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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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jtocaciu08-Feb-2025 16:44
Superb work. Exquisite models selection. Greetings!
Larry Richard17-Apr-2023 22:47
I am coming back to Italy in two weeks. It’s been forty years since I was there. I am starting in Lake Como and then to Tuscany and Umbria. I cannot wait to see the beautiful women of Italy. I love beautiful Italian women. My camera will use up all digital space.
Pekka Leppanen05-Nov-2022 14:30
Grazie mille!
RappWizard09-May-2021 18:31
Thank you for the nice comment, Paolo. Coming from you, I consider that high praise!!
jeff taylor13-Jul-2020 16:11
I favorited your homepage and look forward to browsing. It may take a while but I am sure it will be enjoyable.
Guest 21-Jul-2018 11:52
nice work and models.
Jarek M25-Mar-2018 22:55

Thank you very much for your frequent visiting and kind comments. Much appreciated.
jjoejr19-Feb-2018 18:25
Favorite model is when the roses bloom. Captivating.
Norbert Uhlhaas16-Feb-2018 07:06
fantastic job with charming models and beautiful galleries of travel.
Phantasee Photo19-Jan-2018 21:31
Thank you for your kind comments, Paolo.
Following your exquisite work regularly.
Marwan Habib05-Jan-2018 21:55
Happy new year, Paolo!
I hope you will have lots of nice photo occasions in 2018 and good things.
On my side, I will try to be more present on PBase and visit my friends galleries.
meekam tam29-May-2017 07:42
Thank you for all your kind comments.
Gilles Navet01-May-2017 14:28
Une vision hors du commun !
Je t'ai ajouté dans mes FAV
sally mynhardt 31-Mar-2017 11:11
Thank you for your great comment on my landscape
Gary08-Feb-2017 17:22
I appreciate your nice comment on my Frost image...
Gary27-Jan-2017 17:11
Many thanks, appreciate your nice comment...
Gary03-Jan-2017 18:20
I appreciate your very nice comment on my Winter image...
David Andrews (Whammybar) 03-Dec-2016 01:50
When ever I want to see some of the most beautiful women in the World I come to your site. Great work Paolo.
Gary02-Dec-2016 17:46
Many thanks for your very kind words on my Landscape image...
Nicholas Baumgartner20-Nov-2016 14:00
Paolo - I hope you are doing well - your galleries are fantastic! Thanks so much for your comments on mine. Cheers, Nicholas
Gary17-Nov-2016 17:55
I appreciate your nice comment on my Moose image...
Gary31-Oct-2016 17:09
Many thanks Paolo for your nice comment and vote on my Mother and Baby Goose image...
Gary14-Oct-2016 22:19
Thanks, I appreciate your nice comment on my image...
Gary09-Oct-2016 20:18
Thanks so very much for your nice comment on my image...
Gary08-Oct-2016 17:08
Thanks for your nice comment on my Squirrel image...
Gary07-Oct-2016 16:05
Appreciate your nice comment on my Hawk image...
Gary06-Oct-2016 16:59
Thanks so very much for all your nice comments on my work...
Gary02-Oct-2016 17:52
Thanks for your nice comment on my image...
Gary12-Sep-2016 16:03
I appreciate your nice comment and vote on my Morning Fog image...
Gary06-Sep-2016 16:47
Many thanks for your nice comment on my Rodeo image...
Gary21-Jul-2016 18:04
I appreciate your nice comment on my Grouse image...
Gary03-Jul-2016 21:45
Thanks you so much...
Mike Jukes03-Jul-2016 20:56
Hi Paolo
Looking at your pictures of Laura as usual you are making me wish I was sixty years younger!!

All the best

Mike Jukes
Gary29-Jun-2016 16:14
I appreciate your nice comment on my Duck image...
Gary07-Jun-2016 19:06
Thanks so much for your nice comment on my water landscape...
Gary29-May-2016 17:04
Thank you for the nice comment on my Bobolink...
Jean-Claude Riboulet08-May-2016 04:41
Thanks that you visited and comment my Copenhagen Gallery , I appreciate.
Bernie05-May-2016 05:17
Hi Paolo - Appreciate the comment you left on my gallery. Thanks for sharing your amazing work. Cheers.
pthas01-May-2016 16:25
Thank you for your comment on my recent galleries! Much appreciated.
hermankervel30-Apr-2016 11:39
I like your pictures
Jim Allen04-Apr-2016 15:06
Love all your galleries, excellent composition love Ireland and San Fran.
Norbert Uhlhaas26-Mar-2016 20:59
Hi Paolo,

thanks for your nice comment on my website. So I also visited your site. Wow!!! Fantastic, very nice pictures.
Co van der Wardt22-Mar-2016 16:09
Hi Paolo,

After your nice comment on a picture of mine I visited your site.
Wow!!! GREAT, nice pictures. Maybe I must change from birds to other "birds"...;-)
Brendan Doe01-Mar-2016 20:17
Stunning images Paolo Congratulations!
Giorgio Cavestro28-Feb-2016 16:06
Thanks Paolo for visiting my last gallery.
...What wonderful images and galleries you got!!!
Dennis Morrison03-Dec-2015 18:50
Outstanding website Paolo, your galleries, work and models are stunning! Well done.
Guest 02-Aug-2015 18:12
I have never seen so many beautiful woman and so well photographed in one spot. congrats!
kenvk02-Jul-2015 18:02
How do you do it? As I look through your model galleries, they are mostly just shot on a white or black background. Even with what seems to be a basic set up your captures are wonderful. They are always interesting not just a model against a background. Your props are simple but effective. The models are always beautiful. I'm sure you never have a problem finding models.Keep shooting keep sharing.

Terry J. Graham01-May-2015 22:16
Once again, Very nice images Paulo, I really enjoyed looking through your galleries. Thank you for visting my little corner of pBase.
Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:01
Thank you for your pictures !
Emmie Gray02-Feb-2015 08:51
Just want to say I see your nice compliments everywhere, all over PBase, and I think it's so nice of you to encourage other photographers! Cheers and best wishes. Emmie...
bardofbyte23-Jan-2015 02:28
Very nice portraits
Jack J Maniscalco31-Dec-2014 23:02
Happy New Year! I look forward to your work in 2015.
Dias dos Reis31-Dec-2014 17:17
Paolo, Carissimo

Tanti auguri di felicità per il nuovo anno!

Stephanie31-Dec-2014 13:36
::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
*: (=’ :’) :::::::: Happy New Year Paolo!! 2015! :::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
Duff Hughes27-Dec-2014 05:25
Merry Christmas and a wonder New Year to you, Paolo! Thank you for visiting throughout the year!
Gene Zonis26-Dec-2014 14:31
Thank You Paolo. You are a master photographer.
Jim Peterson25-Dec-2014 13:40
Merry Christmas...
boy yniguez25-Dec-2014 02:25
the best of the holidays to you too, paolo!
Allan Jay30-Nov-2014 22:44
Inspiring gallery. Thank you for sharing.... AJ
Krzysztof Naumczyk20-Nov-2014 07:39
Thank you for taking time to see my pics :) Appreciate your comment!
District70 Toastmasters11-Nov-2014 00:16
Amazingly breathtaking photos!

Thank you for opening my eyes into the world of photography. You have just inspired me big time.

What a wonderful person you are for visiting my gallery of event photos and for leaving a very nice comment. Sincerely thanking you.

Tatai Imre04-Nov-2014 21:20
4444 pictures, congratulations! )
tglass28-Oct-2014 22:12
Thanks for visiting my PBase gallery. I have long admired your work and return for visits often as your portraits are amazing. Your encouraging words help motivate me to shoot more often!
Luca Bracci24-Sep-2014 06:41
Paolo, you are a master in light thank you for sharing your great work!
Lynnie 24-Sep-2014 01:17
Paolo, thank you for the Nice comment on my "Love" gallery by Lucky Cole - You do Magnificent work.
Jack J Maniscalco22-Sep-2014 20:56

How can you possibly do your work? And, do it so well! How can you not be destracted by the beautiful scenery of your home and the very beautiful models? Do you have to pinch yourself to realize that this is your work?

In any case, please keep doing what you do, my friend. Your colorful scenes and photos of the models make my day!
DasBoogz aka Kathy Colby Kurasch21-Sep-2014 22:47
Paolo. you ALWAYS make my day! Thanks for always giving me he confidence I need! Kathy
hermankervel06-Aug-2014 08:49
nice pictures
jjoejr24-Jul-2014 03:10
Beautiful women. Beautiful landscapes. Excellent.
prefect23-Jul-2014 07:51
Number one yet again in popular galleries. Well done.
You have some beautiful work. and of course models.
Look forward to more of your work.
Ray de Bosch15-Jul-2014 17:52
Paolo you are so damm good! Love your work!
hermankervel27-May-2014 13:48
nice pictures
shg224-May-2014 12:23
You have one amazing and inspiring portfolio of portrait photography. Keep up the great work.
Marijka22-May-2014 19:17
Paolo-- you do great work and your portraits are beautiful -- true professional. Thank you for your comments as well. I love pbase---it gives one the opportunity to travel if only through other's eyes. Continued success!!

