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Michelle Rhea | profile | all galleries >> poetry >> poems_without_photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
I am going to park some poems here which do not currently have photos to accompany them.
Some of these poems want photos, others do not. The latter are here until I set up my own website. And who knows when that will be?!

The poems here range from very old (1980s era, even one from 1971) to very recent.
Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Six
Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Six
Divorce Poem Number Thirteen: Hiring the Hit Man
Divorce Poem Number Thirteen: Hiring the Hit Man
Eve at the Laundromat
Eve at the Laundromat
Ten Years After Adam and Eve's First Kiss
Ten Years After Adam and Eve's First Kiss
Closing Words
Closing Words
Stolen Poetry
Stolen Poetry
Sunday Night: Inanimate Objections
Sunday Night: Inanimate Objections
Surname Rhea
Surname Rhea
Swallowing Paradise
Swallowing Paradise
A Taste for Paradise
A Taste for Paradise
There Is A Time
There Is A Time
To A Previously
To A Previously
Vampire Mother and the Tunnel of Blood
Vampire Mother and the Tunnel of Blood
Before We Are Dust
Before We Are Dust
Serpentine Wisdom
Serpentine Wisdom
She Beckons Silence
She Beckons Silence
Admiring the Logic of Dust
Admiring the Logic of Dust
Apotheosis # 3 or 4
Apotheosis # 3 or 4
Blue Horses
Blue Horses
Complimentary Champagne
Complimentary Champagne
For Laci Peterson
For Laci Peterson
The Gift
The Gift
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest
Collection of Faces
Collection of Faces
The Day it Began
The Day it Began
In the Beginning Was the Word
In the Beginning Was the Word
It is the Struggle
It is the Struggle
Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow
Lost Words
Lost Words
Mothers Don't Want to Know Their Daughters' Secrets
Mothers Don't Want to Know Their Daughters' Secrets
Muse Abuse
Muse Abuse
Oedipa Regina
Oedipa Regina
One Reason for Writer's Block
One Reason for Writer's Block
The Only Aloneness
The Only Aloneness
Our Haunted Hearts
Our Haunted Hearts
Perception is 9/10 of the Law
Perception is 9/10 of the Law
Please Stay Tuned
Please Stay Tuned
The Poet's Orchard
The Poet's Orchard
The Poet's Touch
The Poet's Touch
Primitive Tribes
Primitive Tribes
Primordial Self Emerging
Primordial Self Emerging
Princess Charming and Sleeping Brute
Princess Charming and Sleeping Brute
Raison D'etre
Raison D'etre
Royal Pain
Royal Pain
The Sacrifice
The Sacrifice
Via Salaria
Via Salaria
San Francisco Poet
San Francisco Poet
Savoring the Delicious New Poem
Savoring the Delicious New Poem
The Serpent
The Serpent
Words Coming Home
Words Coming Home
Driving to Her Land
Driving to Her Land
Zen and the Art of Contentment
Zen and the Art of Contentment
Zen With Watercolor
Zen With Watercolor
Bug Dreams
Bug Dreams
The Button Poem
The Button Poem
Deluge: The Language of Storm
Deluge: The Language of Storm
Do Not Judge (Written at age 11)
Do Not Judge (Written at age 11)
The Empty Dog Food Bag
The Empty Dog Food Bag
Eve Reborn
Eve Reborn
The Fallen
The Fallen
Haunting Electra
Haunting Electra
Everything I Ever Wanted
Everything I Ever Wanted
Hungering Toward Creation
Hungering Toward Creation
I Caress My Pen
I Caress My Pen
Faded From My Flesh
Faded From My Flesh
If Wishes Were Feline
If Wishes Were Feline
Rise in Love
Rise in Love
Just Say No To Ammo
Just Say No To Ammo
Killing the Light-Bringer
Killing the Light-Bringer
First Blood
First Blood
Monsters in the White House
Monsters in the White House
My Son’s First Rorschach Test, Age 8
My Son’s First Rorschach Test, Age 8
Love Me Love My Baggage
Love Me Love My Baggage
Language Barrier
Language Barrier
9-11, Day of the Lord
9-11, Day of the Lord
The Phoenix
The Phoenix