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Stephanie Seto | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fujifilm FinePix F30 Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fujifilm FinePix F30 Gallery

So, why the new camera? My F10 is wonderful and I have no regrets about purchasing it. The F30 has all of the capability of the F10 (as far as I can tell so far), plus manual control over aperture and shutter speed, which is the one thing that I missed the most on the F10 (but learned to live without). Other new features include ISO 3200 (!); a separate exposure compensation button (yay!); a higher resolution, non-reflective LCD; and several additional scene modes. Is the F30 the perfect compact digital camera, or as close to it as one could hope for? I can't wait to find out.

In response to a guest's comments, I want to mention that the original size images in this gallery (to view them that way, click "original" located at the bottom of any photo) are NOT the original photos taken straight out of the camera. They have been re-sized to a resolution of 1280 x 960. The original images take up almost 3 times as much disk space (I am only allocated a certain amount on my pbase account), so I decided to reduce the file sizes, but I felt that this resolution was still large enough to get a good indication of image quality. If anyone really wants to see a full size image, please send me a message and I will be happy to e-mail a sample to you. You can contact me either by clicking on "profile" at the top of this page and then clicking on "send a message", or by clicking on "post a comment" at the bottom and checking the box marked "private", if you don't want your e-mail address made visible to others.

Edit: As of Oct. 25, 2006, I am resizing to 1024x768, since the larger sizes were taking up way too much space.

Update October 12, 2008: New gallery - Las Vegas 2008.

Update March 25, 2008: New image added to the Macros gallery.

Update July 23, 2007: New gallery: Sooke to Salt Spring Island 2007.

Las Vegas 2008
:: Las Vegas 2008 ::
Sooke to Salt Spring Island 2007
:: Sooke to Salt Spring Island 2007 ::
Tofino 2006
:: Tofino 2006 ::
China Odyssey 2006
:: China Odyssey 2006 ::
Colours of Fall
:: Colours of Fall ::
Architecture and Landscapes
:: Architecture and Landscapes ::
:: Macros ::
Night Shots
:: Night Shots ::
Indoor Portraits
:: Indoor Portraits ::
Outdoor Portraits
:: Outdoor Portraits ::
Seaside Seminar October 2008
:: Seaside Seminar October 2008 ::