Sincerely, Marijka
henkverbiesen13-May-2014 17:42
Great galleries and thank you for your comment
Jason Gilligan25-Apr-2014 14:53
Always a pleasure to look at your photo's. Very nice work.
Guest 25-Apr-2014 13:10
Very nice work Paolo!
Hazeelin20-Apr-2014 14:17
I am feeling humbled that you visited my gallery! Thank you! My pictures are no where near your level! Great professional work here, Paolo!
Terry_O17-Apr-2014 16:06
Gorgeous, gorgeous work, Paolo!
Gene Zonis29-Mar-2014 16:06
Thank you Paolo. Your images are amazing
richard25-Mar-2014 19:10
Paolo your work is a great inspiration and learning laboratory...for me...I noted you used a Nikon D40x....on a recent trip to Italy..I used a Nikon D40..for ease of travel and produced great pictures in my estimation...wondered if you still use yours...??....I have a D80 and D90..but don't think they are the best for travel purposes...Thanks again for your inspiration.....richard
Dennis McDonnell19-Mar-2014 11:02
Thanks for your comment on my 2014 gallery Paolo, have always admired your work exceedingly and so it means very much to me.
hermankervel01-Mar-2014 09:12
nice collection
Robert Houde08-Feb-2014 20:06
Exquisite collection of beautiful women. Excellent photography. Bravo Paolo.
Guest 08-Feb-2014 17:14
I appreciate your nice comment on my Rising Mist image...
dario08-Feb-2014 02:57
A very impresive collection of beautiful artistic photos. The photo of the CN Tower is very different and stunning.
William Von Gonten30-Jan-2014 04:19
Thank you for your lovely comments. bvg
Gene Zonis26-Jan-2014 16:29
Thank you Paolo.
Darrel Giesbrecht 11-Jan-2014 05:59
love your galleries girl............................
Dias dos Reis02-Jan-2014 19:54
Un anno pieno di luce per te. Tanti auguri, Paolo.
Guest 31-Dec-2013 17:02
Your work is amazing, always enjoy visiting your galleries.
rdavisphotos21-Dec-2013 00:12
I haven't visited your site for a while - always brings a smile to catch up on your work.
Rich Gardner09-Dec-2013 02:00
So many terrific galleries. I enjoyed visiting. Thanks for sharing.
bill birdsong05-Nov-2013 18:09
What a wonderful set of galleries you have! Inspiring and instructive. And it is very thoughtful of you to comment on other's work.
Bruce Johnson04-Nov-2013 18:02
Thank you so much, I appreciate you a lot.You have a wonderfull web site
hermankervel04-Nov-2013 13:59
nice work
Cecil P Whitt27-Oct-2013 03:57
Thanks for your kind comments. I was able to view your galleries again and enjoyed them very much, C.
M Paula Neumann23-Oct-2013 01:03
Thank you for visiting my gallery.
Chrismaro17-Oct-2013 21:41
Vous photographiez la nature dans toute sa beauté !
John E. Petty10-Oct-2013 13:31
Thanks for reviewing another of my photos and your kind remarks. Coming from you this is a real compliment. Love your work.
Tom Merigan14-Sep-2013 19:26
Thanks for your nice comments. I can see how you have so many fans and great pics Tom
Guest 09-Sep-2013 13:41
Many thanks for the nice comments you have made on my recent images, they are much appreciated....
jim paire08-Sep-2013 16:35
Anscha (Angrid Scharringhausen)02-Aug-2013 12:49
thanks for visiting my Galery!, Angrit
RGDPHOTO31-Jul-2013 03:07
thank you for making comments on my website
Shmuel Halevi04-Jun-2013 07:01
Thanks for visiting my USA gallery.
Your comments are very much appreciated despite the fact that I am not half THE MASTER that you are.
Be well,
pepesaorin29-May-2013 18:16
Hola, magnificas galerias!!!

Danny Forte27-May-2013 06:05
Just Perfect!
you are a master of lighting, studio, portraits and more...
I enjoyed your pictures very much and will definitely return in the future.
Guest 25-May-2013 21:39
Thank you so much for your kind comments !!!!
photodocsj25-May-2013 21:31
Thanks Paolo for your kind comments that you have made. I always appreciate your visits to my gallery; especially in light of the fact that your photographic skill far out weigh mine. I have had your gallery marked as one of my favorites for sometime now and visit your galleries often. james
Annelance30-Mar-2013 22:04
Thank you for your comment. After looking at your wonderful galleries I really respect a compliment from you.
Jihad Jean Chahine30-Mar-2013 11:55

Thanks for visiting.
Your comments are very much appreciated.

Happy Easter.

Dennis McDonnell30-Mar-2013 09:44
Thanks for commenting on my gallery Paolo...have spent lots of time looking at your in the past, terrific shooting...Happy Easter.
Guest 07-Mar-2013 23:52

moved my website to zenfolio.

it's still - and if you refresh your cache.
Hope you continue to visit.

samikosemi03-Mar-2013 08:15
i really like your jobs ... you have great albums with beautiful pictures , keep doing great work !!!
Barry McCartney26-Feb-2013 17:38
Hi Paolo
Thanks for the visits to my galleries and the nice comments. It is always a pleasure to
view the images on your site - you do shoot the most interesting and colorful things!
All the best
Bill Popovski24-Feb-2013 09:22
Hello Paolo.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my gallery and to make a nice comment. You have a wonderful collection of galleries with many beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.
Anitta14-Feb-2013 17:44
Ciao Paolo,
Thank you so much for your many kind comments to my images. But above all... Thank you for sharing your amazing work with us! Happy Valentine's Day! Best, Anitta
jfgajda02-Feb-2013 15:11
Thank you for your comment on my photo. I have always enjoyed your beautiful gallery. JFGajda
Andrew Ross27-Jan-2013 10:14
hi ya, your galleries just get better and better......I have a few shoots lined up in the next couple of weeks so I should have some new shots to add soon..........
Im now on facebook ay Andy R just say catching up with tech side of life at the moment......
Your comments are very welcome..........but be honist with all the shots......even to a point where you think the shot is not right.....and what you would have done different.....
as I say your galleries are stunning.....
David Hung14-Jan-2013 17:38
Thanks for visiting my galleries and the comments. Happy New Year and All The Best.
Guest 02-Jan-2013 03:34
Thanks for stopping in and sharing your comment. You have a nice collection of images as well!!
Sheila01-Jan-2013 01:40
A Happy New Year to you Paolo!

Dias dos Reis31-Dec-2012 17:01
Muito obrigado, Paolo.
Naturalmente, retribuo os seus votos.

