna in a passageway in the old section of Jaffa.
Tel Aviv as seen from the south in Jaffa, next to the Mediterranean Sea. Contrast of old and new styles of architecture.
A passageway in the old section of Jaffa.
Orna on a passageway in the artist’s section – part of the old section of Jaffa.
Result Page: 1 of 162 Next

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