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Tom Murray | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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snorkelady13-Dec-2023 20:47
Amazing images that my eyes sincerely appreciate!!
Guest 21-Mar-2023 20:57
Dear Mr Murray, wondering if I could send a picture of a beetle I’ve photographed here in Guyana to see if you can identify it please?
It looks a little like a scarab to me but seems to be missing some of the features in your scarab photographs.
Guest 29-Jul-2022 00:21
Awesome pictures Tom
GEPOG 16-Dec-2020 14:05
Dear Mr. Murray,

I am contacting you on behalf of the environmental non-profit GEPOG (Group for the Study and Protection of Birds in French Guiana). In 2022, we will be publishing a field guide to the birds of French Guiana (in French) and would like to request your permission to use one of your photographs. Could you please contact me so that I can send you the request letter?

Thank you very much in advance,


Catherine Guigui
Volunteer Assistant to the authors, Sylvain Uriot and Vincent Pelletier
Aminah Carroll 21-Aug-2020 17:55
Is it possible to post a photo here? I got the most amazing little brown bat photo and i just wanted to share where it would be appreciated!!! I probably should try to sign in but i thought i would ask permission. I know it is an insect eater, but it really truly is amazing i actually got 3 other pix that are good and show the relative (Very small) size and its back, but the front photo shows folded wings and face as it slept and is way cool!
Guest 30-Jun-2020 16:32
Hi Tom and your visitors. My prehistoric baby snake was probably one of the species you mentioned but looked "prehistoric" because it got caught under one of the fire wood sticks holding the tarp down and got dehydrated. Probably I rescued it in the nick of time and it was in distress, not a new species! I am hoping it makes it: it still had energy and was released into a nice area with creeks and woods. TY so much for your help
aminahyaquin 29-Jun-2020 03:28
Please can you help me identify a small thin very unusual snake that if found atop a large round hay bale under a tarp this late afternoon. It actually had bumpy ridges like a dragon snake, was very thin and quite small, maybe 10 inches tan colored and at one point sat up like a cobra. I have never seen anything like it. The bumpy ridges were very prominent. They did not look at all like an illness but most resembled Xenodermus which is only found in asia i think. The snake may have been juvenile. I picked up on a stick and threw into the woods as i have dogs and horses (fenced in) , did not know if dangerous but felt particularly cautious after it sat up like it was going to charge. by the way i am from middleboro now live in west virginia
Guest 11-Jun-2020 11:05
I have been working on a biodiversity project at the old Norfolk Airport (MA) and I have to write that identifying the array of insects I have found would be almost impossible were it not for Tom's fantastic website. I use it every day.

