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Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jean-Claude 02-Feb-2017 19:12
Merci pour votre excellent article sur les filtres. Pourriez-vous me dire comment on calcule l'équivalence lorsqu'on met plusieurs filtres, ex ND4 + ND8 = ND12 ou ND32 ? Autre question, quels sont les 3 ou 4 filtres indispensables selon vous ?
Yves Quenneville 10-Dec-2015 16:27
Merci pour la conference de mardi au club photo oka
tres instructif

BN les semelle chauffantes que vous avez montre son disponible chez pro nature a st eustache
Mark 16-Nov-2012 01:54
Hi Yves,
I was reading a post from you in dpreview about image stacking high ISO shots to clean them up. The link to the adobe site no longer seems to be working.
Is this method explained anywhere else on your site please?
Guest 08-Jun-2011 19:54
Magnifique photos M.Pinsonneault!!!

Guest 23-Jan-2011 15:42
Super intéressant ton exposé mercredi dernier à l'APAL. J'ai toujours trouvé que tu étais un des meilleurs conférenciers parmi ceux et celles que le club invite, tout est clair, bien expliqué,et toujours une pointe d'humour, Et que dire des photos présentées à la fin, Wow! tu ne parlais pas à travers ton chapeau, théoricien oui, mais praticien encore plus. Désolée d'être partie avant la fin, j'étais trop fatiguée.

Natasha 10-Jan-2011 21:25
Wow superbe ton site,je vois que j'ai encore tout à apprendre.
Merci pour ce partage
Maya l'Abeille...ou Natasha ;o)
Guest 10-Jan-2011 21:02

Congrats for your work! I am so admired you have that incredible talent. Photographer is more than someone who can get a special moment. He must be so sensitive to catch an intencion, a things'soul. You have that eyes. Kênia
Gordon Eyre30-Dec-2010 21:06
I see you are still turning out excellent work Yves. It has been some time since I last viewed your galleries and it is always a pleasure. So fun to see your daughter nearly grown up, she is a lovely young lady. I first met you on dpreview in 2004 and then we both migrated to the Nikon Cafe where I still post occasionally. Hope this finds you well and enjoying life. Gordon Eyre, aka greyflash.
Miss Ann 04-Jul-2010 16:40
Félicitations Yves,
que d'accomplissements et d'évolution depuis plus de 20 ans...
J'ai adoré ce que j'ai vu, vraiment!
La nature, les oiseaux même en vol...,les chevaux, le gel(frosting on a leaf), la robe de mariée...original et très beau, et ta fille bien sûr...même tes auto-portraits ;-)
A quand le site web de Musique?:
tes compositions, ta première Place des Arts, des extraits vidéo où on pourrait entendre ta pourquoi pas un fond musical sur ton site-photo avec Ta musique...
Enfin, tout un artiste!
Au plaisir de se revoir bientôt.
Anne ou Miss Ann , comme tu veux. :-)
Nancy Vietor 12-May-2010 00:53
Dear Yves,
I have a photograph of my grandfather, taken in the late 1800's or early 1900's. The photography studio was Pinsonneault's, 3 Rivieres, Quebec. I was wondering if you know anything of this studio...I thought maybe it was owned by one of your relatives.
Thank you.
Nancy Vietor
David Foster28-Dec-2009 14:57
Hi Yves - just followed your link from the Dpreview site to your pBase site and you have the 'eye' and have produced some really fantastic images.
You are now bookmarked as one of my 'favourites'.
Thanks for sharing
Guest 17-Dec-2009 01:20
Tes photos sont très belles, un vrai plaisir à les regarder.
J'aime beaucoup ta galerie avec les animaux dans la neige comme le harfang ainsi que tes paysages.
C'est vraiment du très bon travail, bonne continuation !

Amitiés photographiques,

manon 09-Aug-2009 16:36
C'est ici que je viens me reposer... retrouver une paix intérieure.

