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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960 - Mrs. Curry's 6th grade class at Kensington Park Elementary School in Miami
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APR-1960 Courtesy of Ted Crownover

1960 - Mrs. Curry's 6th grade class at Kensington Park Elementary School in Miami

Miami, Florida

Thank you to Ted Crownover for contributing this image. These are the names of the students who signed Ted's photo, in the order that they signed it:

Lindy Lou Berman, Arthur Barosela, Lorraine Mongeon, Peter Vaughan, Lizete Saunders, Eddie Link, David Malitoris, Beverly Ruckman, John Pedrotty, Linda Jo, Silvia Rodriguez, Jose L. Barrera, Richard Norman, Phil Lovelady, Nancy Mills, Linda Franco, Carl Post, Deanna Humenuk, Michael Groves, Jaime Carrillo, Billy Campbell, Larry Cornican, Mary Ruth Maller, Sylvia Tomlinson, Richard MacBride,
Wayne Richard (not pictured), Susan Pearson
, and Robert Katzman. Ted was in the back in between Richard MacBride and Mrs. Curry.

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Ron Saams 15-Jul-2012 01:02
Went to Kinsington Park in "59 for 5th gd. before moving to hialeah. I remember a Richard Dunaway, playing vollyball, sticking our hands in a red ants nest to prove how stupid we were, and 1 time i rode my bike down the "HILL" across the street from the school into the blind cornor at the end of the block with a safety patrol. It was a blind cornor because of the wall blocking a view of what ever was comin' around the cornor. Well, you guessed it- someone or something was comin' around the cornor and i think we colided. I guess that was my 1st concussion. Wish i would have had my leather football helmit on! Really, don't remember, know i got a ride home in somebodies car.
Ron Saams 15-Jul-2012 01:02
Went to Kinsington Park in "59 for 5th gd. before moving to hialeah. I remember a Richard Dunaway, playing vollyball, sticking our hands in a red ants nest to prove how stupid we were, and 1 time i rode my bike down the "HILL" across the street from the school into the blind cornor at the end of the block with a safety patrol. It was a blind cornor because of the wall blocking a view of what ever was comin' around the cornor. Well, you guessed it- someone or something was comin' around the cornor and i think we colided. I guess that was my 1st concussion. Wish i would have had my leather football helmit on! Really, don't remember, know i got a ride home in somebodies car.
K. Blanton 02-Aug-2010 03:39
It looks like the same Mrs. Curry that was the Principal at Blue Lakes Elem. in the early 60s.
Beverly Ruckman Long 17-Aug-2008 02:39
I was in this class...been so long that I can't even recognize myself to find me in this picture. I believe that is Claudia Jones(saw her at Miami High's 40th reunion-2006) in the last row, 2nd from the left and it looks like Deanna Huminick in front of her. I also remember Ted Crownover who donored the picture...just don't know where he is sitting. Thanks Teddy!
Jenny 04-Aug-2008 19:59
I went to Kensignton Park some time in the early 90's. I really enjoyed being a part of the school.
Linda11-Jul-2008 21:06
I went to Kensington Park from 1956-1962. I reconize the girl in the front row to the right with the blonde hair. I believe it was Lindy Lou Berman. Does anyone know? I did a tap dance number with her and Carlene Lincoln in the school talent show in l961. The girl in the back on the right is not Ethel Davies. She was in my classs, a year behind. Richard, I do remember you. How are you? If any one knows me, please email me at Would love to keep in touch with old school friends. Linda High Thompson
Raquel 28-May-2008 13:45
When I saw this, I wondered if that was indeed the Mrs. Curry who was our principal at Sunset Park when it opened. I was there the very first day, watched it go up, played on the site when it was under construction - AMAZING!!!
robyn27-May-2008 04:18
I was in this class the next year! so much fun to see this picture. I lived at 3080 NW 4th St.
robyn de Line
Guest 24-May-2008 12:17
The first thing I thought about seeing this picture were the little desks and ducking (tucking ourselves) face down beneath them with our hands over our heads during air raid drills. Lordy we were small!
Richard Reinahrdt 24-Apr-2008 02:20
Kensington was a "boomer" school built for the Grapeland Heights neighborhood between the Orange Bowl and airport. We were the first to live in our Mackel Homes in a nice urban setting. Most of our parents were displaced WWll vets. This was innocent Miami, most of us Anglo, just before the arrival of so many escaping the terror of Fidel. I was in the classroom next door when this picture was taken. No tropical Miami schools were air conditioned. That’s Ethyl Davies in the back-right. Richard Reinhardt
Lisa Hoffman Davidson 31-Mar-2008 01:37
I went to Kensington Park Elementary from 1959 to 1965...Graduated from Miami Senior High in 1971...Lisa Hoffman Davidson
Guest 19-Mar-2008 22:26
If I'm not mistaken, Mrs. Curry went on to become the Principal and Sunset Park Elementary School in Kendall when it opened in the 1971 (I believe that's the correct year). I went to that school the first year it opened. Does anyone know if this is the same Mrs. Curry? Sure does look like her!
Guest 11-Mar-2008 20:03