Um grande abraço,
Ray de Bosch30-Dec-2012 17:41 your galleries...I enjoy every minute of viewing your work...!
All the best!
Stephanie25-Dec-2012 10:39
Merry Christmas Paolo!!! I hope that Santa was good to you! :)
Patricia Kay24-Dec-2012 22:40
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Paolo...I am looking forward to another year of your fabulous images...
All the very best Patricia...
DirkM - DMEpics24-Dec-2012 14:19
I wish you and your family MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW-YEAR !!!
bill birdsong24-Dec-2012 02:39
Thanks so much for looking at my photos; your galleries are very inspiring. Tremendous technique, eye, and variety.
Dave Barnes23-Dec-2012 15:07
Hey 'Popeye' thanks for your more than generous comments on my photos which are very simple compared to your Art, cheers Dave.
Ron Crain22-Dec-2012 23:20
Fantastic body of work.
PW would be greatly appreciated.
Martin Wenzel21-Dec-2012 15:53
Paolo - thank you for visiting my site for the kind comments! Your work is wonderful! Very best wishes for the Holiday season and for the upcoming New Year, my friend!
hermankervel19-Dec-2012 14:23
Beautyfull work
BNMac17-Dec-2012 07:15
Thank you for looking over my galleries and the vote on the Mesa Verde shot!
Very beautiful galleries I find here; I'll spend time looking them over.
Take care, keep up the good work.
fanjetuk16-Dec-2012 18:23
Thanks again for your comments. They mean a lot to me.
Seasons greetings, Frank
VIC15-Dec-2012 18:21
Bob Moeller13-Dec-2012 20:06
You have excellent galleries. Your pictures of Amsterdam and London reminded me of the years living in europe. Since I am interested in nature shots the Panny and Painted Ladies and Fall colors of my garden are special. While I do few pictures of people your treatment of the models is excellent.
Guest 11-Dec-2012 12:02
You are one of the few visitors of Amsterdam, who captured not only the outside, but also the inside of Amsterdam and its habitants. My compliments.
I was born in Amsterdam and for years and years I was working as office-manager in "het Centrum". Ria
J A L 10-Dec-2012 21:24
Hi Paolo: Thank you for your kind comments on my Galapagos gallery! I can't compete with your unbelievably good photos, especially the models, but it's nice to have visitors.
Geary B09-Dec-2012 13:43
Your galleries are outstanding I can get lost in them for hours.
zapphoto01-Dec-2012 17:27
I really appreciate you viewing my galleries and value your comments. Especially when I see your stunning images! Thanks
Caroline Keown24-Nov-2012 19:01
Thank you for you kind comments on my photos of graffiti in Barcelona. I enjoyed viewing you gallery.
Guest 21-Nov-2012 17:19
Thanks for your nice comment on my Turkeys...
Anscha (Angrid Scharringhausen)11-Oct-2012 16:05
Thank you for your kind comments! love your galleries
henryzhen05-Oct-2012 07:45
One of best galleries in the Pbase! Two thumbs up!!
SunBeam04-Oct-2012 17:20
Thank you very much for your compliment, Paolo. I enjoy your photos.Best wishes.Irina
Jason Gilligan04-Aug-2012 14:43
Wonderful captures Paolo!
bill birdsong26-Jun-2012 12:52
What a fantastic range your work has! The models, cities, everything has such vibrant color...and life. Please send the PSW so I can view all your work.
Stefano Dei11-Jun-2012 06:20
Grazie Paolo per l'apprezzamento che dimostri ai miei lavori.
Toby Gorman09-Jun-2012 20:59
Your galleries are full of stunning colour, amazing people and great places. everything photos should be. Thanks for sharing!
John Glines29-May-2012 21:00
Thanks for taking the time to check out my series on Jomtien Beach. I'm glad you enjoyed it and were kind enough to leave a comment.
Bruce Johnson13-May-2012 17:17
Thank you for your comment----love all your work.
neal parisi03-May-2012 19:12
Thanks for the comment, I am a fan of your work.
woody01-May-2012 15:04
thanks for the kind words from the master photographer
twistedlim16-Apr-2012 17:36
Thank you for your kind comnments!
stuart reid31-Mar-2012 12:45
Such a wealth of creative and interesting photo work. I shall revisit often..
Herve Foltz31-Mar-2012 11:45
You have a such a success with all thes beautifull women you picture in your city. I'd be kind of afraid to do that, so I appreciate your work haha!!
Terry J. Graham29-Mar-2012 15:26
Very nice images Bracciodiferro, I really enjoyed looking through your galleries. Thank you for visting my little corner of pBase.
glamourshooter26-Mar-2012 17:36
Very nice work. Any chance that you share the passwords to the hotter galleries?
J A L 22-Mar-2012 05:42

Thanks for your kind comment on my recent sunset picture in White Sands, New Mexico. Coming from such an accomplished photographer as yourself, I am truly flattered and appreciative. I was glad to begin going through your site, but it will take a while to complete. I love the rapport you have with your models. You make them look so beautiful with your inventive set-ups and great technique. Super-good!
Guest 15-Feb-2012 12:46
Not yet any message for you this month. So I hope you will notice my appreciation here for your fantastic work. Don't work too hard, however. Your photo-presence already is so vast, not to mention the numerous comments, being so omni-present. Keep going, young man!
Migara Photography21-Jan-2012 13:58
Thanks for the comment!
David Sands04-Jan-2012 01:37
your works speaks for itself. Well done. Inspiration for me! Thanks...
CJ 24-Dec-2011 20:55
I love the lawyer shots. She is a beautiful woman!!
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak24-Dec-2011 19:47
Merry Christmas to you and your family,PAOLO!
CIAO! ;~}}}
Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:04
Ciao Paolo ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
christer22-Dec-2011 17:46

Outstanding Galleryies Paolo.
Andy Rowlands18-Dec-2011 11:08
Paolo thanks for your comment. I enjoyed looking through all your galleries, there are many wonderful images and I appreciate the fun spirit of your photography.
Guest 08-Dec-2011 22:51
Wow this work is worth a couple hours of you time. The colours are gorgeous. Best J
michel verlinden03-Dec-2011 01:12
Hello Paolo,

thanks for appreciating some of my galleries, in only one subject , you excel in a lot of subjects
Peter Sussex27-Nov-2011 10:09
Hi Paolo,
Just realized that you have the new Tamron PZD lens, how do you like it? Is it correct in all ways? I mean, it had problem with VC focusing when it came out or at least there were some defective copies, I am just thinking of getting one.
Have a great weekend!
monique26-Nov-2011 19:36
Your visit and comment are appreciated

Guest 29-Oct-2011 17:44
Stunning galleries, inspirational.
christer26-Oct-2011 13:00

Hi Paolo
Outstanding galleries and nice work
Christer Brostam
Guest 21-Oct-2011 23:23
Paolo u are the best!!!!!
Avi Magen24-Sep-2011 07:10
Breathtaking photos, you have great talnet to capture life at its best moments…I love your galleries!
neal parisi23-Sep-2011 17:05
Paolo, thanks for your comments. Coming from a photographer with such great skills is very meaningful.
Guest 18-Sep-2011 20:41
Thanks you for the comment I figured U of all people would know who Betsy Johnson is
being as she is a clothing designer : ]
Marco Jansen18-Sep-2011 13:32
Thnx for the comment u have nice gallery's i added to my favorites.
jojo 17-Sep-2011 05:30
Wonderful colours - keep up the good work
rbfresno16-Sep-2011 08:13
One of the most enjoyable galleries in all of PBase!
They reflect reflect not only photographic skill, but also, a love of life.
Wonderful experience looking at these images!
Gary Retterbush14-Sep-2011 14:21
Certainly one of the finest collections of galleries I've seen and had the pleasure of viewing! Always a joy to visit.
Guest 13-Sep-2011 19:14
Thank you for your kind comments on the Bordelino picture. You where added to my favorite artist folder when I joined pbase around 3 years ago, and I simple love everything that you do. To recieve a comment from you on one of my pictures meant a great deal to me, so thanks again. Keep up the great work, it's first class stuff that you do.

Heavenly Portraits13-Sep-2011 14:46
I love your pictures they are awesome!!!! can't wait to see what's next
Artur Kowalczyk13-Sep-2011 01:37
Paolo, your galleries are fantastic! It's always a pleasure to see your photos.
neophotography07-Sep-2011 17:23
Stunning images and wonderful galleries! Will definitely come back for more!

Guest 31-Aug-2011 04:09
Paolo , you have a gorgeous gallery and they reflect your talent and passion for photography! Keep up with the good work.
foto-baja-mex21-Aug-2011 23:36
I am totally flattered that you would look at one of my images or galleries and to have your comment really adds to the fact. Thank you very much. You do outstanding work!!!
Barbara Rosser21-Aug-2011 02:48
You have taken such great photos! Very talented.
Guest 16-Aug-2011 19:57
I noticed your comment on one of my photos in Women In Digital Photography. Now that I've quickly cruised your galleries, I'm very flattered that you took time to leave kind words. I'll be back to see your work again. Honor WIDP
Christopher Neel14-Aug-2011 17:49
Thank you for the comment. You have travelled to many fantastic places and captured some incredible photos! Great galleries and great work!
Bernie12-Aug-2011 07:21
Thank you Paolo for the kind words on my lightning shots. As always, your photos continue to reveal your artistic touch. Cheers!
Guest 11-Aug-2011 08:48
THX Paolo for voting my Picture.
Clovis Harbor10-Aug-2011 18:13
Thank you for stopping by and looking at my gallery and for your comment. Your work is outstanding!
Guest 06-Aug-2011 13:06
Thank you dearly for you comment.
Im new to Pbase so its nice to get a comment from one of the photographers ive been following my self.
Especialy your pictures from Burano deserve all the praise they have gotten.

Greetings from an admirer.
Vickie BROWN28-Jul-2011 19:16
I appreciate your message, thank you!
Teresa Emrich26-Jul-2011 13:55
I ALWAYS appreciate you viewing my galleries and leaving comments....have a wonderful week!!
salvyphoto25-Jul-2011 22:59
Muchas gracias Bracciodiferro por tu comentario!!. Nosotros también apreciamos mucho tu trabajo.
Salvy Photo
Craig25-Jul-2011 18:48
Hi Paolo - thanks for your kind comments on my pictures. I'm not a photographer, and humbly stand in awe of your work. The colour is truly magnificent!
Guest 24-Jul-2011 13:25
Thanks for your comments Paolo. Your pics are great. It will take me sometime to go them them.
Dubi Shapiro23-Jul-2011 07:16
Thanks for your your work!!
Jim Peterson22-Jul-2011 19:51
wonderful galleries and great use of compliments....
raymondg22-Jul-2011 11:25
Hi Paolo. You galleries are full of amazing photos. You have a superb eye and a great gift. Congratulations!
Anastigmat19-Jul-2011 20:28
Thank you for your kind comment on my "Macro" gallery. The Micro-Nikkor 105mm is a fine lens, but the shallow depth of field, especially on FX, tends to be a major difficulty.
My compliments on your outstanding work, and kind regards.
Tanti Auguri,
Guest 19-Jul-2011 18:30
You have so many great galleries , that are an inspiration . Keep up the good work .
Guest 19-Jul-2011 17:23
Thanks for your nice comment on my Landscape image...
Tom14-Jul-2011 20:19
your gallery is fantistic. You must travel a lot. The ladies are all great shots. Thanks for the nice words on my little gallery It does not compare to your work.
androne10-Jul-2011 13:47
Culori exceptionale in toate lucrarile.Fetele sant foarte frumoase.Felicitari,multe felicitari.Succes mai departe.
Imagemakers12-Jun-2011 03:03

Palol you have a wonderful gallery and such perfect photos. Thanks for the comments on my gallery if only I could take photos like your's. Pat Keil
Debbie B.05-Jun-2011 15:33
Wow Paolo! You have a delightful eye for color! I will be back to visit. Thank you for your kind comment.
Jean-Jacques Vandamme30-May-2011 11:09
Viewing your many galleries (which I regularly do) is not only highly pleasurable but also inspirational. Grazie mille, Paolo !
Alexander Kazakov27-May-2011 18:43
Dear Paolo,
Thank you very much for coming to my page and comments on my photos.
I really enjoyed looking at your galleries. Keep it up!