Merci de partager
springbaby30-Mar-2009 00:11
Merci de partager.. c'est maintenant mon havre de paix
Guest 17-Mar-2009 20:34
Thanks for your tech contribution in I.R in some other forums,
Thanks for your inspiration.
Gunther 16-Feb-2009 18:33

I've admired your work for several years and I never tire of visiting your PBase galleries. Keep them coming. You've got a lot of admiring fans.
Marcia Rules30-Jan-2009 01:57
Fabulous photographs! You have an eye for the flair & dynamics of nature! I am most impressed!.....marcia
Guest 22-Dec-2008 17:32
Many thanks for your excellent photographs.
Mike Henderson
Guest 27-Nov-2008 23:36
Hi Yves,
I enjoyed viewing your photos and i've added you to my favorites. I am in Calgary and i hope to meet you either here in Calgary or in Montreal... or somewhere in this beautiful country.
All the very best,
John Sabater
Den_S21-Nov-2008 14:29
An amazing collection of photos. I have added you to my favorites and look forward to studying your work in the future. Thank you
Guest 16-Sep-2008 00:47
Very nice galleries!
J.C. Richardson III05-Aug-2008 02:13
Yves, Thanks for the kind words on Brian's page. You are right their's a star with his name on it.

Thanks Again
J.C.Richardson III
Guest 17-Jul-2008 19:49
Beautiful pics Yves! You are quite the talented person.

Gilles Navet12-May-2008 18:05
You are now in my Fav, I will come back to see more frome you.
You have a great sense of color and composition with perfect technic
Mike S 26-Apr-2008 17:40
Yves, I am a newcomer to digital photography and consequently have visited many, many galleries. This morning I happened across yours. If there were only one camera left in the world, I would want it in your capable hands.
Moazam 08-Apr-2008 13:46
Yves P,

You have one outstanding vision for photography. I like all your galleries very much and wish I could take pictures like you in future, honestly telling you I had the passion for photography since my childhood but only very recently I was able to start practicing it on my own. It is all beacuse of people like you who inspire us to live our dreams.

Thank you and all the best for everything you do...
Guest 05-Apr-2008 22:32
Hello Yves, does it make sense to purchase the 17-35 2.8 lens for a D300 ? One day I hope to own a D3 where it will excel.
Justin Miller26-Mar-2008 20:51

In case you hadn't already found out...I saw your post in the Tribute to Mike Fitzgerald gallery over on the Sony board. Unfortunately, Mike passed away last week. He is sorely missed over on the Sony Talk Forum, and personally by many of us as well.

You may have already found out...but I wanted to make sure you knew.
Guest 11-Mar-2008 19:28
You have the most amazing galleries that I have ever seen. I will definitely come back to view more.
Baggio 28-Feb-2008 13:11
Bonjour YvesP,

Tes images sont vraiment superbes. Il me tarde maintenant de commander mon D300. Malheureusement, il ne me donnera pas le talent dont tu disposes ;-)
J'attends avec impatience les suivantes.

Jon 26-Feb-2008 14:39
Found my way here through DPReview...Yves there are a lot of outstanding photographs here. Really enjoyed the tour......Jon..
chrizuff 06-Feb-2008 09:14
Bonjour YvesP
Merci de nous faire partager ces belles images, que je regarde en tant qu'amoureux de la nature... et passonnné de photo; côté matériel, je viens d'acquérir un D300: le potentiel de cet appareil me paraît énorme...entre les mains d'un utilisateur averti tel que vous! J'ai mis la référence dans mes favoris, et je viendrai régulièrement me faire plaisir aux yeux, comme on dit. C'est un peu égoïste, car je ne me suis pas encore lancé à afficher mes images, mais je pense le faire dès que j'aurai apprivoisé mon matériel...

Encore bravo!

Dan B 05-Feb-2008 00:25
Yves I came across your work in photosig and I am impressed. I had to google you in order to send you a email regarding how amazing your photography is in all categories..I am not in any
of the forums just admire great photography as we all can see....
Thanks Yves
You Rock
Dan B
Martine 04-Feb-2008 04:04
Bonjour YvesP.,

Ton travail m'inspire beaucoup. Tu sais capter les choses sous la bonne lumière. Tes photos d'Arianne sont superbes.
ps. Ma fille s'appelle Ariane et elle est aussi très photogénique!
Lupin le Vorace 23-Jan-2008 13:57
Wow!! Mautadine que j'aimerais avoir ne serait-ce qu'un dixième de ton talent!!