Brian Cassie, Foxboro
Guest 03-Jun-2019 04:40
Wow. Are you on... "social media"?- Is this info updated-?
If not, why not? "Information" provided is only helpful to me/others
If it's accurate as of now, the day I'm looking to use your services
To correctly ID a snake... I have this website saved; should
I seek answers elsewhere? Nah, I'll patiently wait... maybe
It's loading..... ..surely you know all about evolution/as long as
"Survival of the fittest", natural selection, climate change, the
Presence of choice, loss of habit with the HUGE increase in
Human Population, "the will to survive and procreate"
Instinct that exists in all living things, the dissemination
Of non-native species, disruptions in migration patterns of
Both predators and prey, the release of "unknowns" into
The wild after failing as a pet, etc etc- There will be
Significant Changes (or the potential is there until
Proven otherwise and/or significantly studied) in the
Appearance of these snakes. From year to year, season
To season, according to gestations and reproductive
Cycling, Heck- you Must know this. Silly:).... Keep
Up the good work. ..You have a gift. Keep using it;):)
"In short", Lol!
David Wright 13-Feb-2018 23:29
Tom - This is David Wright, co-author of Butterflies of Pennsylvania (2017). The PA Natural Heritage Program is organizing a conservation program for our wetland butterflies including the production of a small brochure with images of mature larvae. We particularly admire your contrasting images of Baltimore (62313438) and Harris' (62087332) Checkerspot larvae. We would graciously like to request your permission to use the images with attribution (to you) in the brochure. If the answer is "yes", hooray. If not, we understand. David
Guest 18-Nov-2017 00:56
Thank you
Guest 11-Jun-2017 23:55
have you heard ny gov want to cross copperheads and rattlers wtf
Jim Aloha 26-Apr-2017 13:10
Thanks for sharing the photos of the beautiful creatures on this planet before they are extinct. I have created a small but cozy Zen garden in my backyard. Tried to raise a few monarchs but lots to learn about them. I too travel globally for a cause - exploring and discovering nature, people, culture and all living beings sharing this planet. Above all, I am to connect with people and places bypassing politics, media and xenophobic people.
Carol Reese 02-Mar-2017 21:12
Hoping it might be okay to use a photo of the eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar in a program I am doing for master gardeners on larval foods for butterflies. Let me know if not, and I will fully understand!
marty wolf 08-Mar-2016 19:34
great photgraphs tom...always tried to get this clarity but never had the equipment...your catalogue must be a marvelous help to entomologists these days...
Ruth Schmohl 13-Oct-2015 19:05
Wonderful collection of photos.
Antonieta Azevedo 13-Oct-2015 00:54
Nice your pictures! I am starting to make a parasitoid database (Excell) from gall makers in Brazil. I am trying to be an Eulophidae expertise, but the diversity of this family is huge, and the majority of species is new. Besides this I have new genus to describe. I have to make pictures on stereoscopic microscope for helping me to identify al least in a level of Chalcidoidea family and then in morphospecies.
Guest 31-Aug-2015 14:10
John and Mary Rule of Thornfield Missouri found a Hickory Horned Devil on August 30th.
Guest 28-Aug-2015 15:18
I have seen a caterpillar in my garden it was 2-3 inches long and 1 inch girth. It was black with more prominent black hooped stripes along its body. It had a tapered head towards a mouth and eyes to either side of its head.
Guy E, Crauwels 10-Aug-2015 06:39
Found some of your outstanding images on BugGuide, and found more here.
I wish I had half your talent.
From a fellow enthusiast, well done.
Chris 01-Jul-2015 15:21
Hello there and thank you. You have an awesome gallery! I think work of this type is so crucial, particularly since we are losing so much biodiversity as time goes on.
Muskrat's Photos25-Apr-2015 04:03
Great Galleries....Your photos always inspire me!!!
Leslie Allee 22-Mar-2015 05:18
Greetings, we invite you to submit photos and learn about our Lost Ladybug Project. We are a citizen science project , based at Cornell University, researching the decline of native ladybugs. We are mapping all ladybug species across North America so any and all ladybug photos are valuable to our research. You can upload photos to our website or use our free phone app. You can also view the 30,000 plus ladybug photos contributed so far. Many thanks!
Robin 23-Dec-2014 11:18
hi, may I use one of your images to demonstrate purple sandpiper intertidal habitat? my email address is below. Many thanks. Robin
Abbott Weiss 24-Aug-2014 14:31
Thanks so much for your photo of the Sexton Beetle. I found it so useful, because my wife had just killed a bug who was buzzing her in the house, and she asked me to dispose of it. She thought it was a bumble bee. We had several of these recently, so I took a picture of it and uploaded to Google images to see what it was. Your photo was a perfect match, and I saw the caption (08-July-2004, Harvard, MA). We live in Harvard, and it's almost 10 years later since your photo. Same bugs.
Guest 06-Aug-2014 19:11
My mistake-seems I sighted the ruddy in Gunnison Co, not Mesa.
Lois Dunnam 06-Aug-2014 17:42
New to Colorado,so was in dark about id a nice little butterfly-found it on your site at once-Ruddy Copper. The copper was sighted in Mesa Co, CO. Many thanks for such a great source of info.
Peggy King-Geromette 29-Jul-2014 01:40
Your caterpillar gallery is the BEST I've seen!! Thank you so much for sharing. I spent hours today trying to identify a caterpillar I'd photographed Saturday and once I found your pictures it was a snap! Wonderful, wonderful. You are now bookmarked with a BEST in front of the URL so I don't waste time somewhere else first. Also shared your site with fb friends who were trying to help ID this pretty little creature. Petrolia, Ontario, Canada
Chris Ssali 17-Jul-2014 10:05
Thank you very much for your amazing pictures on the different mushrooms.
henry achilles 08-Jul-2014 19:00
Wonderful resource! I had an american dagger moth land on my shoulder last week; great looking creature I had never seen here in Silver Spring Md
Bob Mann 27-Jan-2014 21:15
Hi Tom, just saw your comment that you had been to riviera maya taking photos of birds. Can I ask where you went, I am a keen birder and will be going in 3 weeks time. I have booked an Eco trip but don't know if I'll be going to the right place. Your advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
Cody Conway17-Jan-2014 18:22
Hey Tom, finally saw your pbase linked from Noah. It will be easier keeping up with your work from here! Noah is quite time consuming now. A lot of great images here my friend. Perhaps we will run into each other next time in Ecuador!
cheryl esbenshade 28-Nov-2013 19:20
fabulous caterpillar pictures, and what a great selection! I do some macro work and was luck to find a paddle caterpillar chewing in a knot of a fallen branch, getting ready to pupate. I have also seen alot of double toothed prominents and owlets. Thank-you for sharing all your finds!
Shelley Moore 21-Nov-2013 12:49
Tom, Wonderful listing of insects. As a Master Gardener, it is a valuable tool in finding pests I am looking for.
J Scott 16-Sep-2013 00:19
Tom, fantastic index you have amassed here. Thank you very much! You have saved my wife and I hours of searching. -Ware, Ma
Laurie 22-Aug-2013 17:30
Wow amazing pix. am new to photographing butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies. what kind of camera do you use? am still having trouble with macro at times. thanks for sharing
Guest 05-Aug-2013 13:54
Hello Tom,
I wonder could you identify a caterpillar for me? I took a photo of the caterpillar in the garden at our home in Hibaldstow England and despite numerous internet searches I have been unsuccessful in identifying it.
Rieko Saito 02-Mar-2013 03:06
You are truly amazing photographer! I enjoy watching and learning so much about wild life from you. Thank you so much for showing exciting living creatures.
Guest 18-Dec-2012 16:53
Hope you'll come to Fresh Pond again sometime soon...
Linda Fuller 21-Nov-2012 13:17
Tom, loved your Mexico bird photos - all were excellent. Thanks for sharing with MassBirders
Conni 11-Nov-2012 18:46
I live here in Tampa,Florida and have many host plants for all varieties of butterflies. I thoroughly enjoyed all your photos! There is one that I can't find in your gallery and it is smaller than a Monarch and is a true bright yellow. Any clue?
Guest 06-Oct-2012 02:57
Hi Tom,
I was wondering whether you would like having the bats in your Trinidad photographs identified?
Let me know.
Geoffrey Gomes
Valerie Rose 18-Sep-2012 21:06
AWESOME photos! Found, cooked and ate a delectable puffball mushroom yesterday in S.E. Michigan and am wild to know and see more. God bless you Tom.
Robin Majors-Radtke 10-Sep-2012 07:44
I think I have a tarantula hawk insect...I.took pics
Travis Stair 19-Jul-2012 03:05
Thank you sooo much for this web site! I found a baby red lizard in my home in Texas ~ I tried to get him to put him outside and his tail popped off ~ I put neosporin on the end of his tail and put him in a plant with some fresh water around! Your site helped me ~ he's a wood slave gecko or house gecko ~ harmless and cute! Glad to know his tail will grow back.
Annette Williams 20-Jun-2012 22:37
My word, Mr. Murray.

Your Gallery is fabulous!! Thank You!

I am a photographer in CO capturing Butterflies and Hummingbirds ( and Wildlife). Identifying the many Butterflies species sure makes it Easy with Your site! I Really appreciate the amount of time and effort You contributed!

