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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > Sam Hughes House
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9 November 2003 Peg Price

Sam Hughes House

221 and 223 N. Main Ave.

The photo shows the north facing side of the house.
In 1868, when Sam and his wife moved in, it was a small adobe house that was soon enlarged to accommodate their 15 children.
Today the Sam Hughes house is a series of garden apartments.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Armando Miguélez 23-Dec-2014 16:15
La esposa era Atanasia Santa Cruz (1850-1934) y la casa también se llama de Milton B. Duffield (1810-1874), un policía racista a quien se le atribuye la frase que, en 1873, pronunció en frente del patíbulo erigido en Tucson para linchar a tres mexicanos:Sahuaripa, Córdoba y "Fichi" y un anglo : "you can hang a Mexican, you cant hang a Jew, you can hang a nigger, but you can´t hang a American citizen". Suponemos a quién se refería de los cuatro.