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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Australia >> Australia - Karijini & Pilbara & outback WA > Dales Gorge pool and waterfall
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10-JUN-2009 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Dales Gorge pool and waterfall

Australia, Western Australia, Karijini

This is a high dynamic range image, manually combined in photoshop from 3 exposures

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1s f/16.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dale 23-Sep-2009 13:31
Looks very serene, a nice place to contemplate one's station in life. Nicely done, you've got some very nice photos! Oh how I wish I could go to some of the places you've been! Thank you for sharing, the HDR looks nice, a bit too pale for me, seems there should be darker shadows. I appreciate the hard work you've so obviously put in.
Ted21-Sep-2009 01:00
beautiful photo. I've been to WA several times and this shot warms my heart
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Sep-2009 20:32
Great image and colors,V.