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Coleen Perilloux Landry | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward After Hurricane Katrina tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward After Hurricane Katrina

The lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans is in an older part of the city where most of the houses are made of cypress in the shotgun or double shotgun style and are built on brick piers some three to four feet off the ground.
When the powerful water from the levee breaks of the Industrial Canal swept through this area it also swept many houses off their piers.
Today, January 16, 2006, four and one-half months after Katrina the area is still a disaster zone. There is no electricity, hardly one house left intact, and not much cleanup has been done. The City wants to bulldoze the houses that are just splinters but the homeowners are fighting every step of the way. The shock has been too much for them and only time will bring realization. Some yards are just heaps of pieces of houses, a roof, a window, a door, a brightly painted table. The force of water had its way.
And, just as in the gallery I did of Lakeview, I keep asking "where are all the people who lived here?"
Fats Domino's House in Ninth Ward
Fats Domino's House in Ninth Ward
Lower Ninth Ward-Five Months After Katrina
Lower Ninth Ward-Five Months After Katrina
Lower Ninth With Bridge Over Industrial Canal at North Claiborne Avenue
Lower Ninth With Bridge Over Industrial Canal at North Claiborne Avenue
Lower  Ninth
Lower Ninth
New Orleans'  Industrial Canal Levee Breach - Ninth Ward of New Orleans
New Orleans' Industrial Canal Levee Breach - Ninth Ward of New Orleans
Broken Up Houses Still Sit in the Streets
Broken Up Houses Still Sit in the Streets
When Houses Collided
When Houses Collided
Lower Ninth Four and One Half Months After Hurricane  Katrina
Lower Ninth Four and One Half Months After Hurricane Katrina
Ironic Street Sign in Devastated Area
Ironic Street Sign in Devastated Area
Steamboat House
Steamboat House
Second Steamboat House
Second Steamboat House
Holy Cross District of Ninth Ward
Holy Cross District of Ninth Ward
Across Side Street of Holy Cross School
Across Side Street of Holy Cross School
Across the side street from Holy Cross School
Across the side street from Holy Cross School
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Holy Cross District Around the Corner from Previous Three Images
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Three Years Later
Three Years Later
Three Years Later
Three Years Later
Three Years Later
Three Years Later