Tu es vraiment très doué!!!
Dan the Man04-Jan-2008 12:52
Très belle photos! Tu est très doué mon ami!! Bravo!
Guest 25-Nov-2007 18:41
Nice Gallery
rbfresno13-Nov-2007 23:43
Masterful. Inspiring.
Guest 27-Oct-2007 04:24
You are an inspiration - your work is stunning. I always look forward to your posts on DPReview.
craig wilson25-Oct-2007 23:56
You have one tallented eye, it just doesnt get any better than this.Ive spent hours looking through pbase to find favorite artists .Im glad i came across your site.look forward to visiting again many times. Thanks Craig
Guest 20-Oct-2007 03:40
Love to see another Canadian showing great pictures. You have such a collection of beautiful composition. Cheers.
Guest 14-Oct-2007 22:46
Bonjour Yves, ta gallerie est vraiment impressionnante. Je ne suis qu'un débutant en photographie (aussi Nikonian) mais je peux apprécier la qualité de ton travail. Tu peux voir mes début sur Zenfolio sous le nom de Photo4fun, ainsi que sur Nikonians sous le nom de Newbird. By the way, si jamais tu voulais upgrader certains équipements et vendre des pièces usagées, cela pourrait m'intéresser...Tu trouveras mon adresse à mes galleries.

Encore une fois, toutes mes féliciations pour ton travail !

Yvan, Neuville, près de Québec.
Craig Sadler13-Oct-2007 19:18
Your photography is a feast for the eyes. wonderful style and execution. Truly inspirational.

wildoat02-Oct-2007 20:05
Magnificent compendium of images.
It`s not so much the way the camera records the images it`s the way you see them that makes them truly outstanding.
Fantastic technically and aesthetically.
Brilliant work.
best wishes
Guest 02-Oct-2007 11:13
I am not someone who comments just to be nice guy when I comment I mean it.You have many outstanding images and have been added to my favorites.Keep it up.

Milos Markovic23-Sep-2007 07:51
Halo Yves,
thank You for sharing such a wonderful view of the world around us.
For some, it is just plain and boring, and I would like to point all of them towards your galleries.
Your work is an inspiration and I will be regular visitor and admirer.
Best regards,
Guest 17-Sep-2007 23:41
No you rock :)
Guest 14-Jul-2007 12:08
spectacular gallery!
i`m surely gone visit here when you`ll update it.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:04
Very impressive.
Touch09-Jun-2007 08:24
Bonjour, Yves;
Un superbe coup d'oeil servi par des réglages du D2H " aux petits oignons " comme on dit chez nous. Le pays est magnifique, mais c'est ton travail sur la lumière et la couleur qui nous permet d'en profiter... Et tes portraîts sont d'une grande délicatesse. Merci.
Un "cousin" admiratif.
Guest 07-May-2007 21:08
Nice Gallery
mircea costina28-Apr-2007 12:58
Hi Yves,
You have a superb portfolio!
Excellent work.

Guest 27-Apr-2007 06:08

Je n'ai pas encore tout vu mais j'apprécie particulièrement vos magnifiques images.
Superbe travail sur les animaux.
Merci de le partager avec nous.
Guest 05-Apr-2007 06:30
Dear Yves,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours prtfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country i Europa...I will come back wit pleasure...
Brent Andersen04-Apr-2007 11:36
Great galleries, Yves, thanks for sharing. Brent
Guest 28-Mar-2007 04:55
Hi Yves,

Been coming here quite often to be inspired by your pieces here. It has left an impression on me and I know my work will improve over time from seeing your wonderful photos!


Guest 07-Mar-2007 14:22
Your photos have left an impression on me and that's a rare thing.
Guest 05-Mar-2007 21:07
You are an artist of the highest calibre. You will make great images whether with a pinhole camera or a $8000 D3x, because you have vision and you have taste. I followed a link from dpreview and ended up spending over an hour on your site. Stunning.
Scotty Battistoni -SO Photography03-Mar-2007 22:30
You have some absolutely stunning photos on your webpages. Makes me want to throw away all of my equipment and find a new hobby as my photos pale in comparison.
Excellent work.
Scotty Battistoni
Guest 24-Jan-2007 07:59
absolotly inspiring ,a true artist. living with all that beuty around you must add to the pleasher
be well
Russell16-Jan-2007 19:09
An Excellent collection of wildlife images. I enjoyed your gallery very much, thanks for sharing!

