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Della Huff | all galleries >> Boston Stock Images >> Landmarks >> The Bridges of Boston > Zakim Bridge and New Moon, Boston
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Zakim Bridge and New Moon, Boston

I was shooting the Zakim Bridge when some high clouds dissipated to reveal the tiny sliver of the new moon.

Order 4 x 6 print: $15.00
Order 5 x 7 print: $20.00

Order 8 x 10 print: $40.00
Order 16 x 20 print: $60.00

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1s f/8.0 at 46.8mm iso200 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Apr-2005 09:36:20
ModelFinePix S7000
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length46.8 mm
Exposure Time1.00 sec
ISO Equivalent200
Exposure Bias-2.00
White Balancedaylight (1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programmanual (1)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 26-Sep-2006 13:02
The new moon makes it more mysterious and wonderful than it looks by first sight...!
Guest 03-Jun-2005 12:28
what a wonderful composition with the new moon! Bryan
Guest 20-May-2005 13:46
favourite as well ;-) !

Guest 26-Apr-2005 18:32
You've really got a great eye Della!
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