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Linda Matta | all galleries >> Waken Photography >> Floristically Fantastic >
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© Linda (LeBrun) Matta

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Brian Samuel29-Dec-2011 21:55
Fab shot! Great details!
Guest 17-Jul-2007 15:24
Wonderful macro!
Guest 09-Jul-2007 19:32
Excellent macro!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography06-Jul-2007 13:03
Great capture indeed, beautiful and well done, Vote.
Sam X09-Feb-2007 15:39
important not what we see, but what we don't... great capture
Jola Dziubinska07-Feb-2007 18:34
This is incredible, fantastic image, splendid color. Very sexy as well :)
Dr. Michael G. Mathews19-Jan-2007 16:11
Beautiful image and we get a view (albeit a very small view) of you too in the reflecton off the waterdrop. Wonderful color! Vote
Thierry Lucas18-Jan-2007 23:03
Excellent picture, Linda.
Beautiful droplet and wonderful colors.
Eric Carrère18-Jan-2007 21:51
Superbe création, bravo :o)
Guest 18-Jan-2007 21:39
Amazing macro... and that color! Can't get enough of it!
laine8218-Jan-2007 21:31
an excellent macro
Guest 18-Jan-2007 21:04
Really beautiful shot,Linda.GMV
Linda Matta18-Jan-2007 20:50
Oh my, I have to say it again...... I'm so honoured to have this comment & vote from Terri :)
Terri Steele18-Jan-2007 20:43
Fantastic shot! Lovely color and detail. voted.
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