Best regards,
Bobby M25-May-2011 00:05
Hi Paolo,thanks for visitting my pages and I do appreciate your kind comments.The collection of your galleries is truly spectacular.
Guest 10-May-2011 14:00
grazie per i tuoi (reiterati e immeritati) complimenti!
Scusa per il ritardo nel mettermi in contatto ma non guardo mai la pagina del profilo...

Complimenti anche a te per il tuo eccellente lavoro!

Tom Rook09-May-2011 08:52
Hi Paolo.
What a great collection of images! I enjoyed browsing your site and will continue to do so. Well done!

photokhan07-May-2011 16:28

Some time ago you made a very nice comment on one of my photos.
It seems that time is never enough to do what should be done but, also, it is never too late to be duly appreciative of a thoughtful critique.

Thank you very much for your kind comment :)

Hennie & Lies Lammers06-May-2011 12:31
Nice collection of photos that you have made

Photos by Paul04-May-2011 01:18
Very nice photography, Paolo. I use your work as "incentive" ! Thanks. Paul
François Photographie03-May-2011 19:34
And thank you for your kind comments on my galleries. Your galleries are very beautiful.
Nice pictures!
Josh Cruz24-Apr-2011 09:29
Happy Easter Paolo! Thanks for visiting my gallery :-)

And just so you know, I can never have enough of the images in your wonderful gallery, amazing!


christer21-Apr-2011 17:59
Hi Paolo
Wonderful collection, beautiful women.Thank you for your comment of my birds.

Christer Brostam
Guest 18-Apr-2011 17:17
Thanks for your kind words and visiting my gallery, yours is truly wonderful excellent work, regards Alan.
Guest 18-Apr-2011 06:39
Thanks for the encouraging comments. Lovely photos and models. V!!
Roberto Bellucci17-Apr-2011 19:47
Thanks for the coments Paolo! Your gallerie are spectacular! I keep looking at them!!
Gene Zonis17-Apr-2011 12:31
Thank you for your comments and vote. Your images are
superb. The women are breathtaking.
Matt Wesolowski07-Apr-2011 11:30
Stunning photos here! I'll certainly be back to view more of your work as time permits.
Guest 06-Apr-2011 07:03
Thankyou for visiting my galleries, you to have some lovely images to excellent work, enjoyed looking at them regards Alan.
murray newell21-Mar-2011 12:06
thank you for your comment your pictures are lovely.
Guest 17-Mar-2011 13:54
Ciao Paolo,
Very very beautiful pictures ! I have lot of pleasure to see them !
Thanks for your visits and comments on my galleries.

Graeme12-Mar-2011 13:29
Hi Paolo, I would like to thank you for your continued support of my HDR work. I love to visit your galleries as regularly as I can, as I find your work very inspiring and expertly done.
Kind regards,
Hennie & Lies Lammers06-Mar-2011 10:33
Thank you for the vote Paolo,Fantastic Galleries! And a beautiful women.

Shaun Reeder05-Mar-2011 21:29
Thank you for the vote Paolo.
I really do like your model shots especially: lovely control of light, measured and careful post-processing, excellent command of flash...which explains why I mostly take landscapes!
Every blessing,
charliej05-Mar-2011 18:59
Fantastic Galleries! You and your camera are a magnet for amazing colors and beautiful women! Thanks also for visiting my botanicals gallery!
Guest 03-Mar-2011 11:06
Hi Paolo, Thanks for your comments and support !
Guest 02-Mar-2011 12:07
Very nice work! and thanks for visiting my galleries
Guest 02-Mar-2011 11:08
really nice pictures!
/Ida Averland
John Armstrong01-Mar-2011 14:26
Thanks for your many visits and friendship. I am very happy that you always have new images to encourage others!

Best Wishes John
Jan Morris27-Feb-2011 21:19
Thanks for voting for my photo.
You have fabulous galleries!
androne12-Feb-2011 12:43
Guest 09-Feb-2011 01:06
Thanks for the kind words!
Your photos are wonderful, keep up the great work.
Guest 16-Jan-2011 09:01
Hi there and thanks for the comments Paolo! Interested in exchanging passwords?
Ken Sheridan09-Jan-2011 21:53
Thanks for your recent comments and votes Paolo.
Love your images!
Guest 08-Jan-2011 18:52
Thanks for the comment on my Kiwi picture .
I keep coming back to your beutiful model galerys . there are so many grate pictures i have a hard time to chose one to comment .
Range View 08-Jan-2011 11:56
Hi Paolo.
Appreciated your comment when you visited our galleries.
Enjoyed viewing your images, in particular the night scenes.
rusty old mike 08-Jan-2011 02:55
wonderful shots
Guest 07-Jan-2011 19:39
Always nice to see other kind of photography, thanks for sharing! Love to see your psw. grtz, Siegfried.
Guest 05-Jan-2011 11:57
Paulo: Great gallery, may I have the password. Thanks, Tony
Guest 05-Jan-2011 01:03
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my photo.
Dave Callahan Photography04-Jan-2011 21:10
Thank you for your kind works Paolo.Wishing you all the best in the new year._Dave
Guest 02-Jan-2011 16:56
Great Gallery!
Lloyd Prudhomme01-Jan-2011 07:00
Thanks for visiting my gallery..Have a Happy New Year
Guest 31-Dec-2010 16:28
Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you a happy, colourfull 2011!
Ver Videz31-Dec-2010 15:56
Excellent work. Happy New Year!
Tom Merigan24-Dec-2010 21:48
Glad you visited me Brings me back to your great galleries Happy Holidays Tom Merigan Palo Alto CA
Tom Merigan24-Dec-2010 21:48
Glad you visited me Brings me back to your great galleries Happy Holidays Tom Merigan Palo Alto CA
Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 14:24
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
velvet6223-Dec-2010 11:08
Thank you for the very nice comment
TREVOR OGILVIE21-Dec-2010 22:31
Like your portraits best but some great photos
Kilkenny Photographic Society21-Dec-2010 21:53
Thank you for your kind words,
Tom Merigan14-Dec-2010 23:20
Nice pics V Tom
Stephen Saba07-Dec-2010 14:03
Hi Paolo! Really wonderful galleries. Had a quick look; portraits and beach, all very enjoyable, and top notch. On my favorites for sure, cheers,
Arno Meintjes Wildlife26-Nov-2010 10:31
Thank you very much for the message. I love your work but I am afraid I can not work with people in a studio - gibve me the outdoors.
Regards. Arno
photodocsj24-Nov-2010 12:29
Hi Paolo. Great images, which is why you hold a place on my favorite list. So if you will would you send me your PSWs to view your PP images. Thanks. James
don nieman23-Nov-2010 11:53
I do not visit your galleries enough! They are, in my opinion, some of the very best I have seen on PBase. Your use of color is exceptional and the model images are stunningly beautiful. Your attention to detail is exemplary. Your work is inspirational. Thanks for sharing it on PBase. The very best to you and your continued work.

don nieman
austx23-Nov-2010 05:21
Fantastic photographs. Was wondering if I could get the password to the Red Velvet gallery. Thanks!
austx23-Nov-2010 05:20
Fantastic photographs. Was wondering if I could get the password to the Red Velvet gallery. Thanks!
Guest 21-Nov-2010 19:29
wonderful pictures
Richard Glenn21-Nov-2010 06:54
Thanks so much for visiting my galleries
Your work is some of the finest on pbase, bar none.
Some of the most beautiful women and most interesting places you have visited.
creakingbones19-Nov-2010 00:56
G'day, glad you enjoyed the tractors. Your galleries are so colourful, loved the composition and great viewpoints. A genuine pot pourri of styles, people and places. I'll now a regular visitor to your galleries.
Guest 17-Nov-2010 14:54
Ciao Paolo! (with the iron arm):)

I am humbled and very appreciative of your nice comment to me as for some time I am a silent admirer(and voter) of your work.

