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Stan Wojick's Recent Galleries

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23-Sep-2015 21:18
Around the Bruce Peninsula
:: Around the Bruce Peninsula ::
23-Sep-2015 21:18
Odds and Ends
:: Odds and Ends ::
23-Nov-2014 17:31
Vancouver to L.A. and back - 2014 - Grand Princess
:: Vancouver to L.A. and back - 2014 - Grand Princess ::
15-Jun-2014 01:13
Humber Bay Scenic
:: Humber Bay Scenic ::
03-May-2014 22:28
2014 - South America - Crown Princess
:: 2014 - South America - Crown Princess ::
28-Apr-2014 21:37
Wildlife at Humber Bay Park
:: Wildlife at Humber Bay Park ::
25-Dec-2013 00:08
Cardinals and Waxwings and Blue Jays
:: Cardinals and Waxwings and Blue Jays ::
10-Dec-2013 19:47
Great Blue Herons
:: Great Blue Herons ::
29-Nov-2013 12:45
Sparrows Finches Chickadees Nuthatches and Wrens
:: Sparrows Finches Chickadees Nuthatches and Wrens ::
06-Nov-2013 20:31
Panama Canal Transit 2013 - Coral Princess
:: Panama Canal Transit 2013 - Coral Princess ::
05-Nov-2013 21:52
Loons Grebes and Coots
:: Loons Grebes and Coots ::
20-Jul-2013 16:13
:: Kingfishers ::