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TimeKeeper Photography | all galleries >> Recent Photos / Photo a Day >> february_2005 > February-17-05
Marblehead Lighthouse
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August, 2004 copyright 2004 Judy Pochard

Marblehead Lighthouse

Marblehead, Ohio

An archive photo for today. It seems I'll end up doing this once or twice a month when I just run out of time. This is the Marblehead Lighthouse, located in northern Ohio on Lake Erie. Here is a link of information for those lighthouse fans:

This was taken last summer.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 09-Mar-2005 07:57
Love the B&W tone, great
markvm19-Feb-2005 00:29
Very nice Judy!
Bill Miller18-Feb-2005 19:19
Nice B&W textures...
Ian Clowes18-Feb-2005 11:08
A timeless image!
type18-Feb-2005 10:22
It IS like a painting. An awesome structure. Well done.
jude18-Feb-2005 07:31
I know this.. I'm from Cleveland originally.. This is like a painting it's so the b&w tones