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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1963 - Miami High School Stingarees Cheerleaders (names below)
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1963 The Stingaree Century

1963 - Miami High School Stingarees Cheerleaders (names below)

Miami Senior High School, Miami, Florida

Please click on "original" below to see this image at the largest size. Left to right, these lovely ladies are: Nancy Jones Kimbrell (manager), Deanna Alvarez Villalobos, Anne Scott, Connie Rohrer, Margaret Pratt Croucher, Sallie Fox Bridis, Diane Wakeman, Lucy Heldt (captain), Anita Wills Dobbs, Janice Lund Stellges, Patti Coleman, Diane Hough, Sharyn Groh, and Ellen Cohan (manager).

Aw, nothing can beat girls from the 60s in my book, except a few from the 70s. (My wife graduated in 1971 from North Miami High)

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AL Z. 28-Jan-2016 16:57
All those "M's" - add-up-to "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!" (rightly so!) Thanks Ladies... :)
Linda Anagnostis 22-Nov-2014 02:17
Look at that picture!!!Everyone was smiling and all their feet were in a perfect semi-circle. Wow! That was a great time in our lives. I was there and graduated that year . I went on to Miami Dade Junior College with many of my friends and started Sigma Delta. We continued to shine in our community.
My mother and 3 brothers graduated from Miami High School.
Mom just passed this year at 98 1/2. Her name was Gertrude Gruener Wiedele Woodworth. Mother and MHS continue to shine in my HEART and SPIRIT!
Anne Scott Petri 30-Jun-2013 06:40
Thanks, Don! That's me, third from left! Great to see all of our friends! Yes--1963! The best! Anne Scott Petri
Bunny/Bonnie K. Holly 30-Apr-2013 04:38
For those asking about yearbooks; go to Classmates,com & they are available for purchase .... of course, u won't get the notes, signatures & all the personal "stuff" - but you can get a copy of the yearbook .... I carried mine through 30 yrs. of military wife/life - had saved front page for Diane PONCE Thompson - - kept thinking she would get around to signing it! Ha. But she didn't; dbl darn! Bunny Snodderly, MHS, 64; X-Club.
Don Boyd10-Jul-2011 20:19
And that settles it once and for all and I will leave it as 1963 because so many people said so. : )

Nancy DeWinkler Silvestri 10-Jul-2011 13:17
This is definitely 1963
mipela14-Jun-2010 18:30
Pedro I Garcia-Nunez, MD, PhD
MSHS Class '63
This picture is the best! Those were the days! There were the all time best Cheerleaders!
I just retired from Los Angeles to Turnberry Isle, FL.
Hello to every Stingaree '60-'63!
Liz Bello c/o 1998 03-Apr-2010 05:27
This is such a cute gallery of images. Thank you for taking the time to share them with those of us who enjoy experiencing our school's and Miami's history if only through pictures. That's the most beautiful thing about Miami High School - the countless memories that resonate in its hallways. I really enjoyed your posting.
Ben Godwin 30-Aug-2009 18:29
I graduated in '64. Ann Scott, Patti Coleman, and Sharon Groh were all Seniors and friends in my class. That said, my best guess is this is a '62-'63 group photo that would have appeared in the '63 another blogger has already posted.
Vernon Tremblay 09-Mar-2009 19:58
Wow - Talk about a blast from the past - I must have had a crush on all of these young ladies at one time or another during my three years at Miami High and, although I never try to relive those times, I realize how fortunate we were to go to a high school so rich in tradition (My mother graduated from Miami High in 1932), so academically, athletically, and culturaly dominant, and with so many wonderful teachers. Thanks for bringing back so many fond memories.
Guest 29-Nov-2008 21:28
Hi, my name is Karie and I am trying to get a yearbook for my mom. Her name was Patricia Bowen and she graduated in 1963. I was wondering if any of you could tell me who the publisher of the yearbook was. Then maybe I can contact the company. Thanks!
Guest 03-May-2008 04:00
Yes, that picture was in our Miami High's 1961 year book (I graduated in 1963). I was in the Million Dollar band. While our football team won, band also won every award possible under director, Gus Perry. Marching at the Orange Bowl football games or in the Orange Bowl Parade was a blast. Any band pics besides the ones in the year books? Someone mentioned Shirley's. Oh yeah. And what about White Castle? Too bad Miami couldn't have stayed as innocent!

It's also sad to drive by Miami High for many years and see the halls boarded up like a prison. I hope the power's that be carefully restore rather than tear down this wonderful historic school (like they did Shenadoah Elem.), the Coliseum, the Bayfront Bandshell and Library. That's what happens when so many people don't have a history of growing up in Miami and disrespect those who do. I was born in Miami, lived here my adult life, but my husband and I are finally leaving. We are actually relocating to a place that reminds me of the old Miami where people are kind and considerate as a rule. You hardly ever hear a horn too. Bring back memories??
Lisa Hoffman Davidson 31-Mar-2008 01:42
Went to Miami Senior High from 1968 and graduated in June, 1971.....I miss those good days of Shirley's Hamburgers and Dairy Queen across the street.....any members of Drama Class (Thespians Honor Society Troupe 327) out there? Lisa Hoffman Davidson
Guest 29-Mar-2008 14:48
It would be super if someone with a 1963 Miahi would post the names of all these , then young, ladies.
Thank you, A fellow Stingaree
Guest 20-Mar-2008 02:18
This picture is found on page 65 ofthe 1963 MIAHI yearbook. The year was 1963, not 1961. Sorry.
Guest 20-Feb-2008 21:38
Thank you for the wonderful trip down memory lane. I have been to,eaten,worked,graduated from and yes even had a few drinks at alot of the places. I grew up in Coconut Grove,graduated from Miami High (1963) and worked at a drive in restaurant on Bird Road called Pizza Patio. Ah for the good old days! Judy aka Merfy
Theresa (R.) 30-Jan-2008 23:58
What a fabulous website!!! I graduated in '61 and recognized an old friend in this picture. She is second from left, Deana Alvarez. She was part of a group that I used to go dancing with. There were weekend dances at the PBA, or El Portal, or Bayfront Park auditorium. On Sundays we'd go dancing in Miami Beach at what we used to call "the old people's dance" near South Beach. Certainly didn't look like the South Beach of today! Those were indeed the good old days. It was a wonderful time.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 22:49
I recognise several of the girls and they all graduated when I did in 63'
FlorisotaNC 07-Oct-2007 21:56
Born in Miami, graduated MHS in 72....left in 73. The ol' neighborhood ain't what it used to be... ah for the good old days!
Don Boyd08-Aug-2007 03:25
I'll have to defer the year issue to Mr. Howard Kleinberg because the book has 1963 on the bottom of the photo. Don
Marjorie Humphryes Lewis 08-Aug-2007 02:12
Hi, these pictures are all THE BEST. I graduated in 1961 and these cheerleaders were from that year. I recognize every one of them. Just wanted to tell you so you could change the year. Margie Lewis