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Challenge 59: Illusions (hosted by Nir Alon)

Challenge 59 is now closed. Thank you for your participation. Please see the voting thread >>here in the STF<<.

***Challenge 59 - Illusions ***

They say a camera doesn't lie - or does it? Let's prove it can! Please submit photos showing illusions - things that appear impossible or deceiving.

From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:" Main Entry: ilÁ·luÁ·sion: 2 a (1) : a misleading image presented to the vision (2) : something that deceives or misleads intellectually b (1) : perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature "

Let's try to capture these illusions "through the lens" rather than with photo editing software, although nothing is forbidden. Use composition, lighting, shutter speed, accessories, ... whatever you need to create your illusion.
Challenge 59 -- Eligible
:: Challenge 59 -- Eligible ::
Challenge 59 -- Exhibition
:: Challenge 59 -- Exhibition ::