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NGC 5139 - Omega centauri

Omega Centauri (ω Cen) or NGC 5139 is a globular cluster in the constellation of Centaurus,
Orbiting the Milky Way, it is both the brightest and the largest known globular cluster associated with our galaxy .
It is located about 15,800 light-years from Earth and contains several million stars.
The stars in its center are so crowded that they are estimated to average only 0.1 light years away from each other.
Omega Centauri is one of the few globular clusters visible to the naked eye and appears about as large as the full Moon.(WIKI)

Imaged with the 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph.
Apogee Alta U-16M camera.

LRGB image
Lum - 10 min
RGB 10 minutes per channel

(Total of 40 minutes)

Imaged from Tivoli farm in Namibia June 2012.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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