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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Versailles, the Sun king's masterpiece. > Versailles OFF 2006 - 3 (Latona fountain)
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Versailles OFF 2006 - 3 (Latona fountain)

Sony DSC-R1
30s f/13.0 at 71.5mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
khristine 05-Aug-2009 05:44
the detail is amazing! i hope to go there someday!
Guest 26-Feb-2009 12:15
Stunning! - Jubblyjue.
Guest 18-Sep-2008 16:14
definitely magic! V
Guest 02-Aug-2008 15:08
great image. You're an artist.
Heloisa 25-Jul-2008 02:32
Linda! Maravilhosa esta foto. Nunca vi tanta sutileza e beleza em uma única foto.Parabens!
pepe_carmona200008-Jul-2008 00:04
bellisima, voto
Didier Vanderperre17-Jun-2008 00:02
Tres belle prise !
Massimiliano Farinetti12-Apr-2008 14:22
This is really one of the most beautiful fountain's photo I have seen so far
Mindy McNaugher01-Apr-2008 13:20
Absolutely exquisite!! Vote!
Guest 04-Dec-2007 21:41
firstbrook01-Oct-2007 14:34
the_aos_cjc10-Jun-2007 04:39
How could they allow you to stay that late in Versaille? Are you the official photorgrapher of Versaille Palace? Anyway, your picture is unbelievably awesome!!!
Robyco05-Jun-2007 06:11
Perfect with the lightplay and well composed !! (V)
jlm04-Jun-2007 21:12
J'ai une rame de retard... mais c'est plus que beau !
Nugraha 28-Mar-2007 09:30
Impressive! This shot is absolutely wonderful.
monica memoli13-Mar-2007 11:10
Wow! v
Yves Rubin13-Feb-2007 16:57
This is so special! Amazing effect you have achieved with the long exposure in the fountain.
Yiannis Pavlis16-Jan-2007 01:39
Wonderful shot...Beautiful compositon and colours.
Eldar Kadymov24-Dec-2006 05:39
I cannot bloody believe it...
Guest 16-Oct-2006 18:13
Eric, this shot is truly amazing.I'm not kidding when I say that this is one of my favorite shots I've ever seen. Wow!
alexeig10-Oct-2006 20:35
This is fantastic and otherwordly
Pierre Schneider10-Oct-2006 19:02
Géniale idée ! V
Guest 10-Oct-2006 18:32
This is so beautiful!
Thierry Lucas10-Oct-2006 17:03
Très joli cliché.
Robert Charity10-Oct-2006 12:43
that is really good, V
Pascale Guittonneau10-Oct-2006 09:38
C'était vraiment beau a voir! Belle prise de vue! Bravo! Moi, j'ai loupé!
Je m'en suis mieux sortie avec le feu:
Guest 10-Oct-2006 07:41
Very good!
Olaf Herrig10-Oct-2006 07:07
Excellent photo work!
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