Thank You SO much,
Annette Williams, Florissant CO, Teller County at 9200' altitude
sheri o'dea 28-May-2012 00:48
HI Tom, just wondering if you could tell me what type of butterfly I recently saw while visiting near Ossipee, N.H. A photo I took on my cell phone is attached. Thanks, Sheri
Jacquelin Smith 05-May-2012 19:52
I found a very strange Caterpillar type worm on my very small lemon tree I have lived in houston all my life never seen this before I have a picture of if there is a way to send to you/.
Kenny, Eliasville, Texas 25-Apr-2012 18:52
Found your gallery very interesting, you have done an amazing job!! Keep up the good work
Carter 21-Dec-2011 19:33
Tom - I found your website when I was looking for Geometridae moth larvae. You've done incredible work. Keep it up!
Zee 17-Dec-2011 00:13
Found your gallery on my search for Hogna helluos, which are my favorite of all spiders. I have raised several broods as well as collected other various ground spiders. Your pictures of the members of the Pardosa family are very helpful. Thanks for all that you do, your work is incredible.
alysa 10-Dec-2011 01:32
i love you site.
Iris 13-Nov-2011 17:02
I'd previously come across your wonderful moth pix that have ben very helpful for me. Now that moths are scarce in my area in Delaware, I've turned to fungi and here you too have terrific pix! Thanks for sharing them with good IDs
Roy 13-Sep-2011 00:16
Tom, you have some nice Braconid Wasps. Roy
Guest 07-Sep-2011 18:51
You can view my cool spiders at ButterflyChaser1- Flickr. Thanks again for your photos! :)
Carol Snow Milne 07-Sep-2011 18:46
My first spider photo was this summer in my new home (a meadow on the property). I have taken more than 35 photos of spiders and loving it. Thanks for your site because I was having difficulty with identification. Very impressive. Keep up the good work.
jessie 11-Aug-2011 22:13
i am a landscaper in vermont. this summer both my co-worker and i have had the misfortune of disturbing what looks like parasitic yellowjackets from what i can see on the internet. they seem to be the most tenacious, aggressive and PAINFUL buggers we have ever come across. any additional info you can pass along about them? thanks - jessie in vt
samuel austin 13-Jul-2011 23:57
What does tarantula spiders eat
Michelle 05-Jul-2011 18:00
Hi, I have a plant called polygonatum hybridum, or commonly known as solomons seal, and it is covered with dozens of small blue-grey caterpillars. I can't find any identifying pictures. Do you know what they might be. I live in Tintern, on the border of south Wales, GB. Thanks
Kim Zimmerman 26-May-2011 09:05
Tom, Yesterday riding our horses on a Eastern PA mountain trail I discovered a snake about 3 feet long with vivid orange circular spots and black surrounding these spots. Thought it was a milk snake however it raised its head when we must have scared it and flared what looked like a hood. Behavior similar to what I would describe as a characteristic of a cobra! And it hissed. I did not want to get any closer and unfortunately have no pics. The location was on a flat sunny "meadow" midway up the mountain surrounded by trees( of course sunning itself) Location Grantville PA on Blue Mountain. Do you know what it could be? Thank you for your time. Kim
susan 17-Apr-2011 14:42
FYI, Tom...You're the only one that comes up in google with white red-tail hawk in MA... Sightings in Billerica... I followed Middlesex Tpk from Burlington... past all the construction, almost to the Pub 99 on the right-hand side of the road. Just before this restaurant on the left is a marshy pond, between two comercial buildings' parking lots. Benn seen btwn 7-8am and 4:30-5:30pm.
BTW, your pix of the one in BEdford are breathtakins :-) thnx, Susan
Scott Komis 06-Apr-2011 00:17
I am a student at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and am putting together a poster presentation for the 10th annual UW-GreenBay academic excellence symposium and the 11th annual UW system symposium for undergraduate research and creative activity. I am writing you to ask permission to use an image of Bathyphantes concolor (photo #379811 on in my poster.with this caption

Bathyphantes concolor Picture from Tom Murray, Bugguide, Iowa State University Entomology,

If there are any changes I need to make in the citation please let me know.
I look forward to your favorable response,
Thank you for your time,
Scott Komis
Guest 31-Jan-2011 03:54
I'm always amazed at the sheer number of insects you manage to photograph. And always get great photos of them too. Thanks, you and Scott Justis are a big reason I got interested in macro-photography.
Pierre Thomas 31-Dec-2010 22:00
Dear Tom,
Did you collect any of the Proctotrupidae you photographed? If any are available yet I would very much like to study them as I am trying to see as many as possible Proctotrupidae. They really are difficult to recognise, so I like to see as many specimens as possible, from any part of the world, and not many are collected, even by Hymenopterists.
Robert Allen 20-Dec-2010 21:33
Hello Tom, I think your site is a great resource. Thank you so much for your efforts to make this site. Your pictures re perfect and couldn't of helped me more.

