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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> MIAMI SPRINGS and VIRGINIA GARDENS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1954 - the Miami Sanitorium on Curtiss Parkway in Miami Springs
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1954 From a postcard

1954 - the Miami Sanitorium on Curtiss Parkway in Miami Springs

Curtiss Parkway, Miami Springs, Florida

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Margaret O. Hamby 17-May-2016 00:46
My mother worked part time at the Miami Springs Battle Creek during the 50's as a telephone and front desk person and later as the social director. I spent many afternoons after school waiting for her to get off work. It was a wonderful place, great guests and great people that worked there; all the food was vegetarian. I still remember the corn soup. Delicious. I grew up in Miami Springs and consider it home--even today. Margaret Ogilvie
Wayne Baggett 27-Apr-2011 13:23
I grew up in the Springs during the 50's. My parents owned Barry's Cleaners on the Circle across from the Food Palace. I can remember as a young kid sneaking around this place peaking through the fence to see guests sunbathing in the nude.
Tina Smith 20-Sep-2010 22:25
WOW I love this site. I lived in Miami Springs from 1951 to 1966. This is helping remember it. I also wondered what this was. It was beautiful to me. I am going back in Oct. to remember.
Martha P 22-May-2010 16:33
It was a sanitorium where the weathy people came to recoup. It was owned by Kellog. In the 60's it became a retirement home, I volunteered as a Candy Striper, while in high school and it still had the spa room (excercise room, pool etc), it was so beautiful inside. The elevators at time were still operated by an operator. I learned how to get the elevator even with the floor. I never will forget that experience.
Rick Justo 19-May-2010 21:45
I recall as a kid in the 70's this was "Fair Havens", a nursing home. We used to "wheel" folks over to Grace Lutheran so they could go to church services.
Don Boyd11-Mar-2009 14:15
You are correct. Don
floridagirlatheart 11-Mar-2009 04:09
I always wondered what this was...was it a institution?