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William J. Manon Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Railroad Stuff >> The Winston Tunnel tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Winston Tunnel

This Gallery is still under construction.

When it is finished it will showcase photos of the Chicago Great Western Railroad's Winston Tunnel. Located in Jo Davies County Illinois.
Please check back in a few weeks if you are interested in more...
I'm still working on this Gallery I have a bunch more pictures from a visit in June 2007.
I will be adding the Pictures soon along with the commentary…
This gallery has been moved to the back burner, I have high hopes for it when it is completed, but I have not found time to do the necessary work yet.
Please leave comments; it will help me to finish this sight. 8-22-2007

November 7, 2007
I have photos of the east portal and the Fan house drawings, With all the recent comments I will be starting to update and add to this site in the next few weeks. Check back in A week or so to see my Progress.
Thanks for the Encouragement.

In early 2007 the fan house had been torn down! I felt sucker punched by the DNR! I visited the Site in June and photographed the destruction. Damb, I can't believe they have done that. Truly the ghost of the tunnel workers where crying that day. If I knew it was going to happen I would of put up some money to have it boarded up with a steel fence if they where worried about anybody getting hurt. I think we need to write some nasty letters to The Illinois Dept. Natural Resources saying we are the Ghosts of the Winston tunnel and make sure that no more damage comes to this historic place.
Winston Tunnel, one last look.jpg
Winston Tunnel, one last look.jpg
Tunnel in the distance.JPG
Tunnel in the distance.JPG
1914 winston tunnel.JPG
1914 winston tunnel.JPG
1915 winston tunnel.JPG
1915 winston tunnel.JPG
1917 winston tunnel.JPG
1917 winston tunnel.JPG
3453  Winston Tunnel .JPG
3453 Winston Tunnel .JPG
1945 Winston Tunnel.JPG
1945 Winston Tunnel.JPG
From Video Winston West portal.JPG
From Video Winston West portal.JPG
From Video Fan house  west portal.JPG
From Video Fan house west portal.JPG
1919 winston tunnel.JPG
1919 winston tunnel.JPG
Tunnel behind me looking west. fanhouse on right.JPG
Tunnel behind me looking west. fanhouse on right.JPG
3484 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3484 Winston Tunnel.JPG
1939 winston tunnel.JPG
1939 winston tunnel.JPG
1921 winston tunnel.JPG
1921 winston tunnel.JPG
3458 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3458 Winston Tunnel.JPG
1931 winston tunnel.JPG
1931 winston tunnel.JPG
1933 winston tunnel.JPG
1933 winston tunnel.JPG
1936 winston tunnel.JPG
1936 winston tunnel.JPG
1941 winston tunnel.JPG
1941 winston tunnel.JPG
1942 Winston Tunnel .JPG
1942 Winston Tunnel .JPG
1943 winston tunnel.JPG
1943 winston tunnel.JPG
1937 DeWayne leaves a penny.JPG
1937 DeWayne leaves a penny.JPG
3457 DeWayne finds his Penny.JPG
3457 DeWayne finds his Penny.JPG
1940 winston tunnel.JPG
1940 winston tunnel.JPG
3454 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3454 Winston Tunnel.JPG
1922 winston tunnel.JPG
1922 winston tunnel.JPG
7936 Winston Tunnel.JPG
7936 Winston Tunnel.JPG
1923 winston tunnel.JPG
1923 winston tunnel.JPG
1925 winston tunnel.JPG
1925 winston tunnel.JPG
7933 Inside Winston Tunnel.JPG
7933 Inside Winston Tunnel.JPG
1924 winston tunnel.JPG
1924 winston tunnel.JPG
1928 winston tunnel.JPG
1928 winston tunnel.JPG
West Portal arch visable from above.
West Portal arch visable from above.
1935 winston tunnel.JPG
1935 winston tunnel.JPG
3489 winston tunnel.JPG
3489 winston tunnel.JPG
3485 WinstonTunnel Fanhouse.JPG
3485 WinstonTunnel Fanhouse.JPG
3486 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3486 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3487 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3487 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3488 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3488 Winston Tunnel.JPG
3492 Winston Tunnel John Hill.JPG
3492 Winston Tunnel John Hill.JPG
East portal Winston tunnel from Video.JPG
East portal Winston tunnel from Video.JPG
DeWayne checks out East portal.JPG
DeWayne checks out East portal.JPG
Winston Tunnel Fanhouse Destroyed
Winston Tunnel Fanhouse Destroyed
1998 Northwestern lines.JPG
1998 Northwestern lines.JPG
Northwestern Lines Summer 1998 Issue
Northwestern Lines Summer 1998 Issue
Northwestern Lines Summer 1998 Issue
Northwestern Lines Summer 1998 Issue
Map to Winston Tunnel West Portal.jpg
Map to Winston Tunnel West Portal.jpg