Anscha (Angrid Scharringhausen)13-Nov-2010 17:41
Hallo Paolo. thank you for sour nice comment. I like your work. anscha
agatha09-Nov-2010 22:52
Love your picks.
Guest 07-Nov-2010 15:51
Hi Paolo -- great work. I do enjoyed looking at your galleries, and I hope you'll like mine and I would love to hear your comments! Would you share the password of the nude galleries?

Ciao e a presto,

Eddie 29-Oct-2010 21:24
Hello, Paolo!
Very beautiful portraits. Your work is so alive. What a pleasure to look at. I'd love to ask to enter the protected sites. Will you send me the pass? Thanks! -Ed
Thomas Bernhardsson26-Oct-2010 21:19
Hi Paolo!

Thank you for your kind comments. They are very much apriciated.
You have some amazing galleries yourself!

Regards /Thomas
Graeme24-Oct-2010 09:44
Hi Paolo, I would like to thank you for your continued support of my HDR work. I love to visit your galleries especially the models that you photograph, as the images are very professionally presented. You have a wonderful photographic eye and capture many faboulous candids of everyday life.

Kind regards,
Al Jones21-Oct-2010 20:59
Hello Paolo, I thought I had left you a message a long time ago!
I would like to thank you on your many kind comments you have made on my galleries. They are all greatly appreciated :}
Stephanie Louis21-Oct-2010 19:23
thanks for your kind comment :)
nice galleries
Jack Dadourian20-Oct-2010 19:46
Thanks Paolo for visiting my site and for leaving such nice comments. It is doubly rewarding when it comes from such a talented photographer. Enjoyed looking at all your pictures.

Best regards,

Nhat Ton19-Oct-2010 19:20
Thanks Paolo! Your gallies are awsume too
Guest 10-Oct-2010 14:53
Hi Bracciodiferro,

Thanks for the comments that you made in my photos!!
I invite you to see my recent and new personal site:
Feel free to let a comment :)

Flávio Ruivo
Guest 08-Oct-2010 16:22
Hi Paolo
It's always a pleasure to look at your galleries. In the pass you have voted in my galleries, and that for me has been an honor. Thank you.
ashok v03-Oct-2010 07:40
thank u for the lovely comment...
WDM Photography01-Oct-2010 21:23
Your work is is a pleasure to look at every photo you post.
G3orge Dalziel01-Oct-2010 05:52
You have some amazing galleries, and a good eye for the ladies.
Frank Landerville28-Sep-2010 00:16
I would be very pleased to receive your pw, Paolo. Thank you for having viewed and commented on a couple of my own images. I am honored.

Zoltán Balogh26-Sep-2010 08:27
Thanks for all your kind comments Paolo and that you keep visiting my galleries! I love your beautiful photos very much and hope to see more and more in the future, too!:)
Best wishes,

Scorpio25-Sep-2010 19:30
The compliments for the very beautiful gallery of Anamaria. If possible can you give me the PW of this gallery
Kind regards
aluco07-Sep-2010 07:44
Hi Paolo!
Thanks for your comments! You have
some very nice "birdshots" yourself!
Kat02-Sep-2010 20:30
Hi Paolo
Thank you for your vote, much appreciated! There's much more to come, maybe you get chance to come back for a visit.
Kind regards
William Hartshorn25-Aug-2010 19:02
Hello Paolo...
Keep up your great images and diverse angles of your subjects!!Regards,
an nguyen18-Aug-2010 17:11
I like your point of view and your model work.
smichaels18-Aug-2010 03:39
Wendy is so beautiful....may I have the password to see more of her? thanks
forgedconrod18-Aug-2010 02:29
Fantastic points of view through a view finder/lcd display! Very nice work. I loved the train pictures and also your model pictures. Please post more!
Guest 13-Aug-2010 05:41
Thanks for your comments! And if you ever do make it to Maui let me know in advance and we can maybe get together and I will show you around. I love your macro work, and of course your models are hot!!!

gouter0812-Aug-2010 21:29
Many thanks for visiting my gallery and for your nice comment .
You have some great galleries with vry nice captures!
Anastigmat09-Aug-2010 22:04
Thank you for your kind comment on my London gallery.
I admire your work; the way you master the light and the colours.
Tanti Auguri,
Kat09-Aug-2010 20:09
Thanks for your comments on my Switzerland gallery!
Kind regards
Imagemakers09-Aug-2010 02:14
Fantastic Gallery Paolo...Steve Greife
Guest 08-Aug-2010 12:33
Hi Paolo, thanks for your kind words about my Public Murals Sacramento.
My daughter like your Cats of the Neighborhood Gallery.
All your Galleries are V+

Russ Andris
Fred Parsons03-Aug-2010 05:12
Great galleries and very nice work
Pedro Esteban24-Jul-2010 14:53
Thanks for the kind comment.
I invite you to come back and take a look at the other galleries on the Carnaval 2010 in Rio:
Best regards.
tommytomaso13-Jul-2010 17:27
Nice work, very professional.
Lara Kantardjian 04-Jul-2010 14:01
Love the diversity of your work and subject matter.
It's a pleasure to view your galleries - your pictures of Italy
in particular. Thanks for your comments.
Martin Davis02-Jul-2010 22:23
Thanks for the comment on my gallery. I have looked at your galleries and you have many beautiful pictures. Great work. Martin
Guest 30-Jun-2010 21:53
some beautiful pictures great result!
Guest 23-Jun-2010 07:55
Paulo, I like your photos too. Note.. The Next Door's Girl is incorrect English. It's just not said. What is correct is "The Girl Nextdoor"
Douglas J. Yeater18-Jun-2010 17:40
Hi Paolo, thanks for all the inspiration... I just love your art. - Doug
victorlunnroc14-Jun-2010 21:39
Paolo, your comments on my recent postings, for which many thanks, prompted me to wander around your extensive pbase domaine! Wonderful! I now see the probable connection - the human form -and colour - I guess that my drawings from life and their derivations provided the hook.

D Baalman14-Jun-2010 18:16
Paolo, Thanks for the comment. Your portrait galleries are wonderful!! Take care, Dave
Nancy Daniels11-Jun-2010 20:22
My, you're prompt! I hadn't finished putting up the pictures before you commented on them. Thank you for the compliments.
Ray de Bosch10-Jun-2010 20:29
Wow, Paolo! Love you your galleries! Great work!
fineartism07-Jun-2010 21:46
Thank you Paolo for your comment, I have seen your galleries a lot of times, and I will always come back...
Very interesting galleries you have !!!

With kind regards, Maurice.
Guest 05-Jun-2010 00:15
Thanks for comment, you have really amazing galleries! Luca.
niveshel04-Jun-2010 20:53
Thanks for taking the time to visit and your comments, much appreciated.
Suchet Suwanmongkol02-Jun-2010 16:57
Thank's for visiting my gallery ^ ^
Emmie Gray02-Jun-2010 06:44
Thank you for visiting and your kind comment. I have been visiting your galleries, and loved so many images I couldn't comment on them all. I have to say that your Grand Canyon photos are the only ones I have seen so far that could convince me to visit there. So far I have not wanted to visit and I'm in SoCal...! I may have just changed my mind!
Love the Venice pics, especially the 'reverse dream' - it looked like you could still walk through those doorways and find yourself in the 'real' world....
Dwight Rankine01-Jun-2010 23:54
I just begun exploring your galleries, and so far, very impressive. I like, in particular, The Island of Dreams, The Island of Colours.
The Suburban Hippie 31-May-2010 02:53
Your work in general is simply excellent! You have to be one of the most talented and skilled photographers I have ever seen!
silverghost195129-May-2010 16:12
You make the rest of us appear to be amateurs, your stuff has such clarity.
usha 28-May-2010 19:26
Thank you for visiting my gallery and leaving your compliments.
lorand27-May-2010 22:13
Grazie Paolo!!!
Aigle A-lens Imagery14-May-2010 21:51
Hi Paolo,
Great pictures in your galleries. And thanks for your comment on my Heli-skiing images, (ski jumping and Vancouver aquarium). When I made a thread at Digital Preview forum, it didn’t get any response. So good to see that it could actually gather interest :-)

Take care
Marty Landolt12-May-2010 01:52
You catch the gals' beauty and their sex appeal without stripping them, tallented guy!
Dale Doram08-May-2010 03:40
Thanks for visiting my gallery.
Marilyn06-May-2010 17:26
Hi! Thanks again for all your visits and comments to my galleries, lots more to come very soon!
Guest 30-Apr-2010 03:15
Amazing images. I see story in your art.
Dias dos Reis24-Apr-2010 19:25
Ciao Paolo.

