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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | all galleries >> Australia >> Best of Australia > Sand dunes at Lancelin 2
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25-OCT-2007 © Flemming Bo Jensen

Sand dunes at Lancelin 2

Australia, Western Australia, Lancelin

With max use of polariser

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/500s f/8.0 at 17.0mm iso100 Hoya Polariser full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bill Warren09-Dec-2007 15:09
Just a wonderful capture of sand and cloud sculpting. Voted
Fred Parsons05-Dec-2007 03:09

Australia's own "White Sands" very nice
Guest 09-Nov-2007 08:04
Like it very much!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 08:32
So beautiful, great dramatic shot, V
Petros Labrakos06-Nov-2007 16:57
an imposing bride
dressed in white..
stunning impression!
Guest 28-Oct-2007 07:53
Fantasically! ~V~
Guest 26-Oct-2007 22:59
A pleasure to view, nice one, V
Bert de Vos26-Oct-2007 12:51
Wondeful image. Well seen. V
regi olbrechts26-Oct-2007 05:59
Brilliant. A real classic! ;-)