Im sending you an email on something I found in South Orange County in th Wild life sanctuary we have here. Maybe you can tell me what kind of Mushroom it is. In your gallery, it looks similar to crw_2563_ry.jpg. But I noticed you didnt not have a name for it. just that code that goes to that picture. Anyhow ill be sending my picture and maybe you can nail it for me. Thx Tom
frank c. bonansinga 17-Nov-2010 22:41
Tom, Am seeing your site for the first time. It is outstanding and you know I love your humming bird pictures. Thank you so much for your fine work. frank bonansinga Indio Hills CA.
Richard Migneault01-Sep-2010 09:36
Hi Tom, I come to your site almost on a daily basis for identification of beetles or some others insects. I have been visiting more closely your gallery on Rove Beetles - Subfamily Staphylininae. You are using Canon EOS 40D, what macro len are you using, and what flash are you using, do you have additional slave flash? You need lot of light to have such spectacular photo. These small rove beetles are small but very fast and on your photos, they look to be alive... what is your technique to have them stand still for a photo. I also have Canon Eos 40D and 20D, but unable to have such detailled photo..
Thanks for all your gallery:
Guest 30-Aug-2010 19:43
I appreciate this book... well online resource anyway. It's been very helpful in my quest to learn more about butterfly, caterpillars and moths. Thank you SO much!
Kathy 25-Aug-2010 01:16
What a delightful array of amazing insects!! Thanks for sharing a normally unseen world with viewers... and it is free, too!!
RICK BOKAN 24-Aug-2010 20:34
Guest 16-Jul-2010 18:13
I found a beetle that I'd never seen on my potato plants today when I was hand-picking potato beetles. I'm not sure, but I think it may be preying on the potato beetles. I don't want to kill them if they are predators. The beetles are about an inch long, black with two light gray or white stripes running down the edge of the wing cases. The shape reminds me of a tiger beetle, but the abdomen is more oval. Do you have any idea what they are? They aren't in any of my insect books.
Vickie Edwards 13-Jul-2010 02:49
I chanced upon your site after a long search for a small yellow ring-neck grey snake with a light belly. the snake was found in my outdoor gold fish pond, drowned 7/10/2010. I live in Brandon, Mississippi. Is there a southern counter part of the Northern Ring Neck snake;Diadophis punctahus edwardsi??? Vickie Edwards
Jim Hall . 07-Jul-2010 15:34
I,m from Swansea, South Wales. I've been through all of your Moth catapiller pics and some resemble the one I found in my garden last year. It stayed for about two weeks then I lost track of it. Brown, about 10cm long and as thick as my middle finger. I have some good photo's of the creature. Never seen one of this size before. Your site is incredible may I add. Can you help.
Lavonne 26-Jun-2010 02:01
We found a beetle the other day - about 7/8" long plus head which seems to be missing. It is emerald green outlined in red. Purple legs and the part the head would be attached to is red and gold. The underside is red and gold. Believe it or not I am not making this up! How could I send you a picture?
Debbie 24-Jun-2010 13:37
love your pictures we had a black for 13 and 1/2 years her name was rigby she was so smart and was a huge part of our family she had mouth cancer and we had to put her down it was the hardest thing i have ever been thru i miss her to this day they are wonderful friends
Guest 22-Jun-2010 23:34
EXCELLENT photos Tom!
I'll be back to view some more.
Lynn, Orlando, Fl
Susan 05-Jun-2010 22:57
I'm a guest to you site. I live in south Austin and today found this unusual looking spider in my yard. It's is about 1.5 to 2 inches in length. I have attached a photo. Any idea what it is or if it poisonous? Thanks, Susan
Rudy Passonno 03-Jun-2010 00:46
Your site is incredible.
LEASA 24-May-2010 20:53
Patsy Clark 05-May-2010 17:58
I have only view the North America Wild Bird collection but I will be back to view other photographs. The birds are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. Thank you so much for putting this collection together. My mother was a bird lover and it seems I have developed the same passion for all birds.
Patsy C
Bill Chitty16-Feb-2010 16:35
I don't know how in the world any one person could put such a collection of amazing images together. It would take me two or three lifetimes just identifying the creatures, much less getting such great pictures. It's an incredible collection and I just keep enjoying it.
joann 24-Jan-2010 14:18
I think I have a new addiction YOUR PHOTO'S. Ihave been sitting at my computer for two hours now. I love all of them. You must live near me, I noticed alot of pic's are from groton and surrounding. I am in Pepperell. I wish I knew you when I had a fisher in my chicken coop. or the year that mom fox taught her young to hunt in my chicken coop. I have just starting raising rare heritage turkeys if you ever need a photo. Your work is inspiring, awesome. thank you for sharing this with all of us.
rebecca 01-Jan-2010 17:55
Your snake pic are cool and could you put a pic of a baby rattelsnake
Brandi 29-Nov-2009 04:30
Your spider pictures are great. I am a grad student at U of Alaska and I study spiders. I suck at taking pictures of them. Anyways, just wanted to tell you that you're awesome.

Laura 18-Oct-2009 02:42
I have found a lizard in my closed in back porch and i need to know what kind it is.He looks like a wood slave lizard but i want to make sure. I hope you can help me i live in north texas and i need to know what i can feed him.
Sandi 20-Sep-2009 01:24
Hi again, Tom,

My post about not seeing a Mourning Cloak butterfly.....oops! Guess I didn't look
deep enough. My bad. Sorry.
I love to take pictures of insects and bugs (wanted to be an entomologist in my younger days), many of which I cannot identify. I will use your galleries to assist me. Again, thanks for the great photography!! I can't even imagine how many hours you've spent gathering them. Kudos.
Billy Rucker 03-Sep-2009 21:44
I have some worms on my grape vines, green seedless. the worms arw about 1/4 inche long and arw black with small yellow circles, they just started to show up the first of sept. they are on the under side of the leaf. I've only fround four leafs with them. But some are about 20 or more on one leaf. Others are 3 to 8 on a leaf. i'm sure more are going to show up. ?????
Fanny 24-Aug-2009 22:11
Hi Mr.Murray I saw your gallerie and i think is great all the pictures are excellent thanks a lot for show this beautiful pictures.
nnewman 15-Aug-2009 16:32
thrilled to have found your website. i hope it helps me id some of the caterpillars i'm finding and photographing in central VA. glad to see the moth ones especially. thanks. will refer to your gallery often the future. nnewman
jherman 09-Aug-2009 22:50
the tiny spider that I saw (and inadvertently killed) was living/residing in the third grounding prong of an unused electrical socket. It was furry. Thanks again.
jherman 09-Aug-2009 22:45
sunday eve 8-09-09 I found a teeny tiny less than 4 mm black spider that looked like a tick or a scorpion or crawfish with a smily face and a white dot on its back. I tried to keep it alive in a glass jar with some plant material but I unfortunately killed it. It seemed to be living in an electric outlet that I dont' use much. If you have any ideas, thank you for your site.
Jim Thompson 05-Aug-2009 02:48
Hi Tom. I came across your BugGuide when trying to identify what a longhorn beetle. I noticed you had shot one up in Wolcott, Vermont. Thanks for your guide!
Carla 18-Jul-2009 15:03
Great gallery! Your photos of the Brown-Hooded Owlet, helped me to identify a caterpillar I found in my garden. Thanks!
Brooks Rownd02-Jun-2009 03:05
Thanks for the numerous interesting galleries!
Mauricia 25-May-2009 20:51
I just wanted to say "Thank you" your bird info is so helpful. And the pictures are wonderful.
Jeff Doden03-May-2009 02:27
Tom, I really enjoy your galleries and knowledge. Could you please help me identify this spider? It was found in south Florida in a web and is about 1.75" long. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
TOM PORCELLA 29-Apr-2009 14:39

