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Christopher Plummer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Deborah Van Kirk 11-Jul-2017 20:36
Christopher, I'm acquiring images for a text book about animal behavior. Your images of the are very beautiful and could be perfect for the book. We would need high resolution digital files. How large is your original file for 109902045.dubU2FtM.afinch23 110364522.j5FAokhc.fink1 Thank you and I look forward to your reply by email.
pacs22-May-2015 18:46
Super Galleries, great work.Thanks for sharing them.
cafe18-May-2015 09:40
Je suis impressionnée par vos photos, woow !
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:46
I really appreciated, best regards.
Guest 30-Sep-2012 15:43
Dear Mr. Plummer. I have been taken to this site during my searches for a small, black headed bird with white on the sides, which I found at my hotel in Kathmandu. You have some great shots. I wonder if you would contact me so that I could send a photo of the bird for you to see. I haven't found a name for it yet. Looks like a wagtail.

Thank you,
Mickey Rostoker, MD
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
gdrhdgfhdth23-Jan-2012 17:53
you have a fantastic collection of Swiss bird photographs, very impressive! I hope to get good photographs of so many local species in the future. Feel free to have a look at my photos (
Best regards,
Dave Barnes31-Oct-2011 22:47
Christopher, exceptional quality in your images. I enjoyed my visit.


Günter 29-Mar-2011 13:01
Hallo Christopher,
Thanks for your answer.
My Email-Adress is:

Many greetings
Christopher Plummer26-Mar-2011 12:10
Thanks, but how do I get in touch with you, Günter?
Guest 26-Mar-2011 11:25
Hallo Christopher,
Super Fotos !!!
I am a Hobby-Zoologist from Austria and I work on a list of all bird species (only for myself and personal use). I want to add to all the animals in the list a picture, so I want to ask you, if I am allowed, to copy some pictures from your picture gallery by pbase in my lists - only for private use! I will not create a homepage, I will not sell the photos and I will not publish the photos - I only want to add them to my lists.
I am looking forward to a permission to copy some photos,

Yours faithfully

Sandra 26-Oct-2010 12:58
Wow - looking at your photos is a real treat. Thank you for sharing your fantastic shots!!
shiva 09-Sep-2010 04:13
Very nice gallery with lot of collection, specially the trogon on ground was some thing unusally beautiful capture.
Guest 19-May-2010 11:28
No question about your technique! The images are proof.
Armand 15-May-2010 14:05
Absolut super. Ich bin überwältigt, fasziniert, begeistert.

1. ob den wunderbar gelungenen Fotos und
2. von der Geduld, die ein Vogelfotograf haben muss.
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass man z.T. auch ohne Fotos nach einem stundenlangen Ausflug zurückkommt.
Ich möchte auch gerne so schöne Fotos schiessen ;-)

Freundliche Grüsse
Guest 09-Feb-2010 22:36
Great Galleries

website :
Tom Merigan18-Sep-2009 20:34
I enjoyed your galleries You get good shots making identification easy Tom Merigan Portola Valley California
raeed salim 19-Jul-2009 19:07
very nice gallery
89angel07-Mar-2009 15:49
Very nice & beautiful gallery.
Guest 26-Feb-2009 17:29
Great captures. Simply amazing.
Paolo Giallonardo15-Jun-2008 17:48
My compliment! You have great images in your galleries!
photodocsj11-Mar-2008 23:20
You are an amazing bird photographer! I started doing birds about 6 or so months ago and can now appreciate what it takes to just get a bird photo that is OK... but....the quality of your stuff is just off the charts. well done. james
Guest 29-Dec-2007 18:41
Very nice work Christopher. Look forward to seeing more!
Diana 13-Dec-2007 12:39
Happy Birthday, Christopher! May all your wishes come true !
We'll never meet in this world but I admire your great art.
Diana from Romania
Guest 07-Nov-2007 18:34
Nice Gallery
Esa Ervasti04-Oct-2007 18:04
Great images, keep on good work!
gsl00728-Jul-2007 01:13
I have looked through your galleries and really enjoyed your super photos. Thanks.