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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Australia >> Best of Australia > Silent Grove Sunrise Panorama
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12-SEP-2008 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Silent Grove Sunrise Panorama

Australia, Western Australia, Kimberley

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A classic outback sunrise at the Gibb River Road campsite 'Silent Grove'

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johnr19-Dec-2008 01:58
Pardon my french but this is a f**kin' fantastic shot! I'm a cloud man and this sky, with the clouds almost following path of the road into the distance, together with the warm red ground, is stunning.
Ashley Hockenberry12-Nov-2008 19:22
Outstanding !
Milan Vogrin12-Nov-2008 09:29
Great scene!V!
Mikael Larsen03-Nov-2008 20:45
Wow, lovely panorama of this beautiful morning. Great perspective and wonderful sky. It looks like a panorama stiched from several images - the perspective is very wide.
Markus 02-Nov-2008 16:57
This is a breathtakingly beautiful picture. You've dunnit again, Flemming. Wow!!
Guest 02-Nov-2008 16:44
Stunning... love the patchwork clouds wrapping themselves in a fan shape, from the extreme-wide angle.
Sandi Whitteker30-Oct-2008 21:56
What an incredible sky! Love the warm and cool colors together. A gorgeous capture Flemming!