Sam Jaffe15-Apr-2009 14:23
Your site continues to help me with tough identifications... what resource do you use for vernal pool invertebrates? is all I have to use at the moment - great resource, but if there is a worthwhile key out there... I want it! You really should consider compiling all your insects into a pictorial guide.

Let me know if you are ever in the Blue Hills area. There are some great spots for bugs and it would very nice to get out and collect/photograph with you.

ps. I just put up 17 caterpillar pics on a wall at the boston natural areas network/clf conference room... At least one person there is terrified of them... /: I wonder if the world is ready?
patrick 09-Apr-2009 23:57
patrick 09-Apr-2009 23:49
Marian Davis 19-Feb-2009 14:43
Found your photo's by accident today whilst I was looking for pics of Yucatan wildlife. We are visiting the Mexico for the first time in May and will be staying at the Grand Palladium which I guess you have already stayed at judging by the photos of the hotel. I would be interested to know if all the pics were taken in and around the hotel. The wildlife and the opportunities to see it usually colour our decisions to book particular hotels, as in this case. I am a "wildlife widow" (better than being a golf widow)who often joins her husband on treks over scrubland and even rubbish tips to find beautiful animals whilst on holiday. Our usual haunts are India and the far east, and Africa. Very impressed by the quality of the pics, I'd guess that your camera is a lot better than my little Kodak. I'm looking forward to checking out the Yucatan.
Claire 14-Feb-2009 19:16
hi found this beetle outside my home in Courtown Co Wexford in Ireland when I looked up Beetles I landed on your site any ideas as to what it is? Be very grateful for any info thanks Claire.By the way glad he landed outside my house, your website is fab wouldnt have found it otherwise!He is about an inch and a half in size black-brown gold sheen and vibrates to scare you off. Tried to send photo but woulnt send.
Candace Bridgewater 11-Feb-2009 00:30
I am a Florida Master Naturalist student and am working on my final project, "Turtles of the St. Johns River Basin". The project will be a 2 fold brochure used in parks in this area which include Camp Chowenwaw Park, Gold Head Branch State Park, and Jennings State Forest.
Might you be willing to allow my group to use your wonderful turtle photos to illustrate this effort? There are no funds to pay you for your work.
Thank you,
Dave 09-Feb-2009 20:44
A Google Image search lead me to your gallery today. When I was a tiny tot I was fascinated by little armored bugs that rolled into a little ball for protection. Today my Schnauzer puppy discover them too! Neat little creature... like natures "Transformers". And now I even know that they're called! Armadillidiidae or Pill Bug. Tahnks Tom.
larose forest photos09-Feb-2009 02:54
I've been visiting your galleries for a long, long time and using them to help me ID a variety of insects. I figured it was about time I told you how much I enjoy your site and how much I've learned. THANK YOU!
Hilkey's Outdoor Images25-Jan-2009 20:57
I've enjoyed many visits to your galleries. You have excellent images of a wonderful variety of creatures. You are an inspiration to many of us aspiring nature photographers.
Thank you,
Guest 18-Jan-2009 23:04
I've just seen your work for the first time. I'll be back!! Great stuff. Inspiring.
Glen Allen09-Jan-2009 23:49
Fantastic wildlife images Tom.. keep up the great work.. I intend to return often
Gail 25-Oct-2008 20:43
thanks for helping me identify a winterberry tree. Robins have feasted on it for years, and I always wondered what kind of tree it was till my search brought me to your site. Thanks big time, Valparaiso IN
Guest 19-Oct-2008 19:40
Thank you so much for posting all of these. My daughter is learning so much from your site!
Anna from Colchester, Vermont
terryb 19-Oct-2008 18:17
Hi Tom
Found your site while attempting to identify a dragonfly that I recently photographed. Love your site and will be back often. Enjoy the Fall here in New England!
Terry from Newburyport
guest 23-Sep-2008 20:12
Fantastic pics - loved your Florida wild-life. A wonderful reminder of a holiday in the Panhandle
Bob Moul21-Sep-2008 23:37
Hi Tom, Great time of the year for "buggers" isn't it. Your work is just fabulous. You certainly set the bar high for the rest of us. :) Always a joy to visit your site. Keep up the great work.
bill 17-Sep-2008 00:53
Beautiful picures.
LADYBUTTERFLY 01-Sep-2008 15:28
Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, Ret 27-Aug-2008 04:43
FANTASTIC Web Site! We have added a link to our monthly newsletter so that more veterans can be made aware of this tremendous resource. Also, please visit our web site to learn about hidden government benefits you are eligible for and how to significantly increase your service-connected compensation or VA pension. w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c o m
Kimm 24-Aug-2008 22:17
Tom - I just wanted to say Thank you sooooo much! I just recently moved back to Florida and I have found myself in an area that is abounding with dragonflies and damselflies and butterflies and moths and your amazing pics have been so helpful in helping me identify what I am taking pics of. As well, the children (ages 6-11) are getting involved and they love your site! Thank you - you rock!
GEOMAR MOLINA 15-Aug-2008 22:28

