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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase Moki Day 3 Great day 2 DSC_5392.jpg
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pbase Moki Day 3 Great day 2 DSC_5392.jpg

Day 3 - Greet, Meet, and settling in

I have profound new respect for anyone who has infants and now realize how spoiled I was
by Java! So, he is still testing his lung forced vital capacity (aka screaming, I don't wan't
no crate!). So he confidently went to the Vet and had a great time (Just cookies, no shots).
He did a lot of meeting today (my mom, dog sitter, Cindy, Sharon, and spent time with Java).
Currently, Java and Moki are tolerating the same room with some tail wagging and then a
request to leave the room. Moki wants to play. Java has not decided whether this is a good
idea! Settling in - he is having a great time playing and actually took a nap without
waking the entire up everyone on the block.

exploring the Vet's office - not afraid (wait to two weeks from now!)

The attack of the killer elephant

Progress... ???

Nikon D300
1/60s f/4.0 at 55.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad05-Jun-2008 19:03
great shot of the little guy.
royalld04-Jun-2008 19:39
LOL... "...testing his lung forced vital capacity ". That is the first time I heard that one.
Bryan Murahashi04-Jun-2008 04:45
Aww, very cute puppy shots.
Karen Leaf04-Jun-2008 03:20
that last one!! Bailey has a little 'black dog' toy we got at MVY and it looks just like Moki!

We NEED to get the 3 of them together! Preferably where we'll never run into anyone we know, and won't be humilated, lol!
Bailey has adjusted to her crate really well. She still won't go in just to rest, but doesn't cry unless she hears my voice :)
snootydog04-Jun-2008 02:48
He's a door bell! Really this is just too cute. My jiggs was one of the 5% of dogs who never could adjust to a crate. SHe's a great dog but she just couldn't abide the crate and would shriek like a howler monkey whenever I put her in. I finally had a long talk with her and told her that if she promised not to chew things that didn't belong to her, I would leave her out of the crate. For the most part, she has stuck to her end of the bargain. Moki has incredible eyes.... this dog is going to be amazing -- ask anyone, I am a great judge of dogs!