Configuration-20171114 - Explore Scientific ES80ED APO on the Celestron AVX mount
by William Shaheen
|  Configuration-20171122 - Explore Scientific ES102ED APO on the Celestron AVX mount
by William Shaheen
|  Explore Scientific ED102 Triplet APO Refractor
by William Shaheen
|  Teylers museum Haarlem
by Foto.Wildschut
|  Explore Scientific 102ED Refractor and the Celestron AVX
by William Shaheen
 LIGO Hanford Observatory
by Jeff B.
|  Explore Scientific ED127 Triplet APO Refractor
by William Shaheen
|  Jaipur - Rajasthan
by Karthik Raja
|  Visit ...Evidence of the UnSeen
by LeSon Photography
|  Arctic Svalbard -- Land of the Ice Bears
by Bill Klipp