Loraine 10-Aug-2008 23:36
Awe Inspiring!
Guest 22-Jul-2008 20:05
What a gift you have, and what a gift it is to see your photos! Thank goodness for Google. :) Keep up the beautiful work!
Marks12-Jul-2008 07:27
Love your work to death!
Jeanna 24-Jun-2008 07:34
I have found a great spider site for identification. However, I am having trouble identifying a tiny baby snake in my yard, North Louisiana. He is very small, thin like a ribbon, head like a racer, is mostly grayish brown, only 6 inches long, belly is a very pale yellow, almost white. I originally thought he was a simple garter, but now, after viewing about 200 photos, I'm not sure. He was found in the tall grass under a children's playset. Can you tell me what this might be, and what type of food do they eat?
jharris 08-May-2008 22:34
Was looking for a yucky spider id, but found some beautiful wildlife also. Thank you. Your pics are lovely and made me smile!
Guest 25-Apr-2008 15:55
Hi Tom
Great butterfly photos. I remember you as a trip leader at the 2006 NABA meeting. You and Barbara Walker really made it fun because you were both so generous with your time and knowledge.I am going to take the butterfly class with Paul Opler in June 2008. Are these the photos that they are using for the SFSU field campus website? I am also going to Colorado and Apex Park in may, and I know you have posted butterfly photos from there as well.

Take care,
Julie Brown (
Indianapolis, IN
Guest 07-Apr-2008 15:14
Nice Galleries

website :
Grace 22-Mar-2008 20:25
We loved looking at your photos. My kids were fascinated as were the adults. Thank you for posting them where everyone can see them and enjoy them! And let's hope these plants and animals are around for generations to come.
Guest 19-Mar-2008 06:12
Thank you Tom. Little secret: When I spot a bird I do not get out from the car. Just drive slowly with the open window. Somehow the birds are not afraid of cars. The woodcock (Plum Island) was in 3-4 meters from me and felt very comfortable.
Mary 17-Mar-2008 22:45
hi I think springtails are perhaps the sweetest looking insects- I wish they were large enough to have like a cat- without the spring part- I love all your photos! thank you for documenting them so thoroughly-!
rollosphotos17-Mar-2008 00:06
Tom, Great Gallery! I think I have identified more species by browsing PBase galleries such as yours than I have from my field guides. I had no idea so many people are interested in doing the same thing. I am starting a topic "field guides" and I'm adding you to it.
kcgallery14-Mar-2008 08:00
Great galleries! Keith
Ron Fredrick14-Mar-2008 03:29
Tom, you have some terrific images in your galleries. I've added you to my "Favorite Artists" so I'll be able to come back and take my time looking through them all. You have real talent!
Jean-Claude Liehn23-Feb-2008 05:12
Your work about beetles makes me think about Ernst Jünger, the great german writer with the largest private beetle collection. He used words to express his love and knowledge of the insects. You use photography. Both very seriously. Jean-Claude, France.
Don Chandler 20-Feb-2008 02:27
Tom: Nice selection of leafhoppers and planthoppers I'm busy finally putting away. It quickly became obvious that using your webpage was much quicker than plodding through bugguide in an effort to find the names Andy Hamilton had given them.
mike- from Sweden 12-Feb-2008 12:54
hello again Tom!
This site suprises me all the time,
And snakes . superb.
Have a good time
wishes mike -
Guest 21-Jan-2008 18:03
I'm another British person whoi hasn't been to USA but your pictures could tempt me! Excellent.
Dan Paquette 01-Jan-2008 04:31
Great images of soldier beetle larvae. Thank you for making this available.
Guest 11-Dec-2007 04:42
I particularly enjoyed your gallery birds. Good job.
Mark Perkins 05-Dec-2007 17:54
thanks for the site.
We live in the UK and have been to PA and VT for holidays and taken photographs of US birds - but nothing to compare with the detail of yours.
A valuable asset and beter than any reference book.
Jame Bloor 24-Nov-2007 19:18
Hi,the pictures are very good,I use some of them for my classroom. thank you very much. with best wishes
kate 27-Oct-2007 13:41
I am trying to identify a spider that I found at my workplace in michigan. Is there anyway to post the picture?
Dave Hamilton 22-Oct-2007 14:49

A great collection of photos!
Guest 07-Oct-2007 17:04
Guest 01-Oct-2007 02:20
Thanks for sharing your photos. It's really helpful to a beginner to be able to view a local expert's work. Thanks again!
Gene Zonis16-Jun-2007 23:07
Unbeleaveble collection of photography-Just blew me away
Guest 16-Jun-2007 10:44
For some reason, your pictures really cheered me up.
LC Goh29-May-2007 12:18
amazing work and collection.
Guest 11-Apr-2007 13:46
Very good work. Well done.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:19
One of the best galleries on pbase thus far.
Jim B 08-Dec-2006 23:27
Great picture! What area of CO did you find the Bee Assassin?
Mel 26-Nov-2006 06:12
Terrific pictures -- keep up the good work!
Scott 20-Nov-2006 10:32
What a great site
Alex 17-Nov-2006 09:36
search engine optimization [URL= search engine ]search engine optimization[/URL] search engine optimization search engine search engine optimization
Found your site in google, and it has a lot of usefull information. Thanx.a
Michel 24-Sep-2006 14:26
This is a very impressive gallery. So many and so beautiful pisctures!
Jasen15-Sep-2006 01:15
Tom, you have an excellent array of images from the natural world, especially the comprehensive amount of images on ants & wasps etc. Amazing...where do you find the time!
Toni Burnham 12-Sep-2006 16:13
Thank you for making bugs look so beautiful. Since becoming a beekeeper, its like a new world has opened up, and resources like yours are so helpful in learning about that new universe.
Phil Stubbs14-Aug-2006 14:00

Some very stunning work in your galleries. I am jsut trying to start taking Macro shots and your shots are inspirational. Thanks for sharing

