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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area RESTAURANTS, Drive-Ins, Bars, Lounges, Liquor Stores, Clubs, Strip Joints, etc. Gallery - All Years - click to view > 1980's - ad for the Crazy Horse Saloon on Biscayne Boulevard
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1980's The Miami News

1980's - ad for the Crazy Horse Saloon on Biscayne Boulevard

16410 Biscayne Boulevard, North Miami Beach, Florida

There were always a ton of ladies waiting to get into this establishment in the evening hours.

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Carmen 02-Mar-2024 04:32
The best of times! It was a blast going as part of a group and cut loose. Most ladies/girls would go absolutely crazy, while others acted shy and reserved. It was quite fun to watch! There were plenty of opportunities to hook up with dancers at the end of the night. Phone numbers were written on cocktail napkins and exchanged in those days.
Raun Jeremy 16-Aug-2021 15:33
Great times, pure fun. Went there with girlfriends and wife. Many of the girls I went with were dancers who had a blast watching the guys take it off for a change. One of my friends, after drinking a couple of the house specialty drinks, the Penis Colada (a pink plastic dildo straw) tried to go on stage to teach the guys how to dance, but was quickly escorted out. Oh well, gotta keep them dancers in their own environment. Still, was always a great time for me. A great way to get a girlfriend worked up and take home. Fun times!
Mike 12-Nov-2020 22:12
I went with my wife a few times. Great show and always lead to a great night later. They did take all off in this days. Great place.
Guest 13-Oct-2020 03:00
My friend & I were regulars at Crazy Horse Saloon in the 80’s until they closed. We had a blast there weekly! Michel the French Connection, Tony the Italian Stallion, Robin, Bobby, etc... Sure do miss the gang! Wonder where they all are now?
Guest 31-Aug-2020 22:28
Went with my wife a few time's always had a great time. Better days for sure . The guys took it all off.
Guest 01-Apr-2020 16:13
It was fun to go and I was friends with ia couple of the guys in the show, Felix and Serge. Four of the guys did a surprise show at my birthday party at my apt. so if you (Julian) were at the party I may have a picture. But if I recall no photos were allowed to be taken at the show. It was a fun decade to be single and free!
Julian* aka Jules* 14-Dec-2019 21:48
Hello everyone!😎 I’m Jules and I was dancer there off & on between 1986-1988...I danced in a Purple🕺 Zook Suit like pants & Jacket bare chested & danced to all Prince Songs! I’m hoping someone has pix from that time frame, or know of any Alumn type social site for former dancers? I would appreciate any help I can get, or connection with other guys from my era 💫👍🏽🕺💜 Blessings✨
Guest 11-Jul-2019 17:59
i worked there in the early summer of 79, on a dare, had no dancing talent, but i was in shape.also i was totally broke, and the only outfit i had was a green mechanics jumpsuit.all the guys were cool, they all had their own special routine.
felix was definthe headliner, coming out w/ his b& d outdit, to the tu e pf ‘ Freak Out’, by Chic_Le Freak.
another guy, Bud had a Kung Fu routine, ...
Marty, AKA Chuck Mangione! 07-Jul-2019 14:18
AKA Chuck Mangione 07-Jul-2019 14:08
I was a Bouncer the first night the Crazy Horse opened not to the Public, but to the Reporters of local News Papers and Media. The night we opened to the Public, I was then a Dancer due to the Major difference of Renumeration. I have many pictures from 1979 and 1980, including Felix the Italian Stallion. Felix was the Original Magic Mike, which unfortunately passed away this year 2019. We were in the process of writing a book about the Exotic performers from the early 1970s.

Thanks Marty, AKA The Eighth Wonder of the World written by a Miami Herald of Dade County. My Stage Name was Chuck Mangione “Feels So Good Indeed”!
william 28-Jun-2017 18:51
My brother worked as a stripper there in 1979. He would often dress as "Ponch" from CHIPS TV show because he looked allot like the character and actor. He used to take his wife and her sister to keep an eye on him because things would get out of control at times.

I always had reservations about the name of the establishment. It trivializes and degrades the significance of Crazy Horse, a hero to all Native Americans.
Don Boyd02-Sep-2014 03:37
I hate to say it but I went one evening with my first wife and some of her friends and it was absolutely hilarious watching the ladies in there going ga-ga over the guys dancing and putting tip money in their g-string or whatever they had on. The strip joints that had female performers for men were extremely sedate compared to the nutso ladies at the Crazy Horse.

Guest 01-Sep-2014 19:53
Went there once in 1980 for a birthday celebration. Men were not admitted unless accompanied by a woman; we believed that was to keep it straight, not gay. Yes, they took it ALL off. It was fun - and funny - they put on quite a show! I always said I would go back again but somehow never did.
Dick 10-May-2013 15:15
Let it all hang out!