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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2007 > pbase Pikes Market May 4 2007.jpg
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pbase Pikes Market May 4 2007.jpg

Pikes Market Seatte..

Canon PowerShot G7
1/40s f/4.0 at 29.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-May-2007 15:58
Excellent comp! Great shot.
Donald Verger10-May-2007 15:56
great! vote! unless your the fish, then not so great
JW09-May-2007 20:56
Well that's different! Well seen. V
Robert Charity07-May-2007 13:37
super shot, V
Greg Harp06-May-2007 02:02
Outstanding shot. V
royalld06-May-2007 00:58
Nicely seen.... great composition.
Gayle P. Clement05-May-2007 17:17
Wow! Wonderful composition. Terrific eye. V
Jackdad05-May-2007 17:12
Yum! :-)
Thierry Lucas05-May-2007 09:48
Very nice capture.
Guest 05-May-2007 07:57
great shot.
Simon Chandler05-May-2007 07:09
Great shot. Good composition and gold tone. v
Pic Chick05-May-2007 05:40
This is a great shot Joan! Love the comp.
Karen Leaf05-May-2007 03:01
Sheila05-May-2007 01:43
Excellent shot. Well seen, Joan.