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XIV. Rogue's Gallery

Okay, we've now reached the end of the first round of the Shoot-In.
Most of you are aware that it was Lisa Horton who started it. Only a
handful, I think, are aware she also instigated something else a few years
earlier, and I think it's the right time to revisit it. What I'm referring
to here is a portfolio Lisa called The Usual Suspects. The name I'm giving
this mandate, however, is the "Rogue's Gallery".

And by now, you may have guessed that I'm looking for a self-
portrait. Stop groaning, it gets even better. The idea is, a portrait of
you yourself, but reflecting the style, technique, or surroundings that
define your own approach to photography. Perhaps the best way to put this
would be, the portrait you would use on the flyleaf of your own book of
photography, one that defines both you and your views.

Now the good news: We'll waive a few Rulz here. There is no time
limit; take as long as you need, since it appears the Shoot-In will still
be going strong for a while yet. Use an archive shot, as long as it fits
the other criteria. If someone else took it, I'd suggest you provide
credit, but it would be far better for it to be a self-portrait. If you
want to tweak it digitally, you're allowed, just this once (remember, this
is your 'promotional' shot, so use your own ethics in the situation). If
you really want to bail on this one, no problem - some people really hate
being on the front side of the camera. Just remember that you're snubbing
an homage to Lisa when you do so, not to mention being a craven coward ;-)

-Al Denelsbeck
Nov. 28, 2003


NOTE: Archived images denoted with an asterisk (*)
Richard Cockburn
Richard Cockburn
Matt Clara
Matt Clara
Joseph Kewfi
Joseph Kewfi
Thaddeus Lipshitz *
Thaddeus Lipshitz *
Chris Barnard
Chris Barnard
Andrew C. (Mr. Blobby)
Andrew C. (Mr. Blobby)
Leroy Jolicoeur
Leroy Jolicoeur
Bob Hickey
Bob Hickey
Jim Kramer
Jim Kramer
Bret Douglas *
Bret Douglas *
Charlie Dilks
Charlie Dilks
Dallas Dahms
Dallas Dahms
Simon Lee
Simon Lee
Alan Browne *
Alan Browne *
Peter Boorman (Bandicoot) *
Peter Boorman ("Bandicoot") *
Rich Pos
Rich Pos
Dick Drysdale
Dick Drysdale
Al Denelsbeck
Al Denelsbeck
Gordon Moat
Gordon Moat
Jerry Howe
Jerry Howe
Lionel Lauer
Lionel Lauer
Doug Payne *
Doug Payne *
McLeod *
McLeod *
Glenn Travis
Glenn Travis
Michael Stevens *
Michael Stevens *
Pedro Verne
Pedro Verne