Great images, I especially enjoy your Burano gallery. Even though you can only get superb shots in Italy :)

Antonio Reis
Jack Brandt19-Apr-2010 22:58
Thanks Paolo. I have the rest of them up now.

plischeid16-Apr-2010 16:30
Thanks for viewing my gallery. I try to improve with every photo. You have some great galleries, very diverse subjects. Keep up the good work.
Jack Bieser13-Apr-2010 06:36
Nice images threw out!
Kent10-Apr-2010 00:25
Hey Paolo.. Thanks for your comment on my gallery... I enjoyed yours very much... and will continue to check you out.
Thomas Bernhardsson03-Apr-2010 18:16
Hi Paolo, thank you for visiting my galleries and your kind comments! You have a lot of beautiful images yourself!

Regards /Thomas
Bernd Roethig03-Apr-2010 09:44
High Paulo,
you have such a great gallery here, with so many different themes. Phantastique!
So much to learn from you.
Feel honored by your comments on my humble gallery.
Brando Ho15-Mar-2010 17:03
Hi Paolo,

Thanks for stopping by my galleries and leave comments. As you were looking at my galleries, I was looking at yours.....what a timing. I love your photos too. Needs to spend more time on them. Keep up the good works....!!

C. White15-Mar-2010 11:44

Great galleries Paolo, you're a wonderfully talented artist/photographer.
Photosbyt15-Mar-2010 06:20
Paolo, thanks for the kind comments. You have so many beautiful and very colorful photographs. Great work!


lorand14-Mar-2010 22:07
Grazie Paolo...anche da parte di Benny!!!
Rob Belterman14-Mar-2010 21:12
Thanks for your comments on my photos. Your photos are great!

Best regards, Rob
Guest 13-Mar-2010 21:27
Thanks very much for stopping by and for your kind comments, they are much appreciated. I have had you macro work down as a favorite for quite some time, it's an inspiration, I hope someday I will reach that level. Thanks again and keep up the great work.

George. Voted.
Guest 13-Mar-2010 17:56
Thanks for your nice comment and vote on my Web image...
Ronald Kamphuis04-Mar-2010 11:41
Thanks for your comment. I appreciated it much.
Kind regards
sherwood frazier24-Feb-2010 01:13
Thank you for taking the time to look though my galleries and commenting. I appreciate your kind remarks. It has taken me a number of viewings to get though all your galleries and I am so glad I did, you have mastered the travel log style and photography as an art, keep up the good work. I'll be back.

jorge fernando 23-Feb-2010 16:56
great photos!
hermankervel17-Feb-2010 19:04
beautiful pictures
Linda & Pär Johansson10-Feb-2010 20:52
Wonderful cats!
Daryl Chase10-Feb-2010 01:44
When I look at your pictures, I have goal to aim for. Inspiring!!
kairy08-Feb-2010 04:40
gracias amigo , por tus comentarios
saludos .
Chan Circle07-Feb-2010 15:25
your galleries are full of colour! lots of nice picutre~
J S Quesada07-Feb-2010 14:51
Thank you for your comment, it has given me the chance to discover the fabulous work you have in your galleries.
Sandi Marasco07-Feb-2010 05:31
Just wanted you to know that I took this pbase address to my photography class to share with the class a photographer who I am inspired by. Your work was of course a big hit!! Thanks for inspiring all of the Photo 224 class of Mt San Jacinto College in Menifee, California. Your work is fabulous.
Nancy Daniels31-Jan-2010 19:52
Thanks for your comment on my picture. Actually, the temperature has to be fairly warm (20s) for frost to form on the trees.
krishan30-Jan-2010 10:58
Hi.... like your photos so much..... you are really great photographer..... im an artist and i paint on canvas. I hope we can be good friends.

Rosemarie Kusserow23-Jan-2010 08:54
Hi Paolo, I really feel honored about your so kind comments and votes on my shots, thanks again for your constantly support, it means a lot to me, you know I admire your works! Have a wonderful weekend, Rosemarie :o))
leovandenboer20-Jan-2010 19:31
Thanks for the comment,have seen your galleries,fantastic!!!
lorand19-Jan-2010 16:56
Grazie Paolo...gentilissimo! Il tuo commento mi fa un grande piacere!
Magnus Johansson16-Jan-2010 17:19
Ciao Paolo

Thank you for stopping by and looking at my galleries.
And thanks for the vote!
You have a wonderful collection of galleries.

Guest 14-Jan-2010 16:25
Thanks for your recent comment on my gallery! To be honest I am honoured that
you enjoyed my pictures....I have seen your galleries for the 1st time today, fantastic stuff, I must buy my first 70-300mm, Kevin (Mauritius)
rybnicki08-Jan-2010 10:25
thanks for leading me here via yr comments. original shot,creativity and great atmosphere!
Guest 01-Jan-2010 19:59
Thanks for the comment on my picture .
And a happy new year to you.
tomas01-Jan-2010 07:27
Salve Paolo, thanx for the comment and for the vote, if you live in northen Italy, then Strugnano is not very far from you...

saluti e auguri di buon anno

Oscar A.Rico30-Dec-2009 02:37
Ciao, Paolo: Thank you very much for visiting my gallery and your generous comments. I like to remark that your gallery is also very colorful and well composed. Please keep on shooting because the best picture ever has not been taken yet, Je, Je. Warmest regards: Oscar Rico
Guest 29-Dec-2009 18:42
Thank you for your visit and comments on my Liquid color gallery. I enjoy your galleries very much.

Emidio Machado27-Dec-2009 18:03
Thanks Lou for your generous comments on my pictures. But you have also wonderful gallery.
Thanks for sharing.
Emidio Machado

Muito Obrigado pelos comentarios
Guest 25-Dec-2009 21:36
Hi, thanks for the kind words on my gallery!

Your galleries are beautiful! They have amazing colors!

Brandon Mardon24-Dec-2009 16:29
Antonio Ruggiero23-Dec-2009 21:08
Buone Feste......e tanti Auguri...

Paul Iacoviello17-Dec-2009 08:55
Ciao, Paolo

Thanks for you comments on my images. I started looking through your galleries - so many, and so many excellent images as well. I'll take some time and comment on my favorites.
You live in a wonderful city. I should know, I was born there too.

Buon Natale
Greg Little14-Dec-2009 22:02
Thanks for the nice comment in my South Africa gallery. Happy Holidays!
John Glines10-Dec-2009 11:49
Glad you like my gallery on Food and Drink. It has some photos in it that I think lean toward your style.
Dani Barchana10-Dec-2009 08:21
Thank you for visiting my galleries.
I Really like your work (as I wrote in the galleries themselves). I liked the way you treat colors.
Guest 08-Dec-2009 10:55
Hi Paolo,
I seek your permission to steal your ideas, creative juices and anything else that makes you such a fantastic artist!!!
P.S And your models too!!!!
Guest 06-Dec-2009 19:00
After a short time looking at your pictures I was convinced I was facing a great Artist , another Italian genius, different from Anna Pagnacco, but close in my admiration.
You are in the top rank of Premier League in the right use of colour, vibrant colour, using available light. I love your country and Italian people, your way to face life, to see Art as a priority of life, to enjoy life at full.
Your pictures of Italian towns and landscapes are like my idea of Italy. I used to often visit Italy, manly Tuscany, road by road, town by village and I feel you feel Italy the right way.
I enjoy all of your pictures , you´re , to me , a source of pleasure and a lesson of how to create Art, the Italian way.
Congratulations, Paolo, you´re one of the few Masters in the Net.
George Moy06-Dec-2009 13:19
Thank you for visiting my galleries and your nice comment.
your galleries are very oustand and very well done!
George Moy
Guest 05-Dec-2009 16:28
Great galleries!! Nicely done.
hermankervel05-Dec-2009 15:35
nice work
James Johnston Photography/Zuma Press05-Dec-2009 15:34
Your galleries are simply super.
Thanks for the kind words.


Jim Johnston
Guest 04-Dec-2009 22:39
Thank you very much Paolo for your attention and your kind comment in my new gallery.

Best regards.
Maysam Nasibi
Ronald Kamphuis04-Dec-2009 09:32
Thank you for your kind comments! Best regards from Ronald Kamphuis/Holland
Ken Sheridan04-Dec-2009 07:53
Thanks for your kind comment. Your photos are really amazing. I have a lot to learn.
Ken (also an old moto gp fan!)
lorand03-Dec-2009 23:21
Hi Paolo!
Thanks for your nice comment on my gallery.
Best Regards,
Guest 02-Dec-2009 21:38
Hi Paolo,
Thanks for all the visits on my galleries. Great job on yours.
A special congratulations and applause to the Wiktoria's Gallery : Awesome Picture, model and smile !!
See you soon on Pbase, Popeye.
Greg Little02-Dec-2009 21:02

Thanks for your nice comment on my dolphins shot from South Africa. You've got some wonderful galleries yourself. I like your approach to studies on the feminine figure.

