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similar to - zuiko - zuiko 35mm - olympus 35 - zuiko 50 - zuiko macro

Sample photos taken with Zuiko cameras and lenses..
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zuiko 35 Galleries Search Results 1 to 10 of 16
Olympus M.ZUIKO 12-40mm f2.8 PRO
Olympus M.ZUIKO 12-40mm f2.8 PRO
by Isabel Cutler
Marķa Cano Galleries
by Marķa Cano
Using Kodak Tri-X with Minolta gear at São Leonardo (Jan 2022)
Using Kodak Tri-X with Minolta gear at São Leonardo (Jan 2022)
by Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos
Africa 2002 Total Solar Eclipse Trip & Safari
Africa 2002 Total Solar Eclipse Trip & Safari
by Don Shedrick
Don Shedrick Galleries
by Don Shedrick
Picturing Venice with Agfa BW Scala in 1981
Picturing Venice with Agfa BW Scala in 1981
by Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos
Africa 2001 Total Solar Eclipse Expedition & Safari
Africa 2001 Total Solar Eclipse Expedition & Safari
by Don Shedrick
Mato Francês: using an old Olympus 35SPn loaded with Tri-X (2022)
Mato Francês: using an old Olympus 35SPn loaded with Tri-X (2022)
by Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos
Italy; St Margarita, Rapallo, Venice, Napoli, Pompeii (1981)
Italy; St Margarita, Rapallo, Venice, Napoli, Pompeii (1981)
by Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos
Rancho Queimado, Invernadinha, Taquaras; using a Leica R and HP5 film (2023)
Rancho Queimado, Invernadinha, Taquaras; using a Leica R and HP5 film (2023)
by Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos

zuiko 35 Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 23
zuiko 35 28.jpg
Olympus M.Zuiko ED 9 18mm 35.JPG
My Olympus Zuiko lens Collection: 21/3.5, 24/2, 28/2.8, 35/2, 40/2, 50/1.4, 50/1.8, 55/3.5 macro, 100/2.8, 135/2.8 and 200/5.
Parc Montsouris (Olympus OM2n and Zuiko 35/2)
Canal Saint Martin; around 1978 (Olympus OM2n, Zuiko 35/2)
Canal Saint Martin; around 1978 (Olympus OM2n; Zuiko 35/2)
The Olympus 35 SPn (manufactured between 1969 and 1976); sporting a fast Zuiko 42/1.7 (7 elements) lens.
Zuiko lineup
Zuiko lineup w/ hoods
Olympus 35 Wide S
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