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Adalberto Tiburzi | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 20-Jul-2021 19:24
Caro Adalberto,
ci siamo conosciuti a Londra nel 1965 (era Beatles)
Eravamo in 4: tu, Mario Sabatini, Claudio Ferrari e io (Roberto Giannini) di Milano.
Mi farebbe piacere risentirti
Un abbraccio
Guest 18-Apr-2018 21:25
Quand je vois des images comme celles-ci, je suis frappée par votre force créatrice... souvent (et même dans des images plus tristes ou dures, parfois) la seule présence de cette force créatrice me procure un grand plaisir.
Le plaisir qu'on éprouve au contact d'une œuvre (tableau, poème, photo) qui nous comble.
Il y a quelque chose de jubilatoire dans votre travail (que je ne sais pas encore expliquer).
Patrizia Arigo' 05-May-2014 08:46
Arte e geometria. Ovvero, un modo assolutamente insolito e originale di vedere le cose, pur essendo inserite nel paradosso di uno schema geometrico che però non riesce a limitare una creatività che va oltre i confini dell'immagine.
Stefano Petrucci 08-Oct-2011 17:47
Adal, tu vedi le cose come le sogni, e le mostri a chi non riesce a vederle.
liliana mosena 13-May-2010 16:39
che incanto le tue foto, che entrano , attraverso gli occhi, nel profondo per suscitare emozioni indimenticabili!
un caro saluto
Deborah Lyons 28-Apr-2010 23:14
scusi - rivelazione!
Deborah Lyons 28-Apr-2010 23:14
Caro Adalberto,

ammiro moltissimo le sue photo -- balustrade e' una revelazione.
Mi piace anche la Micia.

Angela Tata 25-Jan-2010 12:00
Adalberto ho visitato il tuo sito e ne sono rimasta folgorata come S.Paolo sulla via di Damasco!! Immagini superbe, giocate molto sul chiaro-scuro che io adoro e che trovo in perfetta sintonia con la tua personalità.
Terrò d'occhio i tuoi lavori...ancora complimentoni!
Maurizio Mochi 05-Jan-2010 09:46
Ogni volta che guardo le tue foto dubito della mia vista, quasi mi credo cieco, quante cose non vedrò mai nel mio vivere !!!!!
Ciao e grazie
BrigitteKrede15-Dec-2009 10:22
tu as de merveilleuses photos...mes felicitations
Luca Zanoni24-Apr-2009 13:26
è troppo facile fotografare.
la scelta giusta è sempre quella fatta senza pensare
Guest 26-Nov-2008 08:26
adalberto, ho trovato interessante la tua maniera di vedere le cose. e anche di fotografarle. ho dato un'occhiata a questo sito, ed alla tua galleria, e questo perchè stimolato dal tuo commento in cui definisci barocca una foto degli orti di sallustio, cosa che mi era sfuggita ma che è verissima e mi ha sorpreso. una volta mi piacerebbe scambiare due parole con te. ciao, andrea de bonis
Possiel12-Jul-2008 05:52
Love your work to death!
Giulietta Profumi 12-Jun-2008 12:50
Adal, ho sfogliato le tue gallerie.
Vuoi sapere cosa penso? Sei un genio della fotografia.
L'apparente facilità con cui trovi il punto di vista originale, la disinvolta maestria della composizione, la nonchalance con cui controlli la luce più difficile.
In una parola, mi fai pensare a Mozart.
Always 12-Apr-2008 10:40
Thank you Mr Tiburzi, for letting me sharing your talent with the words that I write in Dentro do Copo Vazio... Best wishes, Always.
Guest 09-Apr-2008 14:00
I've always felt that as a photographer our work is so much a product of our accumulated experiences. If this is true, your life has truly been rich beyond all measure. Peace...,
Bill Hughes
BleuEvanescence25-Mar-2008 13:58
TU es invité(e)(pas obligé) à la 4e édition du Challenge PBase...
YOU are invited (no obligation) to the 4th Edition of the PBase challenge...
Barry S Moore09-Feb-2008 12:56
What a fascinating intro in your profile page,,,, now i am looking forward to browse your photos.

Cheers Barry
Tania Bounader23-Nov-2007 12:03
Thank you for showing Montreal with a different 'eye' :)
kimberly borchardt12-Oct-2007 05:33
Like Bacchus, like Padre Pio, you're the patron saint of Pbase. .....Where would we be without you?!

