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Coleen Perilloux Landry | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Metairie Cemetery "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Metairie Cemetery "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die"

Listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, this cemetery has some of the most beautiful architecture, history and art work in New Orleans.
This gallery begins with photos taken on November 1, 2005, All Saints Day, a day traditionally set aside in New Orleans to honor the deceased family members. Tombs are cleaned weeks before and flowers, particularly huge chrysanthemums fill the vases on the tombs. All Saints Day is traditionally a civil holiday in New Orleans. However, this year Hurricane Katrina struck a blow and this beautiful cemetery sat in water eight to ten feet deep for almost three weeks. Families evacuated the City and what is normally a bustling cemetery with families visiting and meeting each other is today truly a city of the dead. Very few tombs had flowers but the artwork is still beautiful and the reverence I felt in the cemetery was awesome.
As a photo is added it is placed at the end of the gallery.
All Saints Day 2005
All Saints Day 2005
A Beautiful Piece of Art
A Beautiful Piece of Art
Sculpture on top of tomb
Sculpture on top of tomb
Unique architecture
Unique architecture
A young live oak graces these tombs
A young live oak graces these tombs
Tomb of a Scotsman
Tomb of a Scotsman
Various styles of architecture
Various styles of architecture
Inscribed on the Tomb of a Scotsman
Inscribed on the Tomb of a Scotsman
Harry's Resting Place
Harry's Resting Place
Bottinelli Tomb - Celebrating The Lives of Two People
Bottinelli Tomb - Celebrating The Lives of Two People