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Linda Matta | all galleries >> Waken Photography >> Floristically Fantastic >
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© Linda LeBrun-Matta

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Maaike Huizer23-Feb-2007 08:20
Gorgeous picture.
Guest 22-Feb-2007 03:48
Sensuous. V
Guest 21-Feb-2007 20:34
Great close up. Shown close up really shows off it's beautiful design and how amazing things can be when viewed so close. Love the different views and perspectives you share. It's a lovely experience to go through your galleries.
Eric Carrère21-Feb-2007 20:31
C'est très beau Linda, j'aime beaucoup :o)
Guest 21-Feb-2007 18:29
very close and sharp and excellent.
Guest 21-Feb-2007 18:28
wonderful macro, Linda
Dick Lowthian21-Feb-2007 17:57
A beautiful water drop image Linda. v
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