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Nikon D70s ,Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF
1/320s f/9.0 at 200.0mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-May-2009 11:05:27
ModelNIKON D70s
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length200 mm
Exposure Time1/320 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
marko gregoric23-Mar-2011 17:34
Fantastic shot. V
Guest 01-Mar-2011 11:49
Wonderful capture Giancarlo.. the lighting and detail are superb!! V
Dennis Ancinec16-Dec-2009 04:24
I love the bull frog. Wonderful collection.
an nguyen04-Dec-2009 18:05
Wow, what a beauty.
Ulla Kruys25-Nov-2009 12:25
WHat a beauty and a lovely composition.
Sue Robertson21-May-2009 22:12
Well done!.. This is a great composition... v
Steve Morris17-May-2009 12:55
Lovely detail on the frog and the lily really adds to the picture!BV
Ali Majdfar17-May-2009 11:18
Stunning capture, ~V
shatterbug17-May-2009 07:17
Excellent clarity and details!
Marcia Colelli17-May-2009 01:31
wonderful detail V
bill friedlander17-May-2009 00:31
Good detail in the frog and the lily is a bonus. V
Pawel16-May-2009 20:22
The frog and flower play realy good together :)
Jess. ( Lady.D.)16-May-2009 18:12
Well seen, the lily adds a touch of fantasy, super detail...
Patricia Kay16-May-2009 18:11
Love this shot Giancarlo...I really like frogs...BV
Marcia Rules16-May-2009 15:20
cheerful little guy! all the elements work together...v
Carol Rollins16-May-2009 14:44
Great find and excellent capture Giancarlo! ~
marie-jose wolff16-May-2009 14:37
excellent capture of this lovely frog! V
Ann...16-May-2009 13:33
What could be a better place for a frog than on a Lilypad?? Lovely capture.
Gerard Koehl16-May-2009 12:26
Superbe composition... V
Roe..16-May-2009 11:45
I'd frame this wonderful image..
CM Kwan16-May-2009 10:19
Beautiful and lovely! V
John Armstrong16-May-2009 08:44
Nicely done (V)
Guest 16-May-2009 06:26
At the right place, close to the flower!