Guest 12-Jan-2007 21:58
I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. Top!
Guest 05-Nov-2006 14:17
liked ur comment as well mate. Your work is wonderful.. keep it up.. I hope and wish I too can do my passion and business as one. Cheers!! Jay
Guest 06-Sep-2006 07:39
Hi Yves.
What a superb collection of pictures.
You have a great style of you own.
I have enjoyed watching your pictures very much and
added you to my favorites.

Siim22-Aug-2006 10:13
Enjoyed your work! Keep it up!
Raul Quinones05-Aug-2006 01:08
Impresive galleries. I will definetly be back to see your new posts. An inspiration for a newbie photographer like myself.
Guest 22-Jul-2006 19:54
No thank you for the wonderfull pics that you have here i love them all
and btw i learned something from you and i thank you for that too ©
i like that little trick. Great pics keep up the good work i will be back

Guest 22-Jul-2006 12:24
I came across your very beautiful and inspiring gallery today ~ what a treat! I am adding you to my favorites and will be checking back often for new posts.
Best regards,
Guest 15-Jul-2006 03:48
This is one of the most inspiring galleries i've ever seen.. ^_^
I hope you would be kind to visit my gallery and give some constructive comments.. ^_^
I like your photos and I put your gallery as my favourite too... it's a real inspiration to me!

God Bless,
Guest 11-Jul-2006 21:32
Thank you so much for your tips on dpreview on infrared, you've opened my eyes to a whole new world I have had a lot of fun with.
Guest 02-Jul-2006 16:15
Superb work here. Very captivating perspective and very unqiue. I like seeing great photos with thought and meaning behind them..Great great work.
Guest 10-Jun-2006 09:10
Que de belles photos Yves ! Que de belles photos ...
Pierre Landry06-Jun-2006 02:00
Bonjour Yves,
Ca fait au moins 2 ans que je reviens regulierement a tes galleries. Tes images sont epoustouflantes et me procurent toujours beaucoup d'inspiration. Tu as vraiment beaucoup de talent.
Au plaisir
Guest 01-Jun-2006 13:52
Fantastic gallery, thanks for sharing and keep up the excellent work.
Guest 09-Mar-2006 11:02
Yves, I found your galleries by way of a link at Very nice stuff, inspires me to work harder.
Guest 21-Feb-2006 20:22
Yves, thank you the comment you left for me last week. I appreciated it all the more when I toured through your gallery, and saw the quality of your photography. Strong contrasts, rich colours, well considered compositions -- "bold" is how I would describe your photographs. I have added you to my favourites, and will be back ...

Guest 31-Dec-2005 15:34
I realy enjoyed your Galleries.
Very creative, talented, and inspiring.
Big Mike17-Oct-2005 11:24
I started out too late in life enjoying photography. You continue to inspire me… thank you!
Guest 04-Sep-2005 15:10
Bonjour Yves j'ai fait le tour de tes galeries et tes photos sont vraiment superbe je suis tombé sur ta galerie en cherchant des photos prise avec le 80-400 j'aimerait avoir ton impression sur cette lentille merci.
Kevin Chan15-Aug-2005 03:37
Stunning Scenery, simply one word "masterpiece"
Guest 10-Aug-2005 15:59
Awesome images!!!Thank you for the tour.
Guest 20-Jul-2005 04:18
Your pictures are wonderful!!! Thanks!

Tom Heim13-Jul-2005 03:09

"THx for taking time to write me a note in my guest book. I must say, you have several pictures of your own that are simply fantastic. Keep up the good work."

Thank you, Yves. Coming from you, this is a high compliment, indeed!

Kind regards,
Tom Heim11-Jul-2005 19:44
Angels in Paradise...

Yves, I have long admired your excellent work here at pbase and on the forums at dpreview. It would be hard to pick one, but your Angels in Paradise is superb. I left comments attached to the image as well.