Jeff Minnick 31-Jul-2006 15:26
Here in Texas, I have seen a lizard I haven't identified yet. It is nearly translucent with large orange spots. What is it? Thanks. Oh, and GREAT photos!!!
Jeff 28-Jul-2006 01:25
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
Can you offer any suggestion in reguards to ID Guides?
I susepect you have few on the shelf, any favorites?
Dan Scheiman27-Jul-2006 13:31
I am impressed by the quantity and quality of your photos! I modeled my butterfly album after your New England Butterfly album; I hope you don't mind. How did you id the Mexican butterflies? I am going to Veracruz for the North American Ornithological Conference in Oct. Is there a field guide?
Guest 26-Jul-2006 02:32
I am sorry to hear about your beautiful Raven passing. I also have a black Lab named Muncie. He is my child, I can't even imagine losing him. Thank you for publishing your wonderful pictures.

amy 23-Jul-2006 18:40
These pics are just adorable!!! They look just like my dog, Princess. how can they be so damn cute? You can just see their personality in their pictures. My dog is now resting her big black head on my lap as I type. Hooray for labs!!
Ryszard L 04-Jul-2006 06:53
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos !

Best regards
Ryszard L
Rick P07-Jun-2006 04:08
The variety and depth of your galleries is a testament to countless hours spent at the viewfinder. Thanks for sharing such a labor of love. Keep up the good work.
Sam 05-May-2006 00:39
Nice photos,im obsessed with Black Labs,my room is coverd.Keep on addin more do gphotos,please.(By the way booked the gallery on my favorites!:)
Mark 04-May-2006 11:58
Hi - good job.
My butterflie's pictures web address is
Alan 04-May-2006 11:56
Keep doing!
Se my butterfly images
Guest 02-May-2006 04:22
Guest 01-May-2006 00:47
Fantastic gallery, thanks for sharing and keep up the excellent work.
Tom West 28-Mar-2006 23:47
Tom, I told you earlier that I liked your site, but had not actually seen that much of it at that time.........WOW !! outstanding work. Specially love the shrooms....
Guest 25-Mar-2006 02:57
Beautiful photos!
Richard Calmes11-Mar-2006 12:54
It takes great skill and patience to get the great shots you have of our diverse insect and animal life. I enjoyed my visit!
Irene Firck25-Feb-2006 14:35
Hi Tom, thanks for your kind comment on my "milk meets coffee" gallery and for giving me the chance to visit your beautiful galleries. You have some absolutely wonderful images and I especially like your Mexican butterflies.
Kind regards,
zahra..australia 04-Feb-2006 00:45
Tom...thank you so much for a beautiful and informative site. These wonderful sensuous creatures lift so many peoples spirits i know ~ they lift mine when i need it......z
Bill D 01-Feb-2006 19:45
Hi all, I have a great insect page for all of you. My web address is
Brandi McFadden 25-Jan-2006 19:04
Mr. Murray, I am a student at Texas Tech University, and taking a class in Insect Diversity. I am giving a presentation about predatory wasps and with your permission, would like to use some of your photos in my slide show. These photos will be used for this presentation only. I would greatly appreciate it, please let me know.

Thank You, Brandi McFadden
Guest 23-Jan-2006 00:59
Hey Tom-great bird images-I enjoyed viewing your site. I too have a passion for birding and photographing the birds-I try to get out as often as possible-at least once a week. When you get a chance visit my site-
Harris Brown
Guest 15-Jan-2006 22:33
Tom Munson03-Jan-2006 04:59
What a diverse group of nature galleries. Good job. I will be visit often.
Guest 01-Jan-2006 04:46
Stunning work, Tom. Happy 2006, may it bring you many rewards.
Bob Moul06-Nov-2005 15:43
Tom, it is always a pleasure to visit your web pages and share your enthusiasm for nature and photography. I am having so much fun with "bugs" this year that I hate to see winter coming on. Keep up your terrific work,

Linda Gignac 30-Oct-2005 22:33
Thank you for posting your photos. They are amazing. Earlier today, I took a photo of a butterfly in my yard that I had never seen before. I looked at many "butterfly" sites but in order to see a photo or get info, I needed to know the name. Then, I found your site. It turned out to be a beautiful Mourning Cloak. Thank you very much. Now, I'm going to go look at some of your bird photos.
-Linda Gignac
J. Hufschmid 15-Sep-2005 22:34
Thanks so much for the butterfly photos, I was able to finally identify one that is in my butterfly garden.
CHRISTY SELLERS 26-Aug-2005 17:30
Very nice photos! I was just looking on the web trying to figure out what kind of spider I found in my room, and thanx for your web site I figured it out.
Guest 08-Jul-2005 13:59
Tom, We had seen a wonderful dragonfly recently here in NH -- it loves to snooze on rocks in the sun. With the help of Google, I found your site and identified the thing: The Common Whitetail. A great pleasure to see your fine work. Thank you!
Paula Reynolds
Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary 07-Jun-2005 01:53
I work at the Pelican Man's Bird Sanctuary in Sarasota, FL - a not-for-profit wildlife rehabilitation center in Sarasota. Part of the Sanctuary is open to visitors who can view over 250 birds that sadly have injuries that mean survival in the wild is no longer possible.
We have recently created a butterfly garden and wish to have a sign showing a number of the butterflies that visitors might see, and I wondered if you would allow me to use some of your fabulous photographs for this purpose (and this purpose alone).
I'd be ever so grateful if this were possible
Thanks in anticipation
Roger Hammond
Aaron Plotkin 09-May-2005 00:47
I was just woundering why your shutter speeds seemed to be some thing like 1/251 and not the standard 1/250th. Same inconsitancy in other speeds as well ending in a 1 or 2 instead of a 0 or 5. Just curious. Let me know if you have a sec.

