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strongmanmike2002 | profile | all galleries >> Awards, discoveries and publications >> Awards >> David Malin Awards >> David Malin Awards 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

David Malin Awards 2008

Read about this presigious astroimaging competition here:

Official Results page here:
Dr David Malin
Dr David Malin
David Malin explaining my Deep Centaurus  A image
David Malin explaining my Deep Centaurus A image
David Malin explaining my Cometary Globule image
David Malin explaining my Cometary Globule image
Receiving my award from Dr David Malin
Receiving my award from Dr David Malin
Recieving my Canon Camera
Recieving my Canon Camera
All the David Malin award winners
All the David Malin award winners
Proud as punch
Proud as punch
Some of the winning entries at Parks
Some of the winning entries at Parks
Being filmed by local TV crew.
Being filmed by local TV crew.
The Dish
The Dish
Cometary Globule CG4 The Hand of God - David Malin Award, APOD 1st Sept 2008
Cometary Globule CG4 "The Hand of God" - David Malin Award, APOD 1st Sept 2008
Centaurus A Ultra Deep Field - Multi Award Winner
Centaurus A Ultra Deep Field - Multi Award Winner