Guest 28-Jun-2007 23:42
I have gotten lost in thought and imagination for hours from browsing your photos, they are both a source of wonder and inspiration, I can only hope that in time my own work will be comparable to your standards, until then I will be returning time and time again in expectation of that ethereal vagueness you so efficiently capture! My thanks for the ideas and thought you have provoked.
Guest 26-Jun-2007 12:15

Your images one by one are metaphors for universal beauty and the mystery of the universe
I can look and dream for hours ...
Guest 22-Jun-2007 06:05
I'm looking at the world different thanks to your pictures.
Guest 05-May-2007 07:54
I had such fun. Thank you. Diana
Guest 15-Apr-2007 03:20
j'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites
vous avez de tres belle photos
Guest 28-Mar-2007 10:10
Dear Adalberto,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 06:43
This is as close to perfect as it can get.
Luca Zanoni06-Feb-2007 21:20
Eterni viandanti sono i giorni e i mesi, e gli anni, che vanno e vengono. Chi trascorre una vita fluttuante su una barca viaggia giorno dopo giorno e fa del viaggiare la sua dimora. (Basho). happy birthday Adal.
Guest 26-Jan-2007 00:37
Hello Adalberto Tiburzi, enjoy viewing your fabulous and artistic gallery definately is a class above many...Cheers.
Guest 24-Jan-2007 15:58
Hi Master Adal
Your shots are great! Very professional and rish of color.
It is my pleasure to find this gallery and browsing through the images.

Dan Chusid21-Jan-2007 00:07
Just realized I never signed your guestbook.
Cut this out and save it. When I die it's going to be worth a lot of money!

"Best wishes,
- Dan"
: )
Guest 20-Nov-2006 23:21
ciao! your photos are great. non mi stanchiro mai di guardarle. and as a beginner (got srated taking pics 3 months ago) i learn a lot from your pictures!!! grazie
Eric Carrère19-Nov-2006 10:38
Le génie à l'état pur...Un source d'inspiration pour moi et bien d'autres ( même si je ne comprends pas encore tout...:o) )
Bravo cher Adal.
lebororo18-Nov-2006 23:02
Bonjour Adal,
Quel talent, quelle classe! ♥
C'est un regal pour les yeux, merci pour le partage et ta petite visite sur ma galerie.
J'apprécie beaucoup ton immense travail et la qualité que tu produis...
Bravo encore.
Massimo Ilardi 13-Nov-2006 14:03
Le tue foto assomigliano quasi a delle piccole frontiere, forse a degli ostacoli che tu poni all'osservatore abituato a transitare negli spazi lisci della metropoli contemporanea. Sono delle striature, seppure leggere, che ricordano che la metropoli non è solo fatta di reti ma anche di spigoli qualche volta aguzzi. Almeno la vedo così questa formidabile sequenza di foto.
un saluto
Gervan28-Oct-2006 20:16
Thanks for your positive comment to one of my pictures. I checked out part of your work and I am deeply impressed. Now that I've seen the high professional level of your work I think that your comment gets an extra dimension.

Thanks for showing your marvellous images to the world.
thor27 03-Sep-2006 12:41
i like your work sir,specially the stairways,lightings are good.and ur quotes too.
Dia 25-Aug-2006 11:06
Vous êtes un artiste plein de talent, de générosité, d'orginalité, et sensible. J'aime énormément ce que vous faites. Merci de ces partages photographiques lumineux en tout.
Eric Herbelin19-Aug-2006 17:35
Some of these images are so great that I shall have a small glass of Grapa to celebrate my visit to your site!
Carol 19-Jul-2006 03:03
What a great site
Guest 28-May-2006 21:33
Loved the stairs in Plazzo Barberini a Roma, loved la chiese dei "3 vele", grazie mille por il tuo lavoro! 27-May-2006 22:22
The Site is excellent..!! Wish you all the best..
Guest 14-May-2006 17:06
Impressive images, beautiful, creative, precise, ("travaillées"). I also like your Bio. The best part : "still living"... Continue with all that ! Thanks.
GdL09-May-2006 18:11
I have enjoyed seeing bits and pieces of Italy through your 'extra'ordinary lens. I will be visiting Italy for the first time next month ... but Roma is not on the list this time ... surely it will be next time. Thank you for your sharing your beautiful images!
seb favre 22-Apr-2006 00:54
It s a really great site, i found really nice photos, as much simple as they are beautiful. Just pieces of life lost among lifes we too much often forget to watch.