Best wishes,
Guest 29-Nov-2009 19:08
You are a true artist.
Your view is different - very creative and imaginative.
I like your attitude towards colors very much.
Thanks for sharing,
Guest 29-Nov-2009 10:40
Thanks for your comments on my galleries.
you have so many great pictures. great ideas and so colorful.
princess28-Nov-2009 07:13
Thank you very much for your visits and comments on my pictures.
Your work is outstanding: variety of subjects, nice details, bright colors. In one word: fantastic job.
Best wishes,
Marc Demoulin27-Nov-2009 21:34
I'd like here to pay tribute to your hard work and achievement Paolo.
Guest 27-Nov-2009 18:24
What an awesome body of work. So kind of you to visit my ste and make such kind remarks. I am so inspired by your work and want my daughter to take a look. We will definitely be big fans. Sandi
Guest 27-Nov-2009 12:41
Hallo Paolo!
Thank you for your warm comment!
You have so many beautiful pictures!
Especially I have enjoyed Burano Island - amazing, colourful gallery!
Chapelle Marc27-Nov-2009 05:59
Thanks for your visits and comments Paolo...
Guest 26-Nov-2009 22:43
Thank you for your kind comments! Best regards from Vancouver :)
Dafna Sheer26-Nov-2009 22:01
You have some heavy heavy equipment there!
I love your work, it is astonishing.
and of course, thanks for your comment.
Added U to my favorites.
robertoparmiggiani26-Nov-2009 12:57
Complimenti gallerie veramente ottime
John Glines24-Nov-2009 01:34
Thanks again for leaving a comment on one of my photos. I'm a great fan of your work.
PauloCGama24-Nov-2009 00:31
Paolo, my friend.
Thank you so much for your real kind words. I want you to know I feel the same about your friendship and your outstanding work.

Cheers my friend,
Julian Baum22-Nov-2009 19:23
Paolo, I love your photographs. Thank you for sharing them.
Larry Richard22-Nov-2009 01:11
Excellent work! Very happy bright colors. Great variety. I wish I have the time to do so much.
Guest 20-Nov-2009 22:33
Hi there Paolo,
Thanks a lot for your comments on my galeries. I really enjoyed looking at your galleries. Great stuff, very creative!
Greetz Richard
salvyphoto19-Nov-2009 23:50
Thanks for your comment.
We love your galleries!!!!
Salvy Photo
John Glines19-Nov-2009 07:54
Thanks for leaving a comment on my photo of the prepared food for the students at Wat Chedi Luang in Chiang Mai. I always enjoy looking at your photos.
Robyco18-Nov-2009 11:47
Allways enjoy your pictures !!
with great ideas and results even better.....
Guest 17-Nov-2009 23:34
thank you for the compliments...
gouws15-Nov-2009 17:08
You certainly know how to capture the moment,well done,best wishes Bruce
Guest 13-Nov-2009 18:53
Paolo - I have been enjoying your fine galleries for some time. I think the beautiful, colorful pictures taken on Burano Island first caught my eye. I just recently joined PBase and started to post a few pics, and I would like to thank for your kind comments.
alex kong12-Nov-2009 18:05
just visited some of your photo album,
it's amazing! Mine are just.... >_< no way! : )
cits_4_pets08-Nov-2009 18:26
Enjoyed visiting your wonderful diversified galleries. Nice details in your well composed compositions. I often check to see if you have found more cats in your neighborhood. Love the colors in other galleries. Always looking forward to you new galleries. (Please let me know when you add new ones!)
RAINBIRDER01-Nov-2009 12:21
Ciao Paolo,

What a fantastic set of galleries you have. You clearly have "the eye" -transforming everyday scenes into truly superb images, VERY WELL DONE!!!
Many thanks for visiting my galleries and for your encouraging comments.
Best wishes,
Michal Pistol28-Oct-2009 09:51
Thank you for visiting my galleries !
You have a fantastic picturs
Inga Morozoff25-Oct-2009 18:01
Thank you for visiting my pages! Your work is fantastic and very inspirational. I'll be back often! Best Regards, ~Inga
Ken Buckle25-Oct-2009 11:55
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my gallery. You have some beautiful photos here. I particularly love "the sweet sunset".
Alain Guillemet25-Oct-2009 08:46
Très Bel ensemble de galeries visite visuelle très agréable. Your galleries are beautiful, creative and inspiring
John Glines19-Oct-2009 11:49
Thanks for leaving a comment on my gallery on The Sanctuary of Truth in Pattaya.
And your galleries are quite wonderful.
Wouter 05-Oct-2009 19:26

You have some nice pictures here!

hk 04-Oct-2009 07:32
seen your pbase collections
great pictures
Sergio Renzi 18-Sep-2009 07:48
Ciao Paolo,grazie dei tuoi complimenti ..mi fanno particolarmante piacere perché sei da tempo nei miei "preferiti"...splendida la tua galleria di foto !!!
Guest 17-Sep-2009 23:57
Hey thank you for visiting my gallery and i like yours very much, will visit very often. thank you for sharing! chou
Brandon Mardon06-Sep-2009 21:22
Paolo, you have greatness in your style..."Sunset Hunter"
Pawel Kazmierczyk06-Sep-2009 17:35
Hello BdF, what a fantastic collection of galleries.... You have a great eye for photography, and a unique sense of style. I have truly enjoyed going through your photos - the range and variety of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the quality. Well done, keep it up ! Greetings from Poland. Pawel
Guest 04-Sep-2009 19:18
Thanks for the comment on the Yanni pix. Peace Michael J
Francois POUGET03-Sep-2009 15:42

Bel ensemble de galeries visite visuelle très agréable.

Imagemakers31-Aug-2009 13:33
You recently commented on some images in my gallery. After seeing your galleries and work, I am honored to have had your opinion on my work. Thank you.
Imagemakers31-Aug-2009 13:32
You recently commented on some images in my gallery. After seeing your galleries and work, I am honored to have had your opinion on my work. Thank you.
Diane Brannon30-Aug-2009 14:54
Thank you for you kind comments regarding my Landscape Gallery. I understand what you meant by your comment regarding our both favoring colors in our style - your Beach, Sun and Fish Gallery was vibrantly colorful. What perfect subjects to show off your amazing talent. I particularly liked The Sweet Sunset image - great composition with not only the colorful scene but the perfect light and reflection. I look forward to looking at your other galleries. DB
Jean-Jacques Vandamme25-Aug-2009 13:57
Bellissime ! Tutte ! Bravo ...
Natures Exotic Beauty Photography21-Aug-2009 15:30
Hello Paolo
Just wanted to thank you for the comment on my Sexy Tubs gallery.
I love your work and go to it often with my clients to get more ideas for our photo sessions.Please keep posting your beautiful work so I can keep trying to keep up.
Lucky Cole
Heini Hefti16-Aug-2009 10:20
Hi Paolo
thanks for your comment in my gallery. I'm a beginner on Pbase and I've just visited your gallerys. You have such a variety in your themes and wonderful pictures! I will come back again an vote for some pictures - I need some more time - you have so many pictures. It is inspirational! Heini
AlessandroBassi10-Aug-2009 13:01
belle foto e gallerie
Igor 08-Aug-2009 14:00
I see that you have Krieger Oceano in your collection...
As I am planing to buy this watch,can you tell me something about it?
What is the diameter of the watch,does it have screw down crown and does it have sapphire glass?
Kind regards fro Croatia
photokhan27-Jul-2009 11:10
Thank you so much for your comment in my NYC gallery. Much appreciated!
Guest 03-Jun-2009 18:44
Stunning! Fabulous!

Guest 25-May-2009 02:41
Hello, just had a look at your photos, see you have a passion for taking wonderfull photos and your photos shoes the passion.

Great work and love some of the vibrant post processing.

See you have been around some nice places.
c_fikkert22-May-2009 20:35
hello paolo,

colors? dreams?

you sleep with your eyes wide open.

very powerfull
great stuff

Tony Lin21-May-2009 07:15
Hi Paolo,
Thank you for your lovely comments. Grazie! It was a pleasant surprise that you found my photos because your galleries were in fact the very first ones I viewed on pbase before I joined. What are the odds! Your photographs are beautiful, so vibrant and lively. Thanks again for sharing.
Ciao Ciao!
Guest 20-May-2009 04:31
Hello Paolo,
Thank you for your comment. It's much appreciated!
Your galleries are colorful! You have done excellent work! Thank you for sharing!!!!
mashuga20-May-2009 02:49
Hello Paolo,
Thank you for stopping by and looking at some of my work! The compliments back to you as well. I had a chance to browse your galleries and they are terrific. Your sense of color is fantastic! I will come back often.
Nella Pascal19-May-2009 06:06
Ciao Paolo,

thank you for your comments on my galleries. Your colourful Burano gallery is a fest for eyes! I loooove colour and your gallery just sings with colour. Well done, big vote!

George19-May-2009 01:41
HI, Paolo. Thanks for many nice comments on my shots. Yes ,talk about color!.Your shots are very colorful!. Keep up the great work.I'm originally from Europe ,but never been to Italy.
Enrique18-May-2009 03:27

Really creative and interesting galleries - keep doing good things !

