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Gerhard Bachmayer | all galleries >> AstroPhotos >> Astrophotos 2008-2024 > IC4592 and IC4601 in Scorpius
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IC4592 and IC4601 in Scorpius


IC4592 is a reflection nebula and part of a huge molecular cloud. Such clouds normally appear dark, like in the lower part of above image, but can scatter back the blue light of young, hot stars like Nu Scorpii, the 'eye' of the horse shaped nebula.
IC4601 is the blue reflection nebula in the upper right corner.

Telescope: ASA 12N-OK3 f3,6
Mount: ASA DDM 85
Camera: ZWO 6200MM Pro
Filter-wheel: FLI CFW 3-12
Filter: Astrodon L, R, G, B
Exposure: L:32x90sec, R:32x90sec, G:32x90sec, B:32x90sec
Programs: Maxim DL 5.0, PixInsight SE 1.8 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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