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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Versailles, the Sun king's masterpiece. > L'orangerie
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Sony DSC-R1
1/20s f/2.8 at 14.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 05-Aug-2009 05:50
what? a disco ball at versailles? please tell me its a joke!
Yves Rubin27-Oct-2007 23:53
Fun! A great image.
Greg Harp12-Oct-2007 03:09
Outstanding work. V
Eric 10-Oct-2007 21:18
Remarquables cliché et beau souvenir... ces déambulations nocturnes dans un Versailles inhabituel qui a retrouvé mystère et féérie l'espace de quelques heures.
Ramiek10-Oct-2007 18:29
great work!!
jlm10-Oct-2007 18:05
Magnifique !
Robyco10-Oct-2007 15:57
Great !!! (V)
What a place to be and the shot is perfect !!
Guest 10-Oct-2007 15:40
What a place. Fantastic photo Eric. V.
Guest 10-Oct-2007 14:44
Remarquable cette image! Certainement un des dance-floor les plus chic... Vote.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Oct-2007 14:35
Excellent, Vote.
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