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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area HOTELS and MOTELS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1968 - the Americana Hotel on Miami Beach
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FEB-1968 © 1968 Dave Kleylein

1968 - the Americana Hotel on Miami Beach

Miami Beach, Florida

Thank you to former Miamian Dave Kleylein (William Jennings Bryan Elementary, North Miami Junior High, North Miami High, and Norland High Class of 1962) for contributing this image.

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Russ 26-Mar-2015 21:22
Every Year for spring break we went to Florida, stayed at the Americana Hotel first then the Diplomat, this was late 1960's early 70's. The Americana, parent would let us room free somewhat. Always had a cabana by the pool to. It was a different time back then but an enjoyable time to grow up in.
laceyrockwell8306-Jan-2015 17:32
I travel a lot with work, which means I spend a lot of time in hotels. At first it was a lot of fun, staying somewhere new every night. As time went on, I still loved seeing new things, but the hotels started getting old. Although, I am tired of hotels, it is still nice when I walk in and it is clean!
Donna 28-Mar-2013 02:17
I stayed at The Americana in 1969 with my parents when I was 7. I remember the beautiful large pool, and our maid "Sophie " was especially nice !
Ken 02-Dec-2012 06:17
We went there as a family in April each year 1964 -1968. First time i was 7- thought i was in heaven- green carpet with large flowers in the lobby Met my wife there in 1977.
J. Bobeck 06-Nov-2012 15:19
I remember staying there with my parents in 1959. There was a portrait studio on the floor below the lobby. My brother and I went everyday to sit for the portrait. One morning my brother and I got caught taking coins from the wishing pond. We were too young to know better. My horrified parents never lets us forget our first and only crime spree. P.S. I still have that portrait. Anyone else remember that studio?
Lorraine Dewsen 13-Oct-2012 05:21
My grandfather Ed Mulineaux was a maintenance supervisor in the 1960s. My Dad was in the USAG and would take 30 day leave when he was very young to pick up some extra money working as a lifeguard at the pool. My Mom would tease him about all of the women swooning over him. They would bring home great food :). The last time we were there was 1968.
Don Boyd17-Sep-2012 05:49
Thank you for posting those great memories, Barbara.

Don Boyd07-Feb-2012 14:59
Great comments, Joseph! Thank you for taking the time to post your memories and giving us a brief insider's view of working there for so many years. It was a good read!

And thank you to all the other posters for commenting here. We all appreciate it.

joseph Gonzalez 06-Feb-2012 21:15
I worked at the Americana from 1961 to 1976 when it was bought by American Airlines. I started as a bus boy in Room Service and the bacame a waiter until I left. Talk about "first class" We served all meals in the rooms from real silver plates. Don't get caught serving on a china dish. Everthing was fresh, no frozen food. As a immigrant from Cuba, I learned to eat jewish food and until today, it is my favorite. I can write a book about my years at this hotel. I still remember the cocktail parties in Ms. Tisch ( the owner) suite. I was assigned to keep the suite clean while her guests drank and ate hor'd ovuvres. When the party was over, she would leave with her guest for dinner at the Gaucho Steak House but before they left, she closed the door and both of us clean the room . When we were done, she would say "thank you an do not forget to turn the light out". What memories
Jim 18-Nov-2011 22:11
I worked as a night room clerk in the late 60's early 70's. There were some astounding happenings at nite in that hotel. I can't count the number of rooms I walked because of over selling.
Randy Surley 16-Aug-2011 16:22
I went to this hotel in the 60's for a convention my mom and dad attended it was the most beautiful place I had ever been in my life. I remember right as we were checking in a little girl about my age walked through one of the plate glass windows in the lobby, they were so clean you could hardly see them. It must have been 1964 or 65. The convention was for Republic National Life Insurance Company.
susie 25-Feb-2011 04:53
Oh, my gosh, Thank You, Kitty Pat Cornett! In the early 60's my father, too, had a convention at the Americana. My mother and I went along. My father and I took a walk through the gardens before dinner one night and we heard this deep-throated noise....and then we saw....this huge ignuana (?). We thought it was a gilla monster. I remember his big ruffled "collar." He came out of the undergrowth, turned around, look at us, and just sauntered down the walk in front of us. I have told that story a thousand times. What a beautiful place....probably the most spectacular place I have ever stayed....maybe it was because I was little....but my memory of it is so nice.
Lauren 14-Feb-2011 21:17
Yes, there was a saltwater pool. The indoor pool was "regular"water and the outdoor pool was filled with saltwater. I distinctly remember that because I preferred non-saltwater, and it was hot in the indoor pool in the summer! Loved the Americana...was there in the summer and for Christmas vacation. Classy place.
Jim 07-Aug-2010 03:24
As a kid, I went to an AFL-CIO/AFSCME convention here with my parents. We actually stayed next door at the Balmoral. It was connected to the Americana with an underground walkway. There was a hair stylist that cut hair with a flame there at the time. I too would like to have revisited it.
ernest 15-Jan-2010 14:35
when was this hotel pulled down once it became a Sheraton?
Lori 16-Sep-2009 03:49
I was at this hotel in about 1964 with my parents at a Postal Supervisor's Convention. Does anyone know if the pool was saltwater? I know that sounds weird, but I remember it as being so.
Kitty Pat Cornett 11-May-2009 00:31
I am so bummed!!! I can't believe this hotel is gone. When I was a little girl, this hotel hosted this big convention that my father got to go to every year; So my mom, dad and I were always there for a week, several years in a row - in the mid '60's. I was like Eloise - my parents just turned me loose in this hotel and I had the run of it. My mother always described it as "snazzy" and they had this huge iguana outside by the pool that lived there. The carpet was wonderful - very 1960's! Big flowers and bright, bold colors. There was also a 'rainforest' in the lobby - glassed in, with water running down among trees, folage, criters, and the roof was open over this enclosure. I am so sorry it's gone. I will be in Miami for the first time since then this month, and I was hoping to visit this hotel - thus why I was looking on the internet for it. Very sad - and a time gone by.
Nancy Bursk 01-Sep-2008 01:27
Thanks for this picture. My Mom worked here on week-ends as a telephone operator in the late 50's early 60's. They always had a great Christmas party for the employees. I couldn't believe it had been torn down when I was there this Aug. for Edison's OTHG reunion