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zeugma Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 26
Gaziantep photos, mosaics - Zeugma (Belkis)
Gaziantep photos, mosaics - Zeugma (Belkis)
by Andrys Basten
Zeugma pictures and some Nizip pictures
Zeugma pictures and some Nizip pictures
by Dick Osseman
Zeugma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep
Zeugma Mosaic Museum in Gaziantep
by Dick Osseman
Gypsy mosaic
"Gypsy" mosaic
by Dick Osseman
by Dick Osseman
Kariye a.k.a. Chora
Kariye a.k.a. Chora
by Dick Osseman
Kleio and Euterpe mosaic
Kleio and Euterpe mosaic
by Dick Osseman
Antakya Archaeological Museum
Antakya Archaeological Museum
by Dick Osseman
by Carol 202
Ain Dara - Syria - a mound with Neo-Hittite temple
Ain Dara - Syria - a mound with Neo-Hittite temple
by dosseman_syria

zeugma Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 750
A poignant sculpture from a villa, seen in PBS Nova special
Gaziantep Zeugma Museum september 2014 2465.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma museum Stele sept 2019 3978.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma Museum september 2014 2466.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma museum Stele sept 2019 3979.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma museum Oceanus villa geometric mosaic sept 2019 4121.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma museum Antiochious stele sept 2019 3998.jpg
Eagle motif representing the Roman Period man and
wool basket motif representing the woman
Gaziantep Zeugma Museum september 2014 2468.jpg
Gaziantep Zeugma museum Antiochious stele sept 2019 3999.jpg
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