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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> PAD 2010 >> February 2010 PaD > February-14-05
Valentine for Tony
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February 14, 2005 copyright 2005 Judy Pochard

Valentine for Tony

Hamilton, Ohio

(Rerun of my Valentine for Tony from 2005)

For someone who knows the true meaning of the Word. I love you, my hubby, and I so thankful for you and for your love. Our lives are not perfect, even our love for each other is not perfect - but you show me every day that we go beyond that and lean on something (Someone) who is perfect. I love you. Happy Valentines Day! D.

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TimeKeeper Photography15-Feb-2005 19:44
Well...I cheated a bit since I don't have a red filter. This is my ND filter, which made the shadow somewhat dark, but the tint is courtesy of Photoshop.
Guest 15-Feb-2005 03:57
WONDERFUL!! The red lens really adds a lot of drama!
Marj Shockley15-Feb-2005 01:40
Great job!
Lazy 3L Photography15-Feb-2005 00:23
Even if it's a take on an idea from someone else, it's still great execution and a perfect text to go with it. Lovely tribute to hubby, also. It's so fun seeing everyone's Valentine PaDs.
Heather Sweeney14-Feb-2005 23:36
Wonderfully creative Judy. Love that 1 Corinthians 13 passage.
Hope you & yours have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Ian Clowes14-Feb-2005 22:52
Worked very well.
Guest 14-Feb-2005 20:38
Wonderfully executed shot on a wonderfully significant verse.
TimeKeeper Photography14-Feb-2005 20:35
Thank you, but it's not an original idea. I've seen many similar shots before. It is, however, the first time I have tried it and I decided which text to put behind it.
Guest 14-Feb-2005 20:28
What a CLEVER image! Great idea and well executed. :-)