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David | profile | all galleries | recent

Profile for David
Name David (joined 11-Dec-2002) (pbase supporter)
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Personal URL
Location Northumberland, England
Northumberland, England
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View Galleries : David has 3 galleries and 1851 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 315149 times.

Message from David
I'm obviously no professional ...

but some folk still find they want to use some of my images ... and thank you to those that asked before using them. If YOU want to use anything in my galleries please do the right thing and ask me if it's okay first. Play fair, do not steal images! Copyright laws exist for a reason so don't make me spew a bunch of ugly lawyers on to you. :-)

Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Gear used:

Apple iPhone
Canon G10
Nikon D200
Nikon 50mm f1.8
Nikon 18-200mm VR
Nikon 105mm micro
Tokina 12-24mm
Nikon SB800 flash
Leica C-Lux 1
Adobe Photoshop CS
Nikon Capture
Apple Mac OSX
Apple MacBook Black
Apple iMac G4
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