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Guest 06-Apr-2008 16:52
Great Galleries

website :
Guest 05-Apr-2008 16:39
hey thank you for feedback! Ps I love your work, very sharp and full of detail! Awesome!
Guest 20-Jun-2007 11:11
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 06:32
Your photos are good. I'll be back.
windybaer22-Oct-2006 06:39
re: forum

In the beginning
were the five-year-oldsasking those difficult questions:
"Where did we come from?" ,"How did animals get here?" "What was here before this world?"
And there were parents attempting to answer, desiring quiet, searching for a story that would end all questions,
at least until the next time...

Words were stretched, created new, imagination met the Unknown, and Myths were born in the answers,
stories shared at campfires over meals to entertain the children, keep them transfixed, safe at the fire,
away from the darkness around them, and quiet.
Then this summation:
They could not know the dark trails their tales would forge.

What a bunch of crap!

A five year old asked me once: "Why do you take pictures?"

There were some photographers who could not answer honestly, and then there were those wishing to be honest,
could only reply, because they also did not know, because: "that is what I do".

These same honest folk, on reflection, concluded, that when they saw beauty, they could not bear for that beauty to disappear into time, so they made a valiant attempt to preserve that same moment ,
not just for themselves, but to share with the loved members, of their community.

Perhaps the beauty of perfect innocence and nature in children is not so far removed from the nature of the unaltered forms of adults. Could man be the culpable one, not nature?
Pauline26-Jun-2006 06:48
(Regarding nudity)
I read what you wrote in the forum and I agree with you.
Good luck to you in your quest!
I hope something can be done.
I have nothing against nudity but a place for everything.
It seems to be getting out of hand.
Some of the pictures are not artistic at all.
Bill Warren16-Jun-2006 14:08
Congratulations on the technical work and artistry on the jellyfish gallery.
Rose 02-Jan-2006 18:07
Your pictures are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. Do you live in the Monterey area? A lot of the pictures look familiar to me. I live on the Santa Cruz side of the bay. I really enjoyed the otter pictures, I do rescues for the Marine Mammal Center and have been an otter mom so they really touch my heart. Thanks again!