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James Mason | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rajneesh in Oregon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rajneesh in Oregon

In 1981 the red-clad followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh purchased a ranch in central Oregon. Within a few years they'd developed the ranch to the point where they could hold religious festivals attended by as many as 55,000 of the faithful from around the world. It became a big news story and I made trips from Portland to the ranch, named Rajneeshpuram. For a lover of Kodachrome 25 film, it was a great story. The combination of the desert light and the multihued clothes "the color of the rising sun" made for good photos. Here's a few.
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"I see you're headed for the slammer"
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Good civil engineering
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Pious followers
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Where even the dogs are red
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Favorite lens
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One tall chicken
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