Miami area and South Florida restaurants, drive ins, clubs, bars, etc. gone, but not forgotten
 My Personal Memories of old Hialeah, Florida (commentary only no photos) click on image to read
 Palm Springs Neighbors and Friends ADDRESSES and NAMES, no photos click on image to read
 Memories of old Miami and Dade County, Florida (commentary no photos) click on image to read
 Memories of Old Miami and Dade County from an e mail, author unknown click on image to view
 My Youth on Miami Beach by Richard Auspitz (commentary no photos) click on image to read
 230304 134320 0013 Fish Eye On Alfred Street, 2023 Version (Sat 04 Mar 23)
 Memories of old Coral Gables by Steve McDonald (commentary no photos) click on image to read
 1963 aerial view of when I 95 ended at NW 29th Street and NW 5th Avenue, Miami
 Oxford. Magdalen Street