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World >> Bulgarian Photos

Photos from Bulgaria

small flag
short form Bulgaria
capital Sofia
long form Republic of Bulgaria
Bulgarian Photographers (13 total)
andreev22 Nikolay Staykov Yordan Cenov
Stefan Boyadzhiev Vladimir Atanasov Martin Petrov
Todor V. Domoustchiev BLKnight
Nikola Gruev Nedelcho Hazarbasanov Krasimir Ganchev
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Photo Galleries from Bulgaria (526 total)

Sofia in the year of 1944, after the American and British bombardment by Nikola Gruev


Vitosha on the 1st of November 2009 by Nikola Gruev


Tsarevo (the Vasiliko neighborhood) by Nikola Gruev


Ïðåäåëà [The Divider (of Rila and Pirin mountains)] by Nikola Gruev


Nikopolis ad Istrum by Nikola Gruev


Íàöèîíàëåí âîåííî èñòîðè÷åñêè ìóçåé (National military history museum) by Nikola Gruev


Hotel complex Boaza by Nikola Gruev


Perperikon by Nikola Gruev


New Year's Concert in the National Palace of Culture - 01-Jan-2006 by Nikola Gruev


Magura Cave by Nikola Gruev


The kids of Momtchilovtsi by Nikola Gruev


Sofia and Plovdiv 2015 2016 by Asteris Sardelis

Bulgarian Cities
Montana (500) Sofia (483) Plovdiv (55) Varna (2) Blagoevgrad (1) Burgas (1) Pleven (1)
Ruse (1) Sliven (1) Dobrich (0) Gabrovo (0) Khaskovo (0) KÅ­rdzhali (0) Kyustendil (0)
Lovech (0) Pazardzhik (0) Pernik (0) Razgrad (0) Shumen (0) Silistra (0) Smolyan (0)
Stara Zagora (0) TÅ­rgovishte (0) Veliko TÅ­rnovo (0) Vidin (0) Vratsa (0) Yambol (0)
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Bulgarian Regions
Blagoevgrad Burgas Dobrich Gabrovo Khaskovo
KÅ­rdzhali Kyustendil Lovech Montana Pazardzhik
Pernik Pleven Plovdiv Razgrad Ruse
Shumen Silistra Sliven Smolyan Sofiya
Sofiya-Grad Stara Zagora TÅ­rgovishte Varna Veliko TÅ­rnovo
Vidin Vratsa Yambol
Click to search for photos. The number is estimated search results.

All photos are copyrighted and may not be used without permission from the photographer.
Flags, maps, and country data taken from the CIA World Factbook.
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