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pbase Oscar On october 14 2007 R1012066.jpg

Oscar, in his chair, keeping watch on the nurse's station on the 3rd floor of SH dementia unit.

Final day on call - spent a couple hours with Oscar doing hospice recertifications. He just hung out in the chair, sleeping and occaisionally posing for pictures.

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/5s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time14-Oct-2007 11:11:25
ModelCaplio GX100
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length5.1 mm
Exposure Time1/5 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias-0.30
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pic Chick15-Oct-2007 03:13
That's a good sign if he is only hanging out....he's such a sweetie!
snootydog15-Oct-2007 02:38
If you have to be on call then I think you had the right companion.
Coleen Perilloux Landry14-Oct-2007 23:41
Awwww, look at him. Glad he is in his chair.
JW14-Oct-2007 21:06
A quiet day for him then! He looks happy enough
maryellen 14-Oct-2007 20:50
Oscar looks like he wants more catnip...
Sue Roberts14-Oct-2007 19:37
such a humble superstar!
Johnny JAG14-Oct-2007 19:32
Nice shot of the world famous Oscar