Jim Robinson 22-Apr-2005 03:18
Phenomenal pictures...a little jealous. This is the first time I've looked at this site. I'm wondering if you would have any advice on acquiring photos for a field guide. I would like to put tigether a field guide for amateur naturalists with photos by amateur photographers. Any help would be like gold! Thanks and once again fabulous pics...
Shea 12-Apr-2005 12:48

Hi, I am a Park Ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I have been searching through some of your photos and they are wonderful! I am trying to put together a program to be able to show to kids and educate them on different types of animals, etc. I was hoping that you will give me permission to use some of your photos in my presentation. They will not be reproduced, sold, copies made of the program to give out, or any type of profit of any kind. It is simply on my computer. If you are interested in letting me use some of your photos for educational purposes only, please email me back and let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.


Guy Hanley 11-Mar-2005 16:52
greetings! I am working on a guide of Cerambycid beetles of North Dakota, and I might like to use a few of your images. I am almost at the point of being ready to print, but if I can add some more live shots I certainly would like to, please contact me at my email so we could chat about it.

Randy Emmitt 16-Jan-2005 18:10

I tried to find your e mail on the site, couldn't find it. Anyway I'm working on a project on "Butterflies of the Carolina & Virginias" it will be a interactive CD with a comprehensive butterfly guide to the region and will have butterfly quizzes to test ones skills as well. I really could use several of your photos like Bog Copper (ventral) and Two-spotted Skipper, especially Two-spotted as I have no photos at all of this species for the book. Also I had planned on featuring the northern complex of Spring Azure, but nixed the ideal due to not having any photos.

See my page at to have a look at what the CD will look like. I hope to have it done real soon and your help would be greatly appreciated.


Randy Emmitt
Allen Barlow 13-Jan-2005 15:09
Dear Tom,

First off, I would like to compliment your photographic skills. Truly amazing. I am a biologist with the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey. We are completing a fieldguide that will cover the 180 Odonata species recorded here. I am finalizing the color plates and still lack a few species. Would you allow us to download and publish some of your photographs. All I can offer is photo credit and a copy of the guide unfortunately but your images would greatly improve a few of our plates.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope we can use some of your hard-won photos.

Kind Regards,

Allen Barlow
Aquatic Biologist
scott 30-Dec-2004 14:43
Tom, we met briefly 12/29 at Parker River Refuge,( lot above maintance area) and you shared some of your recent finds that day through the display window of your camera. I couldn't resist a "closer look" so to speak, and found my way to this site hoping they would be here! Well, to say I'm impressed with your work would be an understatement! OUTSTANDING

I knew by your equipmemt you were a serious photographer, but I must say after visiting this site, I am truly impressed!
Charles 24-Nov-2004 03:28
Tom; Your pictures are outstanding. I have your site bookmarked and looking forward to more of your photos. By the way; we spoke briefly yesterday (Monday) on the beach at Plum Island.
Guest 12-Nov-2004 21:26
Hi Tom-
Still amazed how you find all these things. Especially like the northern harrier in flight and the caterpillar gallery.
Dave 05-Nov-2004 17:40
Great shots. I am going to south Fla. in a couple weeks. Were was the location of the great croc shots taken?
Marge Charette 04-Nov-2004 15:48
Hi, Tom. Your pics are really, really good. I work with Earle Baldwin, he's in the Athol Club. He was very suprised to find out you are my brother!
Peter Hollinger03-Oct-2004 03:09
Hi Tom -- Thanks for visiting.
Greenland is definitely worth a trip; otherworldly scenery.

I come to your galleries often to try to recognize creatures and learn things. I see you spend some time at Oxbow NWR. You might be interested in the site we set up for Assabet Keeping Track at Assabet River NWR:

-- Peter
Marge Charette 17-Sep-2004 17:42
Great Pictures, Tom. Good Job!!
Jim Murray 09-Sep-2004 13:32
Hi Tom, Very nice pictures. They cover quite a range of subjects.
insects 02-Jul-2004 21:35
Hi Tom,
I am developing a web page to categorize animals as a hobby. Would you like to contribute some moth pictures to


Insects :-)
Guest 25-Jun-2004 01:43
Your insect images are magnificent! Please consider contacting me ASAP about potentially submitting some of your images to a new field guide to North American insects that I am writing. I will give more details when I hear from you. Keep up the great work:-) Eric Eaton,
Naturephoto Monique19-Jun-2004 23:48
Tom, i spent much time looking at your site. You have a good eye for composition and color. Congrats!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful galleries.

petesie14-Jun-2004 12:27
Tom, I photograph butterflies in my garden, but I am blown away by your photos. Thanks so much. You are an inspiration. My identification leaves much to be desired, but I will work on it.
FastUno16-May-2004 03:06
Great butterfly shots, keep it up!
J.C. Richardson III03-May-2004 23:16
Thanks Tom,for the comment on my butterflies. You some a very nice sites to. Thanks again. J.C.
Jeff Cochran02-Apr-2004 22:34
Hello, I enjoyed looking through your galleries.Thx for sharing. :)
Guest 28-Mar-2004 05:26
Interesantes fotografias
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
Bob Moul12-Mar-2004 19:59
Hi Tom, Looks like we have a few common interests. :) Very nice selection of wildlife, especially liked your butterfly collection. Great photos, all. Thanks for your visit.

Guest 08-Mar-2004 03:35
I realy like your photos.
Greg Wallis09-Feb-2004 11:35
thanks for your comments.....the snakes were all wild however as you can imagine i took considerable time in posing them. I used to keep snakes but no longer.The photo of just the scales is of a dead snake on the road.....just like the patterns.

David Atkins 04-Jan-2004 23:08
Hi Tom,
Looks like I managed to remember the URL to your web page correctly. Just been looking at all your photos online and I'm very impressed. I like the hummer particularly!

I was very disappointed with all the pictures I took this morning. I think it was just too overcast to use my camera through the scope.

It was great CBCing with you this AM. I imagine we'll meet up again on another birdcount or at one of the many local birding hotspots. Feel free to drop me an email if you've ever after a weekend birding partner - it's very educational for someone starting out like me to go birding with an expert.

I'd be very interested to see a few of the pictures you took today. Could you drop me an email if you load any up to this web site, (that's probably better than emailing the images to me direct).
Take care,