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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Paris 21th century architecture > La defense cityscape 1
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La defense cityscape 1

Sony DSC-R1
1/200s f/16.0 at 14.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
cits_4_pets11-Sep-2009 21:13
Great curved reflection. Excellent comp. Big~! (v)
Thomas30-Jun-2008 17:13
at the first sight it looks like the cloud gate in chicago. great urban architecture shot and well seen, V
Dave Wixx02-Oct-2006 03:20
Cool reflections.
Marc Demoulin01-Oct-2006 21:11
Bien vu Eric!
Guest 01-Oct-2006 20:48
Brilliant - superb use of the reflection - vote
Steve Price01-Oct-2006 20:04
Good shot.
Guest 01-Oct-2006 18:36
I like this photo because it's unique. The reflection has created a multiple subject in one photo.
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