Kind Regards,
Yiannis Pavlis22-Jun-2005 02:05
my compliments.excellent work.
Mark Gillett10-Jun-2005 17:03
I have come across your site via the "bad" thread on the Canon forum. I have to say I like your photography vey much and have enjoyed looking through some of your work. Keep it up. Mark
Guest 09-Jun-2005 15:03
You have one of the best websites on pbase and I enjoy viewing all of your work. You have been added to my favorites so I can check in time to time to get inspired!
John Beck06-Jun-2005 21:17
Your photos are beautiful. I am impressed. Thanks for sharing these.

James Taylor02-Jun-2005 21:05
Your colors are wonderful.Great work!
James Taylor
Gordon Eyre17-May-2005 01:02
You have some incredible images here Yves. It has been fun for me to peruse your galleries once again. Congratulations on reaching the 1,000,000 visitor mark. Gordon
David Chauvin10-Apr-2005 02:28
Beautiful work. Your use and capture of the available light is wonderful.
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe04-Feb-2005 03:12
Hi Robert, the way to write the © sign is the following:

Hold the ALT and type on the keypad 0169 then release everything you have this sign "©"

For the frame, it is a photoshop action.
Robert 03-Feb-2005 20:33
Hi Yves!
Been looking and admiring your photos. Great work!!! Btw, I've been meaning to learn how to put copyright info on the border of the picture. Can you give me some web link or pointers about it? Is it done thru Photoshop CS? Thanks for your reply!!!
Naturephoto Monique13-Jan-2005 00:20
Yves, your work is beautiful, excellent pictures!

Best Wishes,
Guest 28-Dec-2004 16:27
I believe I contacted you last December or the year before as an admirer of your work. Recently I have purchased a D70 (wanted a D2H but a little pricy for me) and I have been enjoying this new camera. Next purchase is a lens.

I have joined this community as was again surprised to see your great work.

Keep up the good work. Being a Dad is a lot of fun and it is obvious that this is very important to you.

Keep sharing with us less gifted. We all appreciate the talent you bring to the internet.

Best wishes for 2005 to you and your family.

Best regards
Barry Murphy
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Guest 25-Dec-2004 14:15
Salut Yves !
Un Joyeux Noël à toi et à Arianne.
Manfred Bachmann14-Dec-2004 21:52
Wonderful galleries and pictures! It´s really a pleasure to watch all your fantastic shots!
many greetings my friend
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe13-Nov-2004 13:21
Jim, your comments always touch me.

Thx very much for looking. I have been on a slow for november so far but I'll post more shots soon.

Best regards,
Jim Chiesa13-Nov-2004 06:12
An excellent selection of photos that portray the wonderful (and unique) creativity that you have, Yves.
Keep well.
Best Wishes.
Patrick Campeau 11-Sep-2004 03:29

Tu es vraiment génial.

Félicitations pour ton excellent travail et ton sens créatif.
Francois 10-Apr-2004 07:36
Bravo. Je suis vraiment sous le charme.

Je suis tombé par hasard sur tes photos (dpreview-> D70 -> forums -> yp8) et là je me demande comment prendre des cours.
j'ai apprécié plus particulièrement tes paysages et c'est vraiment conforme au Canada que je rêve d'aller voir, d'aller visiter (tu dois avoir qqes stock options dans l'office du tourisme Canadien et du Quebec :) ).
Fais tu beaucoup de retouches avec Photoshop?
J'espère que tu pourras me faire suivre tes prochains clichés.

Un francais qui attends de voir la continuité de ton oeuvre.
Merci encore.

Charlie McCartney 09-Apr-2004 19:24

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed a look around your images. They are superb.
As a relatively new D100 owner I appreciate your contributions to the Nikon forum and
I'm intrigued at your new postings following your recent upgrade of equipment.

Again, many thanks............ keep the postings coming.

Regards from Bonnie Scotland
Scott McCollum 05-Apr-2004 02:57
Hey Yves,
I have been admiring your work for some time now. I have had a D100 for approximately 6 months and have been investigating several different post processing techniques. Ron Resnick is the latest. However, I always come back to your work. Could you provide some guidance as to what processing techniques you use? I would be most grateful.

Thanks so much,
Scott McCollum
Bryan, Texas
Guest 04-Apr-2004 20:57
thank you for the pleasure