I especially liked the 'the sequence' 'longerie', and 'the colors of my sky' - your colors and compositions really work for me...

rafael_enrique - Phoenix, Arizona USA
Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott12-May-2009 20:30
Hi Paolo,
Thanks so much for showing me the way into your fantastic Photography World! I am very impressed with your powereful, creative, artful and indeed colorful work - I am very impressed by your skills! WOW!
Your personal style is so intense and I could stay inside you gallery for hours if only I could find the time for it ...
I will come back again soon and am looking forward to view more of your delightful images!
In respect, Birgitte Ott, Denmark
Guest 07-May-2009 15:32
Very colorful,
the composition is very unique.
Hubert Steed05-May-2009 14:15
Thank you for your invitation to view your galleries. Love what I saw. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes...
Gerard Koehl01-May-2009 06:51
Bravo pour toutes ces merveilles. J'y reviendrai régulièrement, je vous ai ajouté à mes favoris.

jonalisa22-Apr-2009 23:24
I love the way you capture color. Your images make me happy. Ciao!
feblu 15-Apr-2009 03:22
hi there.. thanks for visiting my gallery..

piet 11-Apr-2009 20:13
I thought , you had Nikon in your bag ? Great work! :-)
Guest 09-Apr-2009 22:11
Excellent galleries, I love your work!!
Guest 08-Apr-2009 17:37
Holy cow, the colors are so brilliant and the pics are so sharp. You have a great eye for composition and perspective. Keep up the good work and thanks for visiting my galleries. I have been to Venice and loved it. Spent two weeks at Avino while in the U.S. Air Force Reserve in 1992.
Larry Wilson
Guest 04-Apr-2009 16:33
I really enjoyed viewing your galleries, the colours are so vibrant.
Guest 04-Apr-2009 16:33
I really enjoyed viewing your galleries, the colours are so vibrant.
Guest 01-Apr-2009 09:08
WOW, excellent photos I am very impressed. I hope to come close to being as good. Thanks for sharing
ira moore01-Apr-2009 06:36
Amazing galleries; very diverse, creative, sometimes funny. A delight to visit.
Guest 21-Mar-2009 07:42
Incredible range and breadth of photographic images. Your skills are far ranging, impressive and inspiring. Perhaps the most fun gallery on pbase or elsewhere.
lorand20-Mar-2009 19:54
Thanks for your comment on my gallery.
haibohuang09-Mar-2009 05:20
Thanks for visiting my galleries. Your photos are most impressive, I especially like the colors and the textures in your photos. Great work! -Haibo
James O. Harle22-Feb-2009 00:55
Thank you for your comment on my image. You have a great eye for color and women which explains why your galleries are stunning

Robbie D7014-Feb-2009 09:09
I like your style of photography, great galleries.
Dan Opdal09-Feb-2009 16:10
Thank You for your comment and vote on my Minnesota Autumn Image Gallery. You have a wonderful collection of galleries.
Dan Opdal
Miguel Cruz08-Feb-2009 15:56
Thanks for checking out my work.

You have some great images in your galleries and I love the deep rich colors you capture.
Guest 03-Jan-2009 15:00
Thank you for visiting my gallery & commenting my photos of Tiger. your galleries are very interesting & colourful :)
Guest 02-Jan-2009 13:55
Island of colours has left me totally bedazzled and longing for a well over-due visit to this wonderful city. Who needs churches, art galleries or piazzas to make a photo so enticing. Thank you for a most enjoyable slide-show. Glad you like cats.
virtualink25-Nov-2008 12:38
Paolo, Thanks for taking your time to visit my gallery. From what I've seen in your galleries, you'll never run out of interesting themes to photograph!
Martin Lamoon10-Nov-2008 13:53
Thanks for dropping by, you have excellent galleries, keep up the good work
Guest 07-Nov-2008 04:23
I am immensely grateful for your kind remarks on my photos. Yours are much more enjoyable : )
John Glines05-Nov-2008 12:40
Thanks for your kind comment on my biographical gallery. And I very much enjoyed looking at many of your photos.
Jim Kuykendall18-Aug-2008 17:21
Thank you for looking at my Angels of Nature Gallery. Really enjoyed all of yours. Jim
Guest 15-Aug-2008 05:30
I thought I took picture of every corner in my city (NY), seeing your photos of NY evoke my hunger to shoot and my thoughts to reconsider. Loved all your albums. Many thanks.
Dmitriy Ostapenko
Guest 07-Aug-2008 13:39
Your photos are nice. Full of colours. Thanks for sharing.
Roger 03-Aug-2008 15:44
Paolo, Your pictures of New York with the G9 are stunning. I am considering buying a
G9 and wonder if your pictures are directly from the camera or have been modified with Photoshop. If so, what changes did you make in the original pictures?
Thank you for your beautiful and creative galleries.
Guest 01-Aug-2008 20:17
Nice Gallery
Guest 04-Jul-2008 06:14
Thank you:)

Your galleries are beautiful, creative and inspiring.

Stay blessed!
Guest 02-Jul-2008 15:42
Thank you for dropping by my gallery.
You have excellent works. Look like SONY did a great job.
Will be back to look at you works again.

Guest 02-Jul-2008 13:25

Andrew Kristensen28-Jun-2008 18:01
Thanks for the vote! glad you liked the image of my cat :) Luckily you can only see her, and don't have to hear her constantly seeking attention :)


Guest 17-Jun-2008 18:24
Yes,i've been at your gallery before.I love the way you capture the city of N.Y
I hope we can meet someday Bracciodiferro.

Allen Lloyd
Mark Elert11-Jun-2008 22:43
Thanks for comment. You have some fantastic pictures of Bolonga, Italy and the women there. Regards Mark
Nancy Lobaugh10-Jun-2008 18:30
nice collection! I'll be back..
Bart Boodts Photography08-Jun-2008 13:47
Grazie mille; Thanks for your comment. Grtz. Bart
Ed "Lugnut" Funk03-Jun-2008 00:49
Thanks for your comments about my work. I am not a working pro just a racing photog. After reviewing your Gallery you must be...if not you should be. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING WORK.
Waynecam27-May-2008 23:31
bracciodiferro, after seeing your gallery, mine seems shabby by comparison. Your New York Gallery is stunning.

Guest 27-May-2008 13:52
Wonderful collection of galleries with warmth and emotions. I viewed your NYC gallery at your suggestion but also viewed the rest of your galleries. Thanks for posting and continue your great talent. You're a gifted photographer.
Guest 27-May-2008 01:22
nice way to crate a network. Thx for visiting
Jim Stephens25-May-2008 14:48
Thanks for visiting my gallery. Ahh for the City...Your images are wonderful... a great expression of city life.
...and the Italy gallery tugs at memories from the time I lived there many years ago during my college days.
Keep sharing your experiences.

Guest 22-May-2008 14:58
Thanks for the comment! Love your galleries!! Very interesting!
Jack Pin22-May-2008 05:23
Thanks for your kind words, I browsed through your New York pix and they are beautiful, when of these days I will leave the West Coast and make it there.

Darbowski21-May-2008 21:38
Thank you for your visit and comments, l'll be back regularly to visit your gallerys !
Orna Popper20-May-2008 20:31
Hi Paolo,
It was true pleasure exploring your galleries.
They are full of life, colorful and inviting.
I've enjoyed the NYC gallery, the city life and... I'll keep on touring...

Guest 20-May-2008 16:25
Great photos!
Guest 19-May-2008 10:36
Hi Paolo,

Thanks very much for coming to visit my gallery and leaving me such a nice feedback. Thank you very much.

I like your candid photographic style. You have a lively collection of life in New York. I would come back and check out more.

/ Tsienni
Guest 18-May-2008 10:49
Thank you.
you have many great photos!
Guest 16-May-2008 16:17
Very nice pics, bracciodiferro. Loved your N.Y. pictures!
I sent you a message with a question. Thanks,
Guest 16-May-2008 16:17
Very nice pics, bracciodiferro. Loved your N.Y. pictures!
I sent you a message with a question. Thanks,
Guest 16-May-2008 00:36
Can't wait to sit and explore all of your galleries! Best to you!!
Dawnie Schu
Guest 11-May-2008 07:58
NEW YORK gallery - SUPERB. Everyday i am checking new photos of that gallery.Well done Paolo!!!!i am waiting for more photos :)))
Greg Little13-Apr-2008 21:08
Thanks for the comment on my hello/goodbye, Paolo. I like the idea behind your Hard Life gallery. ...would like to see 9 AM, 10 AM, ... a day in the life. The color is nice as its a bit more positive. I hope you continue this theme a bit and experiment.
TuTmin27-Feb-2008 14:17
Hi:stunning collection.welcome to the Pbase world.looking forward to seeing more your beautiful works.
Greg Little27-Jan-2008 21:50
Very nice galleries Paolo! Welcome to Pbase. Regards,

The Suburban Hippie 22-Jan-2008 23:27
outstanding collection of work!