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Sample photos taken with Sigma cameras and lenses..
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sigma 150 macro Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 14
Sigma 150 / 2.8 Macro on a 5D
Sigma 150 / 2.8 Macro on a 5D
by joe
Sigma 150/2.8 OS Macro
Sigma 150/2.8 OS Macro
by lwestfall
Sigma 150mm Macro
Sigma 150mm Macro
by Tom Rowland
Sigma 150mm Macro
Sigma 150mm Macro
by nhl
D300 w/the 'bugma' 150 2.8 macro
D300 w/the 'bugma' 150 2.8 macro
by no body
by Harry David Horning
D300: macro tubes, TCs and reverse adapters on different lenses
D300: macro tubes, TCs and reverse adapters on different lenses
by no body
Exotic Botanicals
Exotic Botanicals
by Bart Aldrich
Flowers and Macros
Flowers and Macros
by Al Swanson
Some Insects...............
Some Insects...............
by Richard Diepstraten

sigma 150 macro Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 55
sigma 150 mm macro.jpg
20070424 132508 Canon 5D + Sigma 150/2.8 macro @ f/5.6, 1/125, ISO 100
20070427 130906 Canon 5D + Sigma 150/2.8 macro @ f/8, 1/800, ISO 400
20070427 175126 Canon 5D + Sigma 150/2.8 macro @ f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 100
20070527 182220 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 2.8, 1/2000, ISO 100
20070527 164724 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 2.8, 1/1600, ISO 50
20070527 170516 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 8, 1/160, ISO 100
20070513 152840 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 2.8, 1/250, ISO 100
20070612 184422 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 5.6, 1/200, ISO 400
20070612 190806 Canon 5D + Sigma 150 / 2.8 macro @ f / 5.6, 1/200, ISO 800
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