1966 - the Miami High Lucians Pledge Class of 1966 (names below)
Miami, Florida
Thank you to Linda High Thompson for contributing this image of her in her pledge class. Left to right: Diane Sumpasis (member), Kathy Walker (member), Linda High (pledge), and Adelaide Escobar (pledge).
Adelaide, would love to stay in touch with you. Can you please give me your email address? Mine is vetterickn@gmail.com. I used to be Nancy Perez. Nancy P. Vetterick
Adelaide Gonzalez
08-Sep-2008 01:23
Were we ever that young!! Thanks to all my club members for all the wonderful memories. I still remember the slumber parties and all the crazy things we did. I do hope that we can get in contact with all the girls that were in Lucians so we can have a great reunion.
20-Aug-2008 05:26
Any chance anyone knew a William Earle Harris. He was in Kenwood Elementary School, Miami and had Gretchen K. Brodis as a 5th Grade Teacher and Marion K. Washburn as a 4th Grade teacher at Perrine Elementary School in Perrine, FL. His mother's name was Ruth.
Much appreciated,
Heather (Harris) Webster
Ben Harris
11-Aug-2008 22:57
Adelaide is still as cute as ever!! Not to mention, she has a great antique store in Homestead, Florida. She is a sweet, caring person, and I am proud to call her my friend!! Ben Harris.