Now i m living the site with a great smile, thank you !!! :oD
anthony legg10-Apr-2006 11:00
Thanks for the comments on my images.
The kit lens is starting to frustrate me...hopefully I will have enough money to upgrade very soon.
arminb05-Apr-2006 20:03
"Losers compete against others. The winner against himself" - so true, it's such a hard battle :o)
Cheers, Armin
Guest 05-Apr-2006 18:50
Great photos on the staircase.
Steve Price30-Jan-2006 22:34
I never tire of looking at your pictures. And your word play is just as interesting. Thanks.
Guest 01-Jan-2006 15:26
Adalberto, je n'ai jamais rien écrit dans ce Guestbook, et pourtant, depuis que j'ai découvert tes galeries (peu de temps après m'être inscrite à PBase), je viens très régulièrement. Au seuil de cette nouvelle année, je voulais laisser un témoignage de la stimulation que me procure ton travail depuis le début: tu as une vision très originale, qui ne laisse jamais le spectateur dans l'indifférence. Tu as des photos qui font plaisir aux yeux, d'autres qui dérangent; des images qui font sourire, d'autres qui émeuvent. Merci ;-)
Chris Sofopoulos23-Dec-2005 17:52
Hi Adal. I want to thank you deeply from my heart for the inspiration. Your work is a great lesson and help, for going on to different roads and experiments.
Thank you.
Offer Goldfarb17-Dec-2005 19:51
Hi Adalberto
I think you are amazing artist !
keep doing your great work
please visit me at
take care
Guest 16-Dec-2005 16:53
sono rimasto davvero colpito dalle gallerie. Le trovo meravigliose. complimenti e come ho già scritto nel commento della Galleria Eros, sicuramente i migliori scatti su pBase. Andrea.
Photo Club Pavillonnais09-Dec-2005 07:01
Je suis globalement séduit par l'ensemble de vos image. Un regard si précis cette faculté de voir au dela des choses et une lumière des plus maitrisée.
Dominique Dumas
Avec toutes mes excuses pour ce message en français
Guest 30-Nov-2005 16:16
I love the way you see the world. I look forward to seeing much more.
Guest 24-Oct-2005 19:15
I really respect you. Thanks for shareing.
Guest 23-Oct-2005 15:42
Le tue gallerie sono veramente fantastiche, complimenti!!!
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 16:19
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
Michael Buckeridge13-Oct-2005 12:18
There are times when I think my pictures are getting good...then I come across galleries like yours and I am inspired to do better!!

Agostino 12-Oct-2005 04:38
Finally a photo gallery that is enriching, surprising and teaches me to see the world with a renewed photographic eye. Thank you!
Luís Pereira24-Sep-2005 11:42
Hi Adalberto,

Thank's to Alem, I found your galleries.
Now, I will follow you, enjoying your amazing talent.

Best regards

Guest 26-Aug-2005 09:42
Antonio Pierre De Almeida23-Aug-2005 19:09
( !!! ) ;-)
Guest 14-Aug-2005 21:58
Amazing, Alberto. I'm new here, but however imperessed. Thanks a lot :)
Guest 11-Aug-2005 18:31
Hi Adalberto,
amazing galleries! really a wonderful trip to do :)
Best regards,
Macastat27-Jul-2005 08:33
Adalberto- we have walked different paths, but your photos seem so familiar to me.... like we peer through the same lens, viewing different landscapes. -Tony
Nina Ludwig21-Jul-2005 22:19
Just discovered your galeries. Amazing!
Adalberto Tiburzi22-Jun-2005 01:46
Thank you Ira.
My self-quotes on the profile page are the result of my Pmail conversations with a friend on here ;-)
Guest 22-Jun-2005 01:33

I think I read your 'Thoughts of the Week' 3 times. I liked them all but the one below is my favorite.

"Sometimes someone asks me which is my fav photo of mine. 'The next ' I reply"
Guest 21-Jun-2005 15:24
Gallerie stupende!
Vorrei dire di più ma non trovo le parole!

Keep up the good work!
Guest 04-Jun-2005 03:28
adal - your photography is really taking off. tks to that wise man who told you you have to move more often and talk walks. its a pleasure spending time in your galleries. warmest regards - daniel, bangkok
Guest 13-May-2005 07:18
foto bellissime, complimenti !

Guest 06-May-2005 06:39
Thank you for your marvelous photo galleries, it brought up my passion to photograpy again. Thanks for sharing.
antje kroeger photograpie15-Apr-2005 14:37


Guest 28-Feb-2005 18:19
Dear Adal I"am Roman from Vienna and a new PBase-supporter.Your gallerie is amazing,and wounderful(nobody see"s stairways like You!).
Guest 24-Feb-2005 09:07
Grazie Adal per essere passato per la mia galleria ed aver lasciato un commento. Vengo spesso qui da te e trovo sempre foto eccezionali che mi insegnano qualcosa di importante. Spero di risentirti e di vedere qui sempre tue nuove immagini che sono sempre "cibo per la mente"
Guest 23-Feb-2005 16:08
Adal, grazie per aver visitato il mio angolino...avevo già visto le tue foto da tempo e devo dire che ci tenevo ad un tuo commento.
Mi fa piacere che anche chi come te, dotato di un grandissimo talento e di ottimi mezzi, trovi il tempo di spendere due parole per chi come me, cerca nel suo piccolo di coltivare al meglio la passione per la fotografia...

Inutile aggiungere che devo mangiarne di pastasciutta per avvicinarmi ai tuoi scatti:))
Sicuramente tra i miei preferiti in pbase...


Guest 19-Nov-2004 05:55
Bonjour Adalberto,
j'aime infiniment mettre des commentaires sur vos photos parce qu'elles ont à dire tant de choses! tout y est : l'esthétisme, la construction, le thème, l'humour, et quelque chose de vraiment vivant. C'est un réel plaisir de se balader en Italie à travers vos yeux ou votre "twisted wrist", Sylvia
Guest 15-Nov-2004 23:16
Ti ringrazio per la tua visita alla mia galleria di immagini.
Ti ringrazio soprattutto per le tue parole che mi hanno fatto davvero piacere, però se tu definisci me un ottimo fotografo io devo dire che sei un marziano; la maggior parte delle mie foto sono con persone come soggetti, ed alcune sono piacevoli, ma tu sei un maestro sia con le persone che con altri soggetti cosa che è difficilissima soprattutto per la composizione.

un salutone

P.S. spero di non essere anche io fra i deficienti che nominavi ;-)
Isolde 17-Sep-2004 03:28
I looked at one of your photos - then another - then another - then another album - until I'd seen them all! I love the way you capture the world. So much variety too!
Guest 15-Sep-2004 21:47
Adal - did I ever tell you that you ROCK? Well, you do. In a blues and jazz kind of way. Love your stuff!
Hodero30-Aug-2004 21:29
Hola Adalberto,
I went through your galleries and saw some exellent work,humouristic and taken with a photographic eye. Good work.! saludos.."H"
Jill30-May-2004 15:01
Per chanse that you may read your guestbook while on holiday. Thanks for commenting and we miss your daily postings and witty comments.

Enjoy, bask in the sunshine and feel the holiday. Looking forward to your photographs.
Anna Pagnacco08-Apr-2004 20:39
Thank you for visiting my gallery...Great and interesting shots on yours.I will come back to check out your updates...Anna
Guest 06-Apr-2004 01:55
Love "Wandering in Rome / Signals from Noise"
Jeff Cochran19-Mar-2004 00:26
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Paul Teixeira06-Mar-2004 11:44
Great pictures Adalberto! And I can't help laughing at the comments you've made in my galleries :-)

Best regards,
Paul Teixeira
Guest 05-Mar-2004 14:24

Your images are wonderful. Thank you for your visit and comments in re: to my p.a.d. on 3/5/04. After looking at your work, your compliment and review so encourages a newbie like me. This is compounded by the fact that you are from the home country where my family originated a few generations ago.


Vincent Valle
Dias dos Reis04-Mar-2004 16:04
Dear Adalberto,

Let me compliment you for your creations and thank you for your generous comments.

Antonio Reis
ac26-Feb-2004 14:33
Un petit mot pour Adalberto, qui aime voir plus loin que ce que l'on peut montrer et savoir plus que ce qu'on peut échanger ici.
De belles galeries qui en disent long sur sa ville, sa vie, et ce qu'il observe longitudinalement.
Des galeries peut-être qui organisent son désarroi ,sa peine, sa nostalgie. C'est en tout cas ce que je suis capable d'y voir maintenant.
ZM24-Feb-2004 04:43
As my eyes slake the beauty unfolding herein ... joy is felt. :)
Such lovely work displayed, Mr. Tiburzi.
Guest 31-Jan-2004 16:34
I very much enjoyed your pictures of Rome off the beaten path. I had three days in Rome two years ago. I was unfortunately tied to a fragile relative for most of that time, so I only saw the "postcard" images.
Zane Paxton12-Jan-2004 19:02

Wonderful and insightful work, I enjoyed it a lot. You have a keen eye for the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary. I also enjoyed your compositions and color. Thanks for posting!
Paul Teixeira07-Jan-2004 21:57
Very good captures of Rome, Adalberto